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Re: Ar3ohdee post# 100471

Sunday, 02/11/2018 1:13:17 AM

Sunday, February 11, 2018 1:13:17 AM

Post# of 346701
First off, I will say I absolutely I don’t mind playing point counter point. If anyone wants to articulate their thoughts and why, it is totally legitimate to do that. Even if I disagree, this is miles above making cryptic statements, random insinuations, tossing out random slogans like ‘sinking ship.’

So let us review the post

I would say a good target is around .15-.20 over the next 3-6 months...hopefully .30 by end of fiscal year.

You stated Fiscal year, so reminder that is the end of June 2018. I believe the .15 - .20 range will be quickly overcome past Q2 and uplist. I am also believe it will be above .30 by this point in time. My time frame was around the end of Calendar Year 2018. Not much point arguing it out though, it is a he said she said situation, so I can only state I believe the multiple is very low, and that gap will be over-come fairly quickly.

The biggest problem with what #AMFE has going for it is time. Specifically, they aren't currently able to capitalize on enough of the opportunities that are popping up IMO. Not fast enough/big enough/executing enough!!

The same factor of time affect any business trying to compete in the same arena. I have been through many, many start ups. I have lived and worked in the start-up capital of the world, Silicon Valley for 25 years. I can assure anyone AMFE is growing at an amazing pace, there is so much under pinnings and infrastructure that takes time in building any business.

The multitudes of things that need to come together to create a business, design, a supply chain, gain contracts, get permits, do build outs, hire and train staff, pricing, logistics, distribution, warehousing, accounting, software, training and more training, HR, IT, Facilites, even environmental health and safety. The second your staff hits about 50, so much changes for your company. AMFE is absolutely capitalizing on the opportunities before them, and a fast pace, and they are being selective to ensure the engine they are building is reproduced in a manner that creates a brand that will be worthy of mass recognition. (Let’s call this ‘Citation 1’ as I will keep coming back to it, as a general – creating a real business, takes real time and effort)

1-GRO3 is a RADICAL/AMAZING solution to the NUMBER 1 issue with growing MJ!!! Pesticides/Bugs/Recalled - UN safe products! It grows MJ ORGANICALLY without the need for chemicals and gets rid of the pests, recycles the water, cleans, etc. etc. etc. IT IS AMAZING! PROBLEM is, they aren't able to GROW the company BIG enough/FAST enough as they don't have the time or the money!!! SOMEONE else that is WAY bigger with WAY more money will do it on the scale needed first IMO. There will be scraps and smaller deals, but NOT like there could be.....Point in case is: we haven't received GRO3 news in almost 6 months

If anyone thinks creating a solution like GRO3, create a manufacturing line, a sales force is an over-night endeavor, I cant reason with that line of thinking. Design, Design Control, creating the design history file for review by a government agency, building a manufacturing line, getting that line permitted, understanding the customers needs, spec’ing out facility requirements, etc (Citation 1) The adoption of GRO3 will also be driven by regulatory. Absolutely many many smaller entities will not go with a GRO3 type of solution until they are forced to, or are simply losing to much product to failed testing. We can see the amount of testing issues coming up and know regulatory is coming. For now, mostly larger MJ, large scale producers will be interested in putting in GRO3 now, as they can afford it and can command a premium.

AMFE has struck a deal that is also based on another company completing a facility build out. This is a state of the art multi-million dollar facility, it will take time. This is even larger and more regulatory, security complex than Midtown, so, yes time, much of it not under Rogers control

Roger stated back on his first My $.02 show, about the importance of being on the inner circle of supply chain in the MJ industry for GRO3 and has stated they are in talks with the right people within this circle. We have seen the first contracts go out, and in the Roto Gro PR that even more contracts are coming.

There are zero, fast, over night, non-massive resource depleting, non-very expensive ways to recreate a GRO3 or all the surrounding business needs and networks around it. While I absolutely believe competition will come in time, no one is close. Large companies would rather simply let GRO3 establish itself, and then invest or buy it out themselves vs attempting to complete recreate the product. The basic argument of ‘A big guy will squish us’ can be applied to every single small business on the planet. So, sure it is possible, but no point in arguing over it. I simply am stating do not simplify what it means to compete with GRO3.

