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Re: F6 post# 275655

Tuesday, 12/12/2017 6:54:51 PM

Tuesday, December 12, 2017 6:54:51 PM

Post# of 486973
Democrats, Republicans compare Al Franken and Roy Moore

AM Joy

Al Franken’s sexual misconduct allegations vs. Roy Moore’s sexual abuse allegations—are politics confounding the issues? Joy Reid and her panel debate this controversy. Duration: 16:17



Net neutrality undoing by FCC raises fears for open Internet

AM Joy

Net neutrality rules ensuring equal access to Internet bandwidth will be weakened by the FCC, possibly leading to many inequalities. Joy Reid and her panel discuss. Duration: 13:05

©2017 , [with comments]


Cyntoia Brown: Sex trafficking victim gains celebrity advocates

AM Joy

Cyntoia Brown was sentenced to life at 16 for killing a man who was sexually exploiting her. Joy Reid and her attorney discuss renewed interest in her case. Duration: 4:25

©2017 , [with comments]


Is Donald Trump advised by conservative news pundits?

AM Joy

Jeanine Pirro, Sean Hannity and other conservative media personalities are said to have Donald Trump’s ear on far-reaching subjects. Joy and her panel discuss. Duration: 16:09



Santa Claus: Santa Larry visits AM JOY on MSNBC

AM Joy

Santa Claus in the very special avatar of Santa Larry comes to MSNBC to wish us all a very happy holidays, and explain how he travels the whole world in one night. Duration: 4:08




Published on Nov 26, 2017 by Ron Gibson [ / , ]

Sunday, Nov. 26th 2017: Trump Feud With Media Continues - President Trump poked fun at Time magazine and CNN over the weekend, sparking a media outcry with a former Bush speechwriter accusing Trump of ‘direct attacks’ on journalists. Longest serving House member John Conyers has stepped down from the House Judiciary Committee as sexual harassment allegations mount. On today’s show, we’ll discuss what that means for the Democratic Party and the culture on Capitol Hill. Also, Trump and the GOP hope to pass tax cuts by Christmas despite Democrat opposition. [with comments] [the edited official Alex Jones upload at (title and text adapted from; with comments)] [a must-watch]


"Day 311" The Donald Trump Zionist Regime + Sweatshop Princess Ivanka = ZERO

Published on Nov 26, 2017 by Bravo Alternative Media [ , ]

On "Day 311" when you add the Donald Trump Zionist Regime + Sweatshop Princess Ivanka = ZERO for America. [with comments]


stashed November 26, 2017:

The Banality of White Nationalism
The existence of extremists like Tony Hovater doesn’t require extraordinary explanations—they stand in a long American tradition.

The Banality of Evil: Hannah Arendt on the Normalization of Human Wickedness and Our Only Effective Antidote to It
“Under conditions of terror most people will comply but some people will not… No more is required, and no more can reasonably be asked, for this planet to remain a place fit for human habitation.”

NYT Accused Of Normalizing White Nationalism In ‘Nazi Sympathizer’ Profile
The profile follows Tony Hovater, a newlywed who loves “Seinfeld” and Panera Bread, and also believes the Holocaust was overblown.

Trump blasts Roy Moore's foe

Donald Trump’s Obsession with Time Magazine Makes Almost Too Much Sense
The now-fading publication evokes a distinct 20th-century kind of wealth and influence—like the Plaza Hotel and Elaine’s on the Upper East Side.

Dog Poo, an Environmental Tragedy
When industrial fertilizer replaced dung heaps, its spoils helped fund the spread of plastics. An Object Lesson [ ].

Purge of Rohingya Lifts Popular Support for Myanmar’s Top General

ANALYSIS: Pope Francis faces diplomatic test in Myanmar visit, where Rohingya flee alleged ethnic cleansing

Will the Pope use the word Rohingya during his Myanmar visit?


Trump could be on track to triple Obama's time on the golf course

Former Obama photographer trolls Trump with Time covers: ‘Someone has a lot of catching up to do’

Donald Trump’s Motorcade Disrupted by Angry Van Driver 'Screaming Expletives' at President
Donald Trump’s motorcade was disrupted on Saturday, Nov. 25, by a driver in a red van who reportedly cut in and made “obscene gestures and screamed several expletives” at the U.S. president.
The incident happened as Trump made his way back to his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida after spending his morning playing golf at Trump International in West Palm Beach.
“At one point a man in a red van attempted to cut into the motorcade,” a White House pool report stated. “Local law enforcement pulled over the vehicle, where the driver made obscene gestures and screamed several expletives.”


Congressman Calls Trump ‘An Idiot’ For Using Egypt Mosque Attack To Promote Border Wall
Rep. Filemon Vela (D-Texas) slammed the president over his response to Friday’s mass shooting that left more than 300 dead.

The GOP’s Extremist Agenda Is Making It Easy For Democrats To Stand Their Ground
Not even the politically vulnerable ones are afraid to defy Trump.

Puerto Rico’s Farmers Face A Long Road To Recovery Post-Hurricane Maria
The island lost 80 percent of its crop value to the storm — and it could take anywhere from 10 months to a year to get production levels back again.

Mother Of Vegas Survivor Pleads With Lawmaker To Change Gun Laws
“Our schools, hospitals, concert venues and churches are now all battlefields.”

