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Re: General Grievous post# 111765

Sunday, 03/11/2018 1:06:55 PM

Sunday, March 11, 2018 1:06:55 PM

Post# of 346815

AMFE is fine, all is good...

-Audit is to be released soon, said to be complete and in final formatting stages.

-AMFE uplist to the OTC-QB upon audit completion.

-After uplisting, AMFE is spinning off Interloc-Kings subsidiary.

-Upon spin off of Interloc-Kings, AMFE is paying out dividend shares to shareholders who own by unknown date yet (as all rest on the audit completion).

-AMFE is well diversified over several subsidiaries that are ALL doing very well. Who cares if they are all not "pot stocks", those who think otherwise seem to be confused as THE REVENUE IS GREEN!

-AMFE is a "pot stock" due to its subsidiary Gro3, which is NOT a 1 hit wonder, that is FAKE NEWS... First off, it has to active contracts (1 worth 1.15 million dollars, the other worth 2.5 million dollars). Gro3 is BEING TESTED, licensed, improved, the facility is being built, the whole ordeal is a slow process... These systems aren't as expensive as they are because they're installed quickly. There is a bit that goes behind them. News is held up on the 2 contracts being worked on, more news is expected soon per the CEO, once those contracts are completed they will get more contracts... The first contract is always the hardest as you have to convince someone to buy a product not yet customer reviewed/ tested.

-AMFE is also a "pot stock" with its joint venture with RotoGro, as their system marries with Gro3. RotoGro is the growth system, Gro3 is the all natural organic sanitation system.

-While we wait on Gro3 in the meantime, subsidiary Snakes and Lattes is doing VERY WELL, bringing in TONS of revenue and GREATLY expanding, ultimately stealing the spot light from Gro3 right now... Do you really care where your revenue comes from? It's just as green...

-Gro3 is a patent pending unique system that is the perfect solution to sanitizing consumer products specifically targeting the pot industry, but can be used on fruits and veggies, and poultry and eggs too. It is an all natural sanitizer/ pesticide that is safe to use because it takes an Oxygen molecule in it's natural O2 state, separates it with an electrical charge into 2 separate oxygen atoms that then form bonds with other oxygen atoms forming O3 molecules known as Ozone (same that makes up the ozone layer). O3/ Ozone is toxic and kills bacteria, viruses, pests, mold, fungi, etc. Fortunately however, O3 is not a stable molecule as oygen prefers to be in the O2 state, and the O3 eventually splits off an oxygen atom that pairs up with another free oxygen atom to form O2 again... Plain old life sustaining harmless breathable oxygen again. Oxygen only remains in its O3 state for roughly 10 minutes, so by the time the consumables reach human consumers, it is back to a harmless state. Wile in the O3/Ozone state, it is mixed into water and sprayed on he consumable being treated, killing all bacteria and such, getting into every nook and cranny, making it a safe and effective way to sanitize the consumable. The water can be reclaimed, filtered, and reused, though the water often is consumed by the plant it is being sprayed on... Watering the plants. Paired with RotoGro, RotoGro maximizes growth potential and reduces the crop footprint, allowing more
production to be grown, and maximizes the nutrients provided to the plants while monitoring and controlling the levels as to not allow nutrients to go wasted. RotoGro also works will for indoor facilities preventing pests. This makes the 2 systems very desirable together. It is best to use a Gro3 system once federal mandates for testing of all consumer products like pot once fully legalized and federally regulated to insure the crops are safe for consumption, ensuring levels of pesticides and chemicals used by the grower are not above harmful levels. If the levels are above thresholds, the grower will forfeit the entire crop the sample came from to the government where it will be destroyed to ensure it doesn't end up on a black market. Your choices are to grow organically, risking pests, mold, fungi, bacteria, etc. and losing your crop to it thus losing revenue... To use chemicals and pesticides and risk failing the tests and forfeiting your crop and losing revenue, or using Gro3 which is FDA/ USDA, and Health Canada approved and proven to be a safe and effective way of sanitizing and killing pest, but being safe for human consumption... Which will pass a lab test, not risk your crop, and you can confidently grow your business... Literally... Fast and efficiently too if done so with RotoGro...

