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Re: mick post# 304738

Friday, 12/14/2018 3:43:39 PM

Friday, December 14, 2018 3:43:39 PM

Post# of 312737
NOVEMBER 1, 2018
Opening Discussion.



The investment required to fully confirm the
Atacama 1, 2 and 3 proven reserves has been fully budgeted on a
project management basis and equals $5 million dollars.
Required costs are substantiated for audit and review.
Our investment initiative must focus on a $5 million capital raise
over the next year with a first tranche of at least $1 million dollars immediately.

The upside for the confirmation of gold ‘proven reserves’ for the Atacama 1, 2 and 3 holdings is almost too large to be believable.

An analysis of the ACRL position, similar to the KLG analysis for its new shaft, would yield a proven reserve in the $5 billion dollar range.

With a proven reserve pegged at a more realistic $1 billion dollars,
the contribution to the market value of the company would be approximately $1 dollar per share. Starting with an assumption that
the ACRL common shares could end up valued up to $1.00 per share
because of the proven reserve confirmation,
the investor upside is as follows.

The investment offered with this capital raise is to sell the
B shares at the equivalent of one cent per common share with a
six-month hold. The investor, under even a worst-case scenario,
should see a significant return in his ACRL investment



Atacama owns the mining claims for Atacama 1, 2 and 3.

The claims are within four miles of the new Kirkland Lake Gold, Inc. (KLG) shaft.

KLG has committed several hundred million dollars to further recover gold in the region.

Atacama has acquired new historical information regarding the potential gold concentrations for Atacama 1.

Atacama has 1000 feet of core samples that have not been assayed. With visible gold noted at or near the surface near the core samples drill site, it clearly is in the best interests of Atacama and its shareholders to selectively assay the stored core samples.

This document is prepared to inform shareholders and other interested parties about the possible valuation of the Atacama in-the-ground gold assets.

Atacama Resources obtained the mining claims to parcels Atacama 1, Atacama 2 and Atacama 3 in Kirkland Lake, Ontario in 2015. The following discussion presents a comprehensive overview of the Atacama position in Kirkland Lake.

Gold's qualities make it one of the most coveted metals in the world. Everyone is aware that gold can be beautifully shaped and sculpted for use in fine jewelry. This has accounted for most of gold usage so far but the major upside growth potential for gold usage is in a variety of commercial uses. Gold conducts electricity and does not corrode or tarnish. These qualities make it the metal of choice for a wide range of industries. For instance, it is used in most electric/electronic devices including cell phones and laptops. Nearly US$600 million worth of gold is used in the one billion cell phones sold each year! As the world accelerates into the electrical/electronic gadget world of the future the demand for gold will surely accelerate along with it. Dentists have used gold for fillings and crowns for nearly 3,000 years and today it is widely applied in medical treatments ranging from arthritis to cancer. The future growth in the demand for gold is well documented. Demand is going up, but supply is going down at a very fast rate. New major gold discoveries are becoming extremely rare and Atacama Resources is in a favorable position. These demand, supply and cost factors shape Atacama’s strategy to place serious focus on its 1360 acres located virtually adjacent to Kirkland Lake Gold (KLG). KLG is a major gold producer and recognized as one of the richest gold mines in the world. KLG owns five former high-grade producing gold mines located within the Kirkland Lake Camp that produced more than 22 million ounces at an average grade of 15.1 grams per ton - all in a 120-kilometer fault zone which has produced more than 100 million ounces of gold. Atacama's claims are located along a southern strike of the same fault zone. See site map and details below for more information. GOLD CLAIMS POSITION
NOVEMBER 1, 2018

Atacama 1 holds a long history in the Gold Bearing area of Kirkland Lake Ontario. Todora Syndicate Diamond Drilled 7 holes on the property. High Gold, Copper and nickel showed in the drill holes. Selected International Mines of London England leased 5 claims to Cheltonia-Swastika Mines Ltd. and sunk shaft 105 feet deep and 60 feet of lateral work on the 100-foot level. In Totora-Kirkland Prospecting Syndicate acquired the property and staked 9 unpatented mines and 2 patented mines. The property covers the strike of an apparent fault zone for over 3960 feet. This zone appears to be a subsidiary fault to the Larder Lake “break” and is a favorable structure for the formation of Gold and Copper deposits.

In addition, more recent exploration at Atacama 1, and a more concentrated review of the results spread over fifty years indicate clearly that additional exploration, geophysical analysis, drilling and assays is warranted at the property. For example:

Samples for copper were taken from trenches of 13.39%,6.12%,6.62% and 5.32%.