Trump Is Quietly Making It Even Harder To Report Sexual Harassment And Discrimination
The White House has been trying to shut women up this whole time.
To the droves of women speaking up about sexual harassment and discrimination, the Trump administration’s message is clear: Shut up.
Behind the scenes, and mostly through executive orders, the White House is making it harder for women to report sexual harassment and fight sex discrimination.
The clearest example came in March. It received little coverage at the time. President Donald Trump reversed an Obama-era order that forbid federal contractors from keeping secret sexual harassment and discrimination cases. The 2014 rule prohibited these companies, which employ about 26 million people, from forcing workers to resolve complaints through arbitration, an increasingly common method businesses use to settle disputes out of the public eye.
“This was a clear sign of the administration silencing women,” said Jessica Stender, senior staff attorney for Equal Rights Advocates, a women’s rights nonprofit.
And it’s only a small piece of the picture. “The Trump administration has a clear anti-women agenda,” Stender said. “I say that with complete certainty. This is an all-out, full frontal attack on women.”
The attack so far has seen the most success via executive order, but a vast swath of the public policies proposed or endorsed by administration officials attempt to scale back women’s rights. From Trump’s repeal of executive orders meant to reduce pay discrimination to the budget floated in May, the failed repeal of Obamacare, and now the Republican tax bills, actions taken or backed by this administration harm women.

A Star Psychiatrist Swerves From Nuclear Armageddon To Climate Change
Robert Jay Lifton studied Nazi doctors and the threat of nuclear annihilation. But global warming changed everything.

Fox News Is ‘Much More Important’ Than CNN, Trump Tweets
The dig follows a Justice Department lawsuit to block AT&T’s merger with Time Warner, which owns CNN.

Joe Arpaio Pressed Charges To Hurt Jeff Flake Politically, Lawsuit Argues
A judge says Arpaio pushed for a case against Flake’s son.

Why Trump Stands by Roy Moore, Even as It Fractures His Party
But something deeper has been consuming Mr. Trump. He sees the calls for Mr. Moore to step aside as a version of the response to the now-famous “Access Hollywood” tape, in which he boasted about grabbing women’s genitalia, and the flood of groping accusations against him that followed soon after. He suggested to a senator earlier this year that it was not authentic, and repeated that claim to an adviser more recently. (In the hours after it was revealed in October 2016, Mr. Trump acknowledged that the voice was his, and he apologized.)

President Trump Now Says That Wasn’t Him on Access Hollywood Tape

Trump Is Apparently Telling People the Infamous Access Hollywood Tape Is a Fake

Trump Stands By Roy Moore, As GOP Senators Keep Their Distance
Tim Scott of South Carolina says Moore needs to “move on” rather than seek a Senate seat.


Jared Kushner And Ivanka Trump Want To Buy New House In DC, Refuse To Leave

James B. Comey tweeted about freedom of the press — minutes after Trump attacked CNN


Black Friday [gun buyers'] Background Checks Reportedly Soar To Record High


Arrest made in apparent road rage shooting in Florida

Road Rage News - video archive


Meredith to Buy Time Inc. With Koch Backing

Meredith to buy U.S. publisher Time in Koch-backed deal


The 2018 Election And The Margin Of Theft
A big blue wave would help the Democrats take back several state legislatures.
Democrats were rightly euphoric after their big gains in the 2017 off-year elections. With new grass roots energy yielding improbable down-ticket wins, they very nearly took control of the Virginia House of Delegates, which had been 2-to-1 Republican. At this writing, the House is 49 to 48 Republican, with recounts still pending in three races.
The Virginia win was also heartening because it sidestepped and began to heal the Bernie/Hillary schism in the Democratic Party. Both factions came together to elect mostly young progressives to office.
Normally, one would expect 2018 to be bumper year for Democrats. The out party normally picks up an average of about 30 House and 4 Senate seats in the first midterm election after a new president is elected, and this is no average year. Republicans are divided and dispirited, Trump is monumentally unpopular, Democrats are energized.
But because of gerrymandering and a variety of voter suppression techniques Republicans have a structural advantage of between six and nine points. In other words, Democrats need a landslide win in order to gain a modest legislative majority.
Nationally, vote rigging and gerrymandering gives Republicans a head start of something like 20 to 25 House seats. There is a lot of nonsense being peddled about “wasted” Democratic votes due to the fact that Dems are crammed into heavily blue states and cities. This does play a role but not as much as gerrymandering and voter suppression.
Until the election of 2012, gerrymandering was practiced to a roughly equal degree by both parties. But in 2010, Karl Rove launched Project REDMAP, to take over state legislatures and hire armies of technical experts armed with computers and sophisticated algorythms to keep running literally thousands of possible maps until the maximum number of Republican seats resulted.
As a consequence of this thumb-on-the-scale redistricting, Democratic candidates for House seats in 2012 won 1.4 million more votes than Republicans, yet Republicans won 33 more seats. In 2012, Pennsylvania Democratic congressional candidates collectively outpolled Republicans by nearly 100,000 votes, yet Republicans won thirteen of Pennsylvania’s eighteen seats in the U.S. House. A similar story obtained in Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. By contrast, in the 2008 election, before the super-gerrymandering, the party allocation of seats closely tracked the popular vote. All told, REDMAP gave total control of the redistricting process to Republicans in 21 states. (For the definitive account of REDMAP, see David Daley’s book, Ratf**ked.)
In addition to the legacy of the gerrymandering of 2012, we can expect redoubled voter suppression in 2018 — purges of voter rolls, the selective use of photo ID, and long lines in districts with black and brown voters, or areas known to favor