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Alias Born 03/20/2013

Re: None

Wednesday, 04/18/2018 10:00:36 AM

Wednesday, April 18, 2018 10:00:36 AM

Post# of 1925
ALDW is possibly the strangest of all creatures I've encountered over the near quarter-century of my market involvement. And while the terms of separation were exceedingly unpleasant, I'm not yet able to determine how I feel about the resolution as yet pending in my emotion-based machinery.

The conversion vehicle is Delek (DK) as we all know. The current price point is moving towards the $46.50 level. Looking back at the 0.49% conversion rate at the time of the big swallow, ALDW units would now reflect about half that amount or $23.25.

Of course we now know it wouldn't have happened in "true-time" were it not for DK's intrusion. And while I hold only 559 shares of DK, they hold enormous gains in part due to the infusion of ALDW assets and results.

So I'm asking for folks to offer their insights. I don't have peace just yet and perhaps won't. But I'm in great financial shape at the moment, thanks in large measure to my ALDW/DK involvement. My hope is that others here feel similarly but I await your responses.

Thank you!