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Monday, 02/19/2018 1:39:37 AM

Monday, February 19, 2018 1:39:37 AM

Post# of 346682
Updated AMFE PIE analysis: Performance, Image, and Exposure.

Each category: Performance, Image, and Exposure, receives a percentage of importance.

Contrary to what one may think, Performance should be assumed and therefore gets a low level % of importance.

Image receives a much higher % level of importance because it has everything to do with how others perceive the company. If a company has a positive image, they will have the opportunities at hand that will lead to good performance.

Exposure receives the highest % level of importance because if no one knows who the company is, opportunities to build an image/reputation that lead to overall performance are non existent.

So starting with the highest % level of importance:

50% EXPOSURE - currently, I give AMFE an 8 out of 10.

AMFE now has 3 successful brick and mortar board game cafes, additional franchised locations in the works, and strategically placed company owned and operated master franchises planned for key markets including a US headquarter hub in Chicago.

Locations are operated under the name Snakes and Lattes. Many people frequent these locations as can be seen via reviews, check ins, videos, and pictures from popular social media sites like Yelp, Tripadvisor, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Foursquare.

Strong media coverage including a large PR/Marketing campaign with TV / Media crews should start up soon, touting and highlighting the new flagship franchise model Midtown location.

Furthermore, Snakes and Lattes hosted weekly events at Cineplex Inc.'s the Rec Room, a huge gaming and entertainment facility, which brought more awareness and exposure to the brand.

There are far too many mentions of Snakes and Lattes in various articles covering the gaming community to list. A quick Google search will show just how strong a presence Snakes and Lattes has.

Snakes and Lattes has exclusive distribution rights on popular game titles, including mega hits like Cards Against Humanity. Orders from gigantic retailers like Indigo Chapters (Barnes and Noble of Canada), Amazon, and other assumed names like Wal Mart and Target, must contact Snakes and Lattes if they want to order board game titles for their stores to resell. Therefore, merchandising managers at the highest levels of these mega retailers have to be familiar with Snakes and Lattes.

Their distribution fulfillment center has even garnered attention from the most influential blogger within the board game fulfillment sphere, Jamey Stegmaier.

A publishing division has been established and their first self published title has been agreed upon with a secured $200,000 signing bonus. Could Snakes and Lattes publishing division become the next Hasbro or Mattel?

The GROzone division has continued gaining widespread attention, starting with an announced partnership with the publicly traded non OTC company RotoGro International. And AMFE's Gro3 Antimicrobial System unit is very likely being talked about within the marijuana grow circles and as Roger Mortimer (CEO of AMFE) has stated...they're already in discussions with the largest growers in the inner circles.

A showroom demonstrating the Gro3 unit has been established (Michigan I believe?), and another “pop up” demo site is supposed to be coming to CA as well.

For growers to keep a competitive edge within their industry, Gro3 hasn’t been explicitly mentioned, but some have discovered through filings and connecting the dots that RotoGro/Gro3 has been outfitted in a few large grow facilities. The company has also announced a few large PO’s for Gro3 units.

Natural Stuff Inc. was acquired and is a newly added division under the AMFE umbrella. NSI is a well established beverage distribution company for which AMFE will take over the reigns. They service over 300 clients and feature exclusive distribution rights for a popular energy drink called 28 Black.

Whether people know about the opportunity to invest in Snakes and Lattes or not, under the publicly traded stock symbol AMFE, having locations in highly populated and well travelled commercial areas help bring brand awareness which is key for public awareness and exposure. With the Gro3 unit being on the cover of a popular publication within the MJ sector in June 2017's issue, and multiple purchase orders for Gro3 units in place, the Gro3 division is ever gaining momentum and attention. Natural Stuff Inc brings AMFE into the beverage sector and just made 300+ clients they service aware of AMFE.

Bottom line, AMFE has some amazing exposure and their service and products are getting major brand awareness, making us one of the top dogs in the board game entertainment sector, MJ sector, and beverage sectors. And with the success we're seeing right now with the Snakes and Lattes cafes and their distribution fulfillment center, you can be assured that we're getting big time saturation in the market and making way for much further growth within both areas, and who knows what else. One thing seems certain: exposure leads to opportunity galore!