In 1971 Noranda Exploration Co. Ltd. had 4 samples assayed. Atacama will request the assay results from the Ontario Mining Cimmission.

In 1978 the properties were acquired by prospector Arnold Allsopp.

Three trenches were mechanically dug 300 feet apart and are located approximately 1000 feet west of the Cheltonia shaft. Each trench extends

northwards from the controlled base line.

Rick Yost Drilling carried out a drilling/core Program on the property.

Two holes were completed to a depth of five hundred feet each and one thousand feet of drill cores are in storage awaiting assays. Visual gold (you can see it with the naked eye) exists in the cores

While the drilling was undertaken an excavator was used to Power Strip (trench) over burden to expose the rock surface. Here again, at the surface rock exposure, visual gold is evident.

While gold was found at the surface and throughout the rather shallow drill holes, the provincial geologist and Kirkland Lake Gold both have indicated and proven that gold values increase the deeper the deposit. This is good news for Atacama. Plan to assay the core samples at over 500 feet.

Arnold says that values of 1/4 ounces/ ton exist at or near the surface. This value is EXTREMELY high.

Atacama Resources International Inc. acquired the properties and has since diamond drilled two core locations. There was enough indication to warrant major work on the property as expressed by the geologist in the Atacama 1,2 and 3 property report, which is available on request.



The other day, General Motors announced that they are closing down a number of their North American plants and laying off thousands of employees. One of the reasons given was that in the future the Company will be focusing on assembling a number of different varieties of electric vehicles to meet the evolving world wide market for emission free cars and trucks. Many other auto manufacturers are making similar claims. Nations the world over are transitioning to electric vehicles. China has numerous electric car plants operating and under construction. General Motors is simply one player, among many, taking giant steps to met the future demand for these fossil -free fuel vehicles. However, all of these plants producing electric vehicles will require batteries, each of which in turn will require copious amounts of cobalt and graphite. The market for these commodities is exploding. Supply simply cannot begin to meet this new demand.Electric vehicle production plants are ramping up worldwide. The world wide demand for cobalt and graphite makes a strong case for Atacama Resource International to focus its efforts in developing both its Northern Ontario cobalt property as well as it's graphite property. Its an opportunity for Atacama to join with General Motors, Tesla Motors and others to be part of this accelerating world wide trend of the future.





Very near Atacama's three gold properties is Macassa Mine, one of the highest grade gold mines in the world and has been operating since 2002. (Gold mining in the vicinity has been ongoing since 1933) Like Atacama, the mine is located in an area with well-developed infrastructure-a provincial highway, a rail system, an airport and the mining community of Kirkland Lake. Earlier this year the Company announced plans to build a new shaft with a goal of extracting over 400,000 ounces of gold per year for the next five to seven years. Currently, the average gold grade is 14.5 grams/ton. When the project is completed the depth of the main shaft will be 7,000 feet. The Macassa gold mine is a high grade gold producer, with grade improving the deeper the mine. The gold mineralization is found along breaks, or faults, in veins as quartz filled fractures. There are multiple breaks all keeping with the Timiskaming gold trend.

Why this is interesting for Atacama is that the Atacama properties occur within these same fault lines and could very likely compare to the gold values currently experienced by Macassa.





I hear it every day, especially living in Canada's Oil PATCH. "Nobody wants to drive an electric truck or car". Nothing could be further from the truth. Electric vehicles(EV's) sales are skyrocketing and the pace is accelerating by the day. Five, that's 5, million EVs have already been sold. Countries worldwide are taking aggressive steps to expedite the transition to electric vehicles(EVs). 650,000 EVs are on China's roads already representing 40% of global sales. It has set a goal of 1/5 of it's 35 million sales annually to be EVs within six years and knowing China, it will likely exceed that goal. India's target is that all its vehicle sales should be EVs within 15 years. Exon-Mobil and BP both forecast 100,000,000 EVs within 20 years. OPEC has set the number at 266,000,000. The EU is currently considering a total ban on diesel and gas powers vehicles. The UK and France are committed to banning the same vehicles by 2040. Only EVs will be available in these countries. Today, 1/3 of all vehicle sales in Norway are EVs and we all acknowledge that Norway is a world leader in these issues.

The USA is going gang busters in supporting EVs. Not at the national level but at the state level. US automakers are planning to debut more that 100 different EV models by 2022. That is only four years away. California is the leading state to support EVs with already 400,000 registered on it's highways. The following states have also taken steps to support the transition over to EVs-Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Hawaii, New York, Maryland, Utah, Virginia, Massachusetts, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Minnesota and Louisiana. You see what is happening right before our eyes. The world is fast transitioning over to EVs and we at Atacama wish to be part of the plan.

