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Re: mokew post# 146688

Friday, 07/20/2018 5:55:30 PM

Friday, July 20, 2018 5:55:30 PM

Post# of 336599
Ya know mokew, that thought entered my mind also for a moment. They make so much with their aspirin sales, would it be worth it to buy this company and throw it into trash, to continue their monopoly on side affected pain killer sales? But then I thought of all the other uses of these patches for treatment and cures and they would just be foolish to do such. I think that if they do buy us out or partner in products, they see the tremendous future in them and the science of PEMF. And to be honest, they have the power to expedite the 'future' much sooner than this little company in Maryland with the financial assets they possess.

Either way we see this going, there is only one way we should let this business and its patents go to another company, especially if its BIG PHARMA. And that is if they pay us that 'ridiculous offer' AW has referred to in the past.