My last score was 7 out of 10. Now it’s 8 out of 10 because of the newly opened franchise model Midtown Snakes and Lattes location, franchising plan in place, the newly established publishing division of Snakes and Lattes, new demo showrooms for Gro3, and the newly acquired Natural Stuff Inc beverage / snack distribution division. So, with all of this incredible exposure, why only 8 out of 10 from me? Because in the grand scheme of things, AMFE is an investment for me and it's the stock symbol that needs to have better exposure. Over time this has improved and will continue growing rapidly. But the stock symbol AMFE isn’t quite an in your face investment opportunity that everyone knows about like AMZN, AAPL, FB, or TSLA to name a few.

40% IMAGE- I give AMFE a 9 out of 10 for S&L, GROzone, Natural Stuff Inc., and our CEO.

Board game cafes are increasingly becoming very popular. The millennial generation is making it cool again to play board games and have social interaction. Gaming in general has become a lifestyle for many. Best of all, gaming is fun!

For those who make it a lifestyle:
Who doesn't want to be known as the fun person within a group?
Who doesn't want to be seen as a trend setter having fun, gathering a group of friends to play games, drink, eat, and be merry.

New trends are being set in the gaming community and an ever changing society. It's cool again to nerd out a little while having fun with board games, and last I checked, who doesn't want to be cool?

In an ever changing society of those looking for healthy organic options with everyday products they use, there's a growing issue in the marijuana industry with traces of pesticides, fungus, mould, and other harmful pathogens being found in the marijuana flowers.

What consumer wants to risk inhaling or ingesting harmful pathogens?
What grower wants to have a lawsuit on hand?
What grower wants to have their crop confiscated when regulations are passed down on quality control and testing?

Answer: None

Enter the Gro3 Antimicrobial System. It provides THE solution for marijuana growers to cultivate a completely organic crop, thus solving the issues mentioned above.

Natural Stuff Inc. and CEO Roger Mortimer

Amongst the cesspool of disingenuous and shady company insiders of stocks trading on the OTC, you find a ray of hope every now and then. Enter Roger Mortimer. This guy has shown time and again that he can execute on the game plan he's outlined in press. The transparency is there, the honest intent on bringing shareholders value is there, and the smarts of a solid businessman are there, all openly displayed as can be proven from the storyline starting from tweets, leading into press, and ultimately showing up in SEC filings.

Additionally, Roger Mortimer demonstrated empathy combined with savy business acumen, when he recently acquired Natural Stuff Inc and kept the previous business owner Silvano Racioppo on board in a leadership / advisory position. To understand how this acquisition shows empathy and savy business acumen, read the press release about this acquisition:

Overall, the company has a very healthy image. They are perceived as offering innocent fun with their board game cafes Snakes and Lattes and providing a safe place for the gamer lifestyle in every one of us. Their gaming fulfillment center is seen as being tops and 100% reliable, thus the large purchase orders coming in to date, and the exclusive distribution rights awarded the company with mega successful titles. They're doing the right thing by responsibly providing THE solution to an ever growing problem within the marijuana grow industry. And lastly, our leader in Roger Mortimer is executing beautifully while maintaining a softer human side.

With this overall image, one can confidently move forward with this investment opportunity and know there is a very strong chance of seeing solid returns for possible years to come. And what investor doesn't want that?

10% PERFORMANCE - I give AMFE a 9 out of 10

If we're talking about earnings performance, one only needs to look at the reported financials to see that the revenues are rapidly increasing across the multiple divisions. Check out year over year 2017 / 2018

FY2017 Q1: $28,477
FY2017 Q2: $1,542,389
FY2017 Q3: $1,809,064
FY2017 Q4: $3,251,043
FY2017 Total: $6,630,973

FY2018 Q1: $5,900,374
FY2018 Q2: $3,307,549
FY2018 only 2 quarters in: $9,207,923

If we're talking about product performance, we'd be focusing more on the GRO3 unit which has already passed product review by an accredited USDA certifying agent. We must conclude that the grow industry sees this as fact, based on the stringent testing methods used. Additionally, RotoGro must have vetted this unit to their satisfaction before singing an agreement with AMFE. In other words, it works!

If we're talking about stock performance, I can tell you first hand as an investor that AMFE has not disappointed in the least. There have been great opportunities for those that bought early and held, and great opportunities for those that bought on dips or have initiated new positions. I don't see AMFE as a flipping stock, and generally those are the hardest to make money on anyway, due to the volatility. AMFE trades more like a big board stock, but still has the excitement and growth potential for tremendous gains that draw investors to the OTC markets.

Generally speaking, as stated earlier, less emphasis is put on performance as that should be assumed and comes more easily when image and exposure are strong. Since both image and exposure are relatively strong, I expect performance to keep following suit.

Overall PIE analysis on AMFE is extremely positive and keeps me invested long.