All EVs require cobalt and graphite for their electric storage batteries. There are NO producing cobalt or graphite mines the USA and only one graphite mine in Canada which is quickly running out of ore. Atacama is developing it's properties with both of these "STRATEGIC" commodities. Why not become part of the transition?





$ACRL/ CEO RAMBLINGS - DECEMBER 3, 2018/ Headframe rises at Macassa Mine in the Kirkland Lake Goldcamp



The 231 foot headframe and shaft sinking infrastructure is now in place at the Macassa Mine. It is all part of a $350 million expansion program which will extend the life of the gold mine for another 15 to 20 years. Eventually the shaft will be to a depth of 7,000 feet( nearly a mile and a half deep). The gold values increase the deeper you go. When completed it is expected to help Macasssa reach production of 400,000 ounces of gold per year.

Why this is of interest to Atacama Resources International is that our three gold properties are all just west of the Macassa Mine and along the same geological fault line.


$ACRL/ CEO RAMBLINGS - DECEMBER 4, 2018/ Congo is Africa's top copper producer and mines more than 60 percent of the world's cobalt

Congo triples levy on cobalt with strategic-minerals decree



Congo triples levy on cobalt with strategic-minerals decree |

Congo is Africa's top copper producer and mines more than 60 percent of the world's cobalt

Over the past few weeks in the "CEO Ramblings" that I have been sending out, as well as on the web site. I have referred to the fact the most of the world's supply of cobalt comes from the Congo, Africa. It is one of the most unstable parts of the world. The Government is corrupt, there is no rule of law, the courts are corrupt, lawlessness is prevalent, child labour is exploited, armed militias run freely, the economy is in chaos, bribery is everywhere, etc… It is a terrible place to do business and now the Government of the Congo is increasing the royalties on cobalt. Why now? The Congo has now realized that cobalt has been declared a "STRATEGIC MINERAL" by the USA and the EU.

Does all this not make the case that the exploration and development of Atacama's cobalt properties should be made an Immediate priority?

Please look at the following link for more information.





As Atacama is in the business of developing our Graphite Property I thought that you may find the following article to be of interest. Its classification as a "STRATEGIC MINERAL" by the US Government and the European Union, and its need to be used in the development of electric powered vehicles are the main reasons for its importance but the following article will provide some good background information.


$ACRL/ CEO RAMBLINGS - DECEMBER 7, 2018/ VW says last generation of combustion engines to be launched in 2026




The German carmaker is now committed to radical steps to stop global warming.

Is this not an optimal moment for Atacama to be part of a movement that is about to change much of the world? The world is quickly adopting a future reflected by electric vehicles(EVs) and Atacama wants to be part of this change. Atacama has both GRAPHITE and COBALT Projects underway in Northern Ontario. Both of these products are central to the production of batteries for both EVs and hybrid vehicles. Just as an aside, the mining trucks used underground in the Kirkland Lake Gold mines are all EVs. As described in the attached article, The Volkswagen Group, one of the largest auto manufactures in the world plans to abandon the combustion engine in its new models within a few years. All their vehicles sold will depend on electric batteries. All of them. Companies mining COBALT and GRAPHITE should be supplying the minerals needed to meet future demand.


I am often asked by people interested in Atacama Resources International Inc. why the Board of Directors decided to develop properties focusing on deposits of COBALT and GRAPHITE. There were actually many reasons. First, they are deposits with excellent mining infrastructure already in place. Also, there are no cobalt mines in the US and no graphite mines either. Early exploration work provided very encouraging results. Both have been designated as being "STRATEGIC " by the US Government and by the European Union because they are used in the manufacturing of electrical storage batteries and therefore crucial as countries reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. This move to renewable energy sources for the generation of electricity is well underway. In fact, some countries such as Iceland, Paraguay, Albania, Sweden, etc. already receive 100% of their electricity from only renewable resources such as wind, solar, and geo-thermal. Others such as Norway gets 97%, Costa Rica gets 99%, Scotland gets 99%, Germany gets 78%, Uruguay gets 95%, Nicaragua is to reach 90% within two years as will Morocco. Morocco has the world's largest solar power plant. The USA boasts the second highest installed wind energy capacity in the world, after China. The US solar industry today employs three times more people than coal mining. Kenya has Africa's largest wind farm with geo-thermal energy representing 54% of the country's energy mix. Even in India, solar and wind power generates 90% of all new energy growth. Many people may not be aware as to just how fast the world is changing when it comes to transitioning over to reliable renewable energy sources ALL REQUIRING STORAGE BATTERIES which means that global demand for COBALT and GRAPHITE(crucial in the manufacturing of energy storage batteries) is about to soar. I want Atacama to be part of the solution.







