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Alias Born 04/01/2013

Re: None

Thursday, 12/06/2018 3:40:23 PM

Thursday, December 06, 2018 3:40:23 PM

Post# of 7810

First off, FDA Always Admitted He Just Got Dumb Lucky With SDRG...but also adding inn, he lost plenty over the years investing in other stocks by taking foolish risks ....

*** So what ever worthwhile information FDA chooses to share here is for the sake of those sincere share holders who may still own SDRG ..Not including of course the two Sad Trollers who post on this board regularly who never have anything of value really to say!

So what FDA would like to point out today is that those investors who are consistently seem to be at the very top achieving their goals making the Boo Koo Bucks, are also ....Incredibly Skilled At Playing The Odds...! Yes the odds..! Playing the odds is what it is all about IMO..! Of course they do not always win because nobody does.. But what makes them win the vast majority of the time is that they work their ass off doing research put themselves in ideal position to play the odds in their in their favor ..! The house always comes out ahead because the odds are rigged in their favoe!! Right? (FDA probably spent more time over the last few years at least attempting to understand the DRAGON...more than any other company ever before..So maybe the odds fell into his favor allowing for more than just some luck at play which lead to "My" making a boat load of $$ at the end ??? )

FDA doesn't follow this fellow that much but find him very interesting now & then:

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