-Snakes and Lattes opened their 3rd and largest gaming cafe in Midtown, business is booming at all 3 location, they have high reviews on Yelp, etc., and Midtown just joined the other 2 locations in receiving its liquor license which doubled revenue at the other 2 location and is anticipated to do the same with Midtown.

-Snakes and Lattes has exclusive game distribution rights to many games including major game titles like Cards Against Humanity, Exploding Kittens, and Bears vs. Babies. Snakes and Lattes is also doing game night and is working to become a gaming publisher which can be a VERY lucrative business. They also have partnerships with major companies like Cineplex doing joint gaming nights, etc. Plus Snakes and Lattes gives back to the community.

-Snakes and Lattes is doing so well they even are one of the few if not only companies that publicly supports raising the minimum wage of employees to $15/hour, which would effect them, though they already pay employees greater than minimum age in attempt at employee retention since to train an employee is a long process, but a fun job to work.

-Snakes and Lattes is franchising out and is working with an investor to open a franchise location in Arizona, USA as the first store to open in the USA. They have plans to open 50 stores over the next 2 years (some franchise stores, some cooperate owned stores) all across the USA, Canada, and London.

-They're working on new acquisitions to compliment the Snakes and Lattes subsidiary.

-The newly acquired international distribution subsidiary Natural Stuff Inc. that was acquired just months ago in late October, 2017/ early November, 2017 already has grown its customer base by 60% and flourishing, including increased products being distributed.

-Interloc-Kings though nothing flashy, is a successful profiting business. It is a snow plow/ contracting business that brings in good revenue that has been dwarfed many times over by the other subsidiaries. Interloc-Kings was AMFE's first subsidiary, where it brought in enough revenue to pay the bills and acquire other subsidiaries, expanding the holding brick and mortar company. However Interloc-King's contribution to AMFE has been minimal compared to the other subsidiaries, which is why it is being spun off, to form a new company with like AMFE. When spun off, shareholders will get compensated with dividend shares in the new company. They are awaiting to spin off Interloc-Kings until after AMFE uplists to the OTC-QB so that Interloc-Kings will begin on the same OTC-QB exchange and not have to go through the entire uplisting and audit process again. AMFE already qualifies to uplist to the OTC-QB, they are just awaiting the audit completion which will be any day now. It has been reported as complete and the final touches are being applied.

-AMFE plans to acquire more subsidiaries, and the company formed with Interloc-Kings too will acquire new subsidiaries that they can take risks with without hurting AMFE's branding. The two companies can always be merged back together again in the future, though AMFE may continue growing new companies, spinning off other companies if and when the time is right... AMFE has ambitions to reach the NASDAQ soon...

The audit is taking a long time (going on 7 months now) because it is always a complex project to perform a baseline intial audit. Look at other companies like SING (Singleport) that recently uplisted to the OTC-QB... Their audit took awhile too. POTN is going through an audit for uplisting as well and theirs has taken over a year, and their company is no where near as complex as AMFE. AMFE is paying for an audit that will cover a 3 year span of time, that'll cover multiple subsidiaries and their booking prior to AMFE's acquiring them for the same 3 year time frame, not to mention government and international transactions that take time to gather information and receive requested information from, AMFE has a large inventory that had to be counted and inspected, etc. AMFE is a Canadian company trading on the US market and the auditors only dealt with AMFE on a week to week bases, changes required and information requested took time as they only talked once a week. AMFE's audit being voluntary for voluntary purposes of uplisting put them in a position of lower priority compared to other companies already on exchanges with mandatory auditing per the exchange guide lines. Auditors don't work on a single audit at once and depending on the staff and dedicated staff performing the audit, it is no surprise the audit is taking time- even investors here in AMFE who are professional auditors themselves stated this... There was 1 minor mistake found in AMFE's book keeping, and it was one that actually made AMFE look better than they thought as they were reporting revenue in net and not gross... Which means AMFE was more profiting than they originally thought and reported. There is no cooked books, if there were the auditors likely would have spotted that right away and have backed out of their contract with AMFE. AMFE has a binding Audit Engagement Letter Contract that already puts AMFE on the hook to pay for the audit, they wouldn't be doing this if they were up to no good. This whole thing again is voluntary. And in the mean time AMFE is not diluting shares, so they have no reason to "pump hype" for any temporary stock price pump that'll just dump again...

