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Alias Born 05/15/2011

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Saturday, 10/20/2018 2:26:36 PM

Saturday, October 20, 2018 2:26:36 PM

Post# of 30005
Dear RCMP = IMET the lies that my brother WAS not touched by a car driven by an EXTREMELY OVER THE DRINKING LEGAL LIMIT is a CRIME.

Falsehood as the testimony of MSX regulators lawyer, IN PAID CRIME by MSX regulators, who lied about my Chile Trials and my mining rights that exist and existed v. Barrick et al, at Chilean Mining Legislation.

TRUE, the LIAR lawyer hired by LIAR MSX regulators the next day withdrew his false credentials of EXPERT MINING LAWYER at the MSX Hearing.

He did withdraw being a MINING EXPERT LAWYER the following day to his PERJURY ushered v MSX in Canada regarding what we contracted in Chile.

The LIAR told under oath that he got our multiple trials info from the Judicial Power of Chile website A BLATANT LIE as no info is available older than 12 months - as all Trials he witnessed about are years old.

THE LIAR WITNESS like ABX and MSX LIAR REGULATORS, also LIED that he saw his lies regarding my cases in the Trial books. IMPOSSIBLE at law.

A LIE as my Trial info is al at the NATIONAL ARCHIVES and only A PARTY to any Trial gets the Trial archives info ONLY IF a Judge orders it.

MSX was ambushed with LIES such as my brother who was KILLED 14 hours after LOSING WITH BARRICK as one against MSX Lawyer and me Trials 719-2011 at 1st instance and Appeals.

the LIAR that came as Chile witness v. MSX, had my dead brother as defender AFTER DEAD at Supreme Court of Chile. Such fabrication are CRIMINAL PERJURY under oath in Canada, Will cost the case & his career.

Barrick has fled Chile afraid of 5 years and one day per count that adds up to LIFE in jail for each culprit person, for each title or lie.

My brother did NOT collide with himself while at the wheel crossing the highway. AN ARRANGED situation occurred, To say the opposite is to DENY the truth as done in matters of title and Pascua ownership by ABX

Barrick fled for PASCUA LAMA PROTOCOL has MINERA NEVADA LIMITADA selling TESOROS bought from MINERA NEVADA S.A. to MINERA NEVADA SpA to Trade as Barrick as of 2006 the TESOROS titles that MINERA NEVADA SpA has bought March 2018 at my design and their foolishness to CONSUMATE THE CRIME they could not while I had TESOROS under INJUNCTION.

Chile does not allow RETROACTIVE TITLE of TESOROS to Barrick so they had to FLEE like MSX regulators that wrote WITH PREJUDICE v. MSX, we called her LIES and she FLED only to re appear paying 200 K to beat, torture and kill an MSX shareholder that VIDEO delivery of EVIDENCE that MSX regulators DEMNIED it existed at the 2018 HEARING.

A guy is TORTURED & LEFT for dead after shooting a video that showed the evidence and posted it... then MSX regulators attack,,, and NO EVIDENCE WAS DELIVERED? just like my 40+ emails of EVIDENCE never received? like my DEFENDED today SUBPOENE never received? did not exist? fiction of my imagination as said at the Hearing? yet DEFENDED via BC tax payers cash in Chile by MSX accuser HIMSLEF? what a CROACK

Killing my brother DID not fabricate title for Barrick even after stealing the SUPREME COURT decision by FABRICATING in FORGERY my brother signature after DEAD (he did not use that line of legal at Appeals Court only at Supreme after dead?) and someone DROPPED THE CASE by taking away my brothers lawyer & firing MSX, my Lawyer? mmm

My brother could NOT fir MSX lawyer or be AT SUPREME COURT after dead, yet THE MATTERS WERE FABRICATED like his accident where HE DID NOT collide with himself but KILLED by a DRUNK DRIVER that is MIA today.

My brother is dead, MSX witness lawyer lies are caught, TESOROS was bought 2018 and may not FABRICATE RETROACTIVE TITLE to ABX. Barrick has been evicted from Pascua by Chile and is fleeing; my rights were admitted and recognized to be ALIVE since 1996 to 2018 and counting.

Anything that MSX regulators did v. MSX and me in Canada will be CRIMINAL CHARGES of 5 years and one day PER LIE. The LIAR that charged MSX got the LIES from the VIGILANTES at these boards as self admitted.