Ever since Atacama obtained a graphite deposit and started work on it many people have contacted me who were unfamiliar with its significance. Its significance and value cannot be overstated. There is a reason why the US Government and the European Union have designated graphite as a "Strategic Mineral". It is crucial for the future of electric storage batteries re products like electric vehicles, smartphones, laptops, solar, wind and tidal energy development, etc... On top of that is the fact that it is the critical material in the development of GRAPHENE the wonder material of the future. In fact, GRAPHENE is the future especially as it is applied to military hardware, transportation, robotics, artificial intelligence, and the like. I have included the article below if you wish to obtain further information on the emerging and exciting product.





I have written about Atacama's gold properties in previous Ramblings and there is considerable information about Atacama's gold projects on the Company web site . However I have had a number of queries about the grab samples that I mentioned in earlier communications. Our in house Geologist explains to me that the faults running through our gold properties have folded over one another which means that rock that would normally be down deep is thrust up towards the surface, This explains why we have found high grade gold values right on the surface. I have attached a photo which reveals the visual gold evident in the quartz veins. If you still have further questions always feel free to call or email me. Glenn Grant





Smart Investors for those who are inclined to be able to do so. If arranged, a $1 a share for me is good enough for a .000's investment, call me greedy.

The investment required to fully confirm the
Atacama 1, 2 and 3 proven reserves has been fully budgeted on a
project management basis and equals $5 million dollars.

Required costs are substantiated for audit and review.

Our investment initiative must focus on a $5 million capital raise
over the next year with a first tranche of at least $1 million dollars immediately.

The upside for the confirmation of gold ‘proven reserves’ for the Atacama 1, 2 and 3 holdings is almost too large to be believable.

An analysis of the ACRL position, similar to the KLG analysis for
its new shaft, would yield a proven reserve in the $5 billion dollar range.

With a proven reserve pegged at a more realistic $1 billion dollars,
the contribution to the market value of the company would be approximately $1 dollar per share.

Starting with an assumption that the ACRL common shares could end
up valued up to $1.00 per share because of the proven reserve confirmation, the investor upside is as follows.

The investment offered with this capital raise is to sell the
B shares at the equivalent of one cent per common share with
a six-month hold. The investor, under even a worst-case scenario,
should see a significant return in his ACRL investment







The CEO Ramblings that I have been sending out have resulted in
a good amount of feedback, which I value.

It has become clear to me that those reading my ramblings are either active investors or potential investors.

All are seeking additional information about Atacama.

Many queries are about COBALT, which is one of the deposits we are currently exploring..

To many people this appears to be a rather unknown mineral.

In past Ramblings I have made an effort to explain just why the Company decided to pursue this product
- largely because of the key role it will play in lithium-ion battery manufacturing for electric vehicles,
for solar and wind energy storage, for smartphones, etc.

Having been designated as a "Strategic Mineral" has made cobalt
an attractive new investment product.

The following article goes a long way to elaborate why you will be hearing a lot about cobalt in the immediate future and a number of reasons why you may wish to include it in your investment portfolio.


CEO RAMBLINGS - DECEMBER 13, 2018/Atacama's cobalt/graphite properties









Smart Investors for those who are inclined to be able to do so. If arranged, a $1 a share for me is good enough for a .000's investment, call me greedy.

The investment required to fully confirm the
Atacama 1, 2 and 3 proven reserves has been fully budgeted on a
project management basis and equals $5 million dollars.

Required costs are substantiated for audit and review.

Our investment initiative must focus on a $5 million capital raise
over the next year with a first tranche of at least $1 million dollars immediately.

The upside for the confirmation of gold ‘proven reserves’ for the Atacama 1, 2 and 3 holdings is almost too large to be believable.

An analysis of the ACRL position, similar to the KLG analysis for
its new shaft, would yield a proven reserve in the $5 billion dollar range.

With a proven reserve pegged at a more realistic $1 billion dollars,
the contribution to the market value of the company would be approximately $1 dollar per share.

Starting with an assumption that the ACRL common shares could end
up valued up to $1.00 per share because of the proven reserve confirmation, the investor upside is as follows.

The investment offered with this capital raise is to sell the
B shares at the equivalent of one cent per common share with
a six-month hold. The investor, under even a worst-case scenario,
should see a significant return in his ACRL investment



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