2-Snakes & Lattes, the TRUE cash goat (not a cow yet) for #AMFE!! Acquiring S&L was the smartest thing Roger has done since I have been watching, and they are currently making close to $25 million a year and are growing pretty quick...PROBLEM could be, same as number 1 in regards to a bigger fish buying it out/copying WAY faster/beating them to the punch....MORE money = achieving more in LESS time. Te loss of the BVB exclusivity was a HUGE sign of this IMO....they couldn't seal the deal for some reason?!?!?!

First off: Citation 1.

It is a total over simplification to believe they can be copied so quick. There is so much in place, and so many lessons learned, so much that goes in to the business. Things like designer nights, the supply chain, distribution and distribution rights, and franchising. Website and online merchandising etc. Absolutely there will be competition. Over time, probably some very awesome ones but they will be single entities, but do not simplify what is takes to successfully replicate, franchise, and the exponential power of it. A buy out is mentioned there. Now is that a possibility? Of the things mentioned, that is the highest. But if that happens, we will all fetch a huge premium, so I could think of worse things. There will always be competition, see Porter’s 5 Forces. Competition is healthy, it will drive Roger, and the industry. Its not like any successful franchise doesn’t have tons of competition either, this is not a binary situation where there can be only one. This is where folks will have to read all the due diligence, look at yelp, or go to Toronto and see for themselves, do they believe in Roger and the business. I do.

We do not know on BVB at this point. We simply do not.

3-IK has fallen off the radar some time ago. There has been talk of what will happen with the company......eventually, but it is ALLLLLL speculation at this point.

IK has not fallen on the map. It simply isn’t talked about much. Roger has said this himself during interviews. IK is simply ‘the little money engine that could’ while it is growing bit by bit in its own right, it did exactly the best thing for AMFE. It generated enough cash to allow Snakes and GRO3 to develop without going back to recapitalize or massively dilute at the cost of the shareholders. It is stable, just cranks out enough cash. It is not the most exciting thing in the world and certainly not exciting to the market as its own entity. However, it is incredibly critical as a self-financing machine, AMFE’s own little money engine, that will be paired with a new business to grow until it is ready to stand on its own. There is no reason IK could not keep doing this over and over every 5 years.

IK was never really on the radar, just a little money maker in the background. But do not understate its importance in the scheme of things.

Last year the company was firing on 8/10 cylinders, and they dropped to 5/10 cylinders for the last 6 or so months...NOT just in the PPS, but in the updates that were/are supposedly happening. NOT that the things mentioned previously AREN'T happening, BUT THERE LITERALLY HASN'T BEEN NEARLY as much mentioned for the future besides what we already know!

I will simply disagree here. Read the 2017 summary and 2018 plan. Draw your own conclusion.

NO Nintendo deal transpired (or one that was talk worthy/did anything for S&L)

Not yet that we know of.

NO Audit / Uplist

This is a total Not yet complete, not a ‘No’ at all. The audit has been happening, that is a fact. Is it simply taking longer than anyone likes.

At this point, people are either on board with, it is happening, just takes time, or they are not. If anyone thinks AMFE is not being audited, and not uplist in the near future. Please absolutely move on, we have nothing to discuss.

NO Big 5 bank (ended up with lending loop)

This is 100% false. This is not an either or situation. Lending Loops is being used for a completely different purpose than what a big 5 bank would do with AMFE. A big 5 bank would also REQUIRE the audited financials and uplist prior to completing any investment engagement. This does not mean discussions are not happening until such requirements are completed.

NO Interloc-Kings spin off

This is false. There will be a spin off, is simply hasn’t happened yet, but will in short order after audit / uplist is complete. Again if anyone believes it is not happening, then please please please move on to another stock, we can’t help you.

NO BVB exclusivity

No one has the information to make this statement.

NO free divy shares

100% false, this is the same as the spin off.

NO GRO3 Sales/Deals

100% False, the first contract has been done. Delivery waiting facility build-out, I covered this already.

AGAIN, not that some or all of these won't happen in time...but in business, you need to be fast on many deals and first on some. Shareholder interest has waned greatly and thus the PPS has reflected almost everything I mentioned. STILL killing it from a year ago, but that too will catch up in TIME!!!

Yes, AMFE is killing it! They are moving fast very fast (go back to ‘Citation 1’) Stating shareholder interest has waned greatly is completely false, otherwise the stock would be back to sub penny. Float is becoming more and more locked up. We have seen the stock moves up very very quickly when new people buy, but strong support has continued to exist for a long time now.

Thank you to any to read this far.

$$$$ AMFE $$$$