It is a sad day for RCMP - IMET to have been deceived by MSX regulators and those before them at Toronto and BC regulatory agencies.

Nothing that is LIED at these Boards will or may signify CLEAN OWNERSHIP of Barrick or its criminal regulators of MINA PASCUA Chile.
LAMA is a bust, burro pastures designed to steal the Chile Gold with POLITICAL PERMITS and PASCUA LAMA FREE ZONE paid for like MSX regulators PAID A FALSE WITNESS by ABX to politicians and criminals to lie in Courts of Chile and Canada. No way out the crime is caught.

MSX has been ambushed by its regulators INSISTING IN CRIME that my 1996-2018 legal mining rights valid in Chile 2018, had a convenient HOLIDAY of LEGAL RIGHTS 2012-2015 to suit THE CRIMES of MSX regulators & ABX?

No part of the Chile ruling or charges against MSX regulators or Barrick read that BARRICK WAS LEGAL 21012-2015 to the DETRIMENT of my rights or my clients MWR - TSX at their respective exchanges.

MSX regulators PAID for CRIMINAL FALSE TESTIMONY against MSX and me 2018 and that is a CRIME. hence the criminal Trial against TESOROS owner WHO DENIED to be an AGENT OF BARRICK in Chilean Courts 2018, has been expanded to MSX and ABX regulators + ABX to prove their alleged PSEUDO FACTS v. MSX and me in Canada that TESOROS is owned by ABX at its exchange for TESOROS owner IS AN AGENT OF ABX 2001-2018.

REALLY? That is why MSX regulators WILL BE JAILED not hailed as innocent, as that role belongs to me and to MWR & MSX, only! 2018.

Non of the arguments of the VIGILANTES is found in TRUTH. They just tow for the local public what MSX regulators NEED as defense while they wait to receive an INTERPOL + RCMP - IMET visit to their homes. hello, you must go to Chile to face Courts and Trials. give me your wrists!!

Whereas MSX has a chance to fight and to expose and prove its evidence WAS DELIVERED on time and LIEDC by MSX regulators and Councils to the magistrates AS NOT RECEIVED and or IRRELEVANT that is was not... the same EVIDENCE is in Chile and will be at BC SUPREME COURT and before the Most Excellent Supreme Courts of Canada and Chile v. REGULATORS in cover up crimes of USD1.05 ABX Chile investment and the rest of the billions went to regulators, ABX insiders and political pockets.

MONEY LAUNDERING of PASCUAA LAMA PONZI will not be done in ABUSE OF POWER and character assassination of people and names. My name.

MSX regulators ARE COWARDS unable to go to RCMP - IMET the legal criminal authority against me, MSX or anyone involved in our side. Why? why to rely in LIES & ABUSE OF POWER to tamper with and to simply obstruct JUSTICE while ABX cons its shareholders, banks, exchanges?

That is corruption AT ITS BEST. Civil servants running CANADA amok.

AS a citizen of Canada and BC that knows the legal truth, I am prepared to face INJUSTICE - POSSIBILITY OF LEGAL FRAMING by MSX regulators in Canada; however in Chile the same REGULATORS and ABX are CRIMINALS!!!! not yet GUILTY until they are told in THEIR FACE after they fail to PROVE in Court in Chile as done since 2016, that the charges in Canada made v. MSX or me, ARE REAL and NOT CRIMINALLY FABRICATED to COVER UP theft of Billions from Exchanges in USA, Canada, UK, France in abuse of my assets by ABX as PASCUA LAMA PONZI SCAM & RACKET.

MSX vigilantes are caught!!!! get that SD? tool of MSX regulators like the tall man whose real name is curious monkey + 3,1416578 + at + wife of the bull with k in plural + short for Kentucky in your postal code, yes that is the TALL MAN enforcer of the MSX regulators.

Barrick and MSX regulators are a JV team at the 2018 hearing v. MSX and at the 2018 Trials in Chile where MSX and me are innocent VICTIMS of the many years on the making - stock exchange crimes - of the RACKET.

MSX regulators are challenged to go ONE FLOOR UP to square off on matters of EXCHANGE FRAUD IN CANADA by ABX and ITS REGULATORS, what is the fear if they are SO RIGHT and received NO EVIDENCE? Liars you are caught and on your way to jail IN CANADA and Chile.

