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Alias Born 04/01/2013

Re: yoyobozo1 post# 7780

Saturday, 11/24/2018 10:37:26 AM

Saturday, November 24, 2018 10:37:26 AM

Post# of 7810

So no exception ..! A lesson in life for the clueless Trollers like Bozo ..! LoLL ..You win some ...You lose some..! There are inherit risks in anything we do in life..! Investors can lose or win big in any type of stock ..good or bad..! FDA never said the Dragon was a great company ..only pointed out possible opportunities at certain times when volume was much stronger than it is now ...! When FDA saw a window opportunity some time back....he took advantage of it and scored huge while Bozo & other Trollers on this board where clowning around....! So FDA says Deal with it...

GL to all remaining shareholders...FDA ( * _ * )
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