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Alias Born 01/24/2012

Re: Don'tDrinkTheKoolAid post# 1031

Sunday, 02/17/2019 5:44:37 PM

Sunday, February 17, 2019 5:44:37 PM

Post# of 1456
Stockboy, i totally agree. I also laugh at those that truly believe in charts and timings. All this complication has been created simple to make the average person think they need to go to school to learn how to trade.

In this time and age its very very very simple. A person should learn about a company, see if it has a product that can appeal and be sold to the end consumer.
If yes, get in low and don't fall in love or get attached. Sell for a profit

I can give so many suggestions and methods to make money on the market, but one thing for sure don't short. Its a dangerous game.

IMHO and in what I truly believe is ACRX has a product that is going to meet an important need, local and international, at the hospitals and most importantly in the battlefield. When hospitals realize the savings and quick action they can treat a patient, its going to be their favorite Pain medication to provide quick pain relief to their patients.

Personally i am long in ACRX and will never sell all my shares as i know in 2 to 3 years this will be above and stable over $50+.

Cheers mate.
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