No longer BC Supreme Court shall back MSX regulators LIES to the public.

My name is at the top of the page and THE LEGION is ordered to JUMP, DEFEND or GIVE yourselves to RCMP - IMET to get jail discounts if possible, from over 100 years to under 1000 years.

Now ABX and MSX regulators have become COWARDS with VIGILANTES at MSX pages? what is the need? Why not stop fighting EXTRADITION to Chile?

Face the music cowards, since 2016 the same arguments sued v. MSX and me in Canada were found to be LIBEL v. MSX and me in Chile. LEARN liars.

This movie runs when I file one document at Chile Courts and actors play and perform WHEN I CALL THEN TO THE FLOOR of the Court is that clear MSX regulators fighting v. the MAGISTRATES AUTHORITY in Chile?

Stop wasting BC taxpayers cash v. MSX and me and GO TO JAIL is better for you to admit and be nice to MSX at CRIMES Court RECONSTRUCTION TIME.

My brother ALIVE at Supreme Court?
Barrick owned TESOROS via its OWNER & AGENT? A blatant criminal lie.
I had no titles or mining rights? A criminal LIE for decades in jail
MSX Lawyer not part of C-1912-2001? Criminal lie by MSX regulators
C-1912-2001 closed 2010? a LIE only V kicked out my Trial 2010-2018
Supreme Court I lost 2014? A LIE I am a winner 2018.
Trail 719-2011 we lost Civil case and Appeal Court? A LIE the opposite!!
TESOROS owner is AN AGENT of ABX? Never it is an indictable crime!!!!
Barrick spent BILLIONS in Chile? a lie USD1.05 for 0.0000001% THE TRUTH
Barrick owns PASCUA LAMA PROTOCOL = A LIE its is political false DEED.
Barrick will OPEN Pascua 1997-2000,2003-2006-2009-2012-2016-2018 A LIE!!
MSX never had titles to mine... A LIE as my TITLES were LEGAL TENDER!!!
MSX had my mineral rights contracted; lost 50% of PASCUA to crimes.
MSX had the inside track at PASCUA CHILE and ABX never had it or rights
MSX regulators in Toronto and BC defrauded Canada and the public 2010-18
MSX was ambushed by BC regulators via FALSE PAID WITNESS 2018 in crime.
MSX received FALSE & FABRICATED CHARGES 2018 contrary to laws of Chile.
MSX is innocent like me in Chile the mining jurisdiction we contracted.
MSX is protected by the laws of Chile and all my legal victories to date
MSX is rightful owner to rights to 50% of my areas, THE STOLEN RIGHTS
MSX was prevented from trading STOCK x GOLD at regulators fraud, design.
MSX was ambushed via ABUSE OF POWER and abuse of the laws of Canada.
MSX shareholders were robbed by the regulators appointed to protect them
MSX shareholders fabricated the 2018 hearing v. MSX to obstruct justice
MSX regulators set out to financial defraud MSX, client & shareholders
MSX regulators are CRIMINAL JV associates of Barrick 1998-2018 v. me.

The list has over 100 charges that I am too tired of repeating them however they all count as QUESTIONS TO THE CIRMINALS waiting and the Courts for MSX regulators and Barrick regulators to show up and talk,.

Yes, they must show up on their own willing or via INTERPOL and RCMP chaining them to the carrier to Chile. NO MORE GAMES allowed.

The SECRET DEFENSE to do away with my charges backfired for MSX local regulators now TRAPPED BY THE NECK to the MSX case at the 5th Civil Court of Santiago by ORDER validated by Canada and Chilean governments via their Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Canadian Embassy in Chile and Chilean Embassy in Canada.

I served DIPLOMATICALLY to the ones that claimed to have DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY from Chile and from my legal case. TRUE that MSX regulators CRIMINALLY denied via LIAR COUNCILS to the MAGISTRATES that my Subpoena EXISTED, WAS DELIEVERED, WAS ERECEIVED or was RELEVANT to them.

Really? why defending? BECAUSE THEY MUST PAY ME if not. Liars!!!!

So PAY or DEFEND IMMEDIATELY in Chile, prevented in Vancouver the liar MSX regulators July 11 2018 to GRANT AN EXTENSION to prove EVIDENCE delivered by MSX to its REGULATORS. If they granted the extension they were to be CAUGHT as done DEFENDING June 2018... and becoming LEGAL DEFENDANTS July 10, 2018 in Chile.