-Infact, AMFE has performed Outstanding Share reductions, and key executive officials within AMFE have converted their common shares to restricted shares, because they believe in the company model.

-AMFE also reduced their Authorized Share count from 900 million to 600 million (by 1 third) in good show of faith that they have no plans for mass dilution any time in the near future, and gave a verbal commitment to keep the Outstanding Share count below 500 million... It use to be over 665 million Out Standing shares, it is now just over 479 million. Doesn't sound like a company with plans to dilute, and if they don't plan to dilute, they probably are not up to anything shady like "cooked books", be it with the audit or otherwise. To include no foreseeable need for any future "reverse split", etc. AMFE already qualifies for their uplist, their share counts are low and being reduced, they are not a candidate for such a thing.

-AMFE's Fiscal year 2018 Q1 financial report showed AMFE had 485 million common shares, which was reduced to 479 million per their fiscal year 2018 Q2 report... Not only was there no dilution, there was a share reduction..

-Fiscal year 2017 was a very strong growth year for AMFE as they increased revenue by over 2400% from fiscal year 2016. Fiscal year 2018 in only 2 quarters already brought in 39% more revenue than all of fiscal year 2017 combined... And they're still going... Fiscal year 2018's quarter 3 is expected to be massive.

Fiscal Year 2017 vs. 2016:

Fiscal Year 2018 already 39% greater than 2017, 2018 Q2 114% greater than 2017 Q2:

Fiscal Year 2018 Q1 massive 20,619% over 2017 Q1:

-AMFE's share price is only consolidating/ trading sideways... What stock doesn't do that? What stock doesn't experience a small retrace? Scam stocks give back all gains in pump and dump like fashion, AMFE holds onto over 67% of it's high share price ($0.235) at the current share price of $0.1580, and AMFE never fell lower than to 47% of it's high share price when it VERY temporarily reached $0.1112 on a wick... Stocks don't trade straight up vertically forever, look at the last year and a half of AMFE's price action and you will see why it is consolidating... AMFE is currently up over 1,087% since a year ago... At its high it was up over 1,666% from a year ago, and at it's lowest it was still up over 736% from a year ago... That's not worrisome, that's normal retracing... ALL COMPANIES DO THAT!!!

There is nothing to worry about here... Here we have a company with great growth and a great model that is expanding and bringing in more and more revenue, and reinvesting it to expand faster and faster. The CEO Roger has been VERY transparent, the company is doing great things. No wonder most long term shareholders here are happy and constantly buying more shares!!! The AMFE iHub board is predominantly bullish, only a handful of people attack it with typically false or baseless information!!! One was even limited to 1 post a day because he broke into another members account and began posting from it here. Can't trust those people. Fake news and controversial questionable judgement and actions... What are their motives? Hmm... Do your own DD for yourselves, I just listed a ton of it above, but don't take my word for it, check AMFE out for yourself... Great well known sources to begin with are:

AMFE Twitter:

AMFE Stock News on

AMFE Financial Disclosures on

Please find me something, ANYTHING to hate on... There is nothing, and if you think you found something bring it up... I am sure there is some explanation for what you think you found... This board primarily LOVES AMFE because it is a legit company that is undervalued right now...

I could probably go on and on with what I love about AMFE... I didn't even talk about their fine dining restaurant "Ku-Kum" (don't know much or much about how it is doing), etc., potential deals with Nintendo (haven't heard news about it in awhile), etc...

Ignore those who don't bring context to their claims!!!

Guess who's back. Tell a friend!