It was a TIGHT LOSER DEFENSE by MSX regulators caught CONSPIRING TO INJURE CANADA and MSX, let alone criminally conspiring against me and the Chile Trails were they are LOSER LIAR DEFENDANTS, to DENY a legal extension to MSX and me TO PROVE we delivered sufficient evidence to end the HEARING in favor of MSX and me, BARRED THEIR LIAR WITNESS.

Nope, MSX regulators paid to a CRIMINAL IMPOSTOR to lie under oath v. MSX and me to save the neck of ITS LIAR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR and Councils?

There will be NO REST to ARREST even the vigilantes v. MSX starting with SD and the tall man liar name sake of the curious monkey. get it?
They will be charged with convincing LIAR REGULATORS to falsely close, delist, shutdown and CAHRGE my client MSX and me with FALSE TESTIMONY.

My movie is advancing to its conclusion scenes where criminals are running scared and amok while we have their numbers and crimes very well studied and forensic files fully documented in Court Chambers 2018

When the mob=vie comes out the record shall be super clear that I won more legal battles in Court v. Barrick than the lies its regulators charged MSX with TAMPERING, OBSTRUCTING and HIDING very valid legal cases that were CONVENIENTLY LEFT OUT of the fabricated charges for they HINDERED THE TRUTH that MSX and me are INNOCENT and its regulators and defended criminals of Barrick 2018 charged culprits v. MSX and me.


In exchange for CASH PAYOLA regulators made TESOROS OWNER an AGENT OF BARRICK at exchanges and LAUNDERED THE CRIMES under ONE NAME as done at the HEARING v. MSX 2018 by the PAID LIAR WITNESS and REGULATORS LIKE, The criminal racket indicated that CMN owns everything and means all corporations ABUSED FOR THE CRIMES are called CMN.

CMN does NOT EXIST in Chile, Canada or USA is sheer FABRICATION of ABX and criminal regulators to deceive the Courts and the innocent defrauded investors, banks, pension funds, mutual funds and the public.

CMN is a CRIMINAL FICTION of ABX and its criminal regulators v MSX & me.

CMN is as false as ABX titles or MSX regulators witness v. MSX & me today in Canada and Chile the RACKET invented CMN to eliminate disclosures of REAL CHARGED CORPORATIONS in Chile 1997-2018 as a RACKET.

As FORENSIC AUDITOR of Barrick crimes I ask where is MTSTACKOFLIES? eh?
Was she not the source? owner of SAN JOSE INC CAYMAN ISLANDS, owner of MINERA NEVADA S.A., MINERA NEVADA LIMITADA, MINERA NEVADA SpA? charged criminally in Chile, where is emptyhandedstackoflies? SD? curious monkey? what about YOUR MIA Chile trials SOURCE?

Noted, that the FAB 10 are decimated and its LEGAL NEWS SOURCE is a criminally charged liar in Chile?

wow checkers players playing chess with the masters AS LOSERS 2018?

My answers are contained in CHARGES v. MSX regulators and Barrick 2018 which DO NOT contain a 2012-2015 LEGAL RIGHTS HOLIDAY as sustained by MSX liar regulators at the 2018 hearing, their lies were destroyed by 18 out of 100 questions posed to TESOROS owner who pulled the plug on barrack and its LIAR regulators in Canada, to lose 100% as NEVER AGENT

While TESOROS owner DENIED in Chile in Court at Trial, local MSX regulators on record, were TOUTING TASOROS OWNER as LEGAL AGENT OF BARRICK and that alone demonstrate the PODUS OPERANDI OF THE RACKET.

Falsehood after falsehood to LIE FOR BARRICK v. MSX, its shareholders.

NO MORE LIES, time to go to jail, MSX shareholders have RCMP - IMET one floor up from their DEN OF CRIMES. All they have to do is GO WITH THEIR EVIDENCE v. MSX and make the case to JAIL ME right away.

Why not? SUPER POWERFUL ABUSE OF POWER has failed for MSX regulators caught laundering BILLIONS from the Canadian Exchanges to CAYMAN ISLANDS ignoring the MSX warnings 2010-2018.

Now the culprits MUST PAY and we have a BANK and SSETS to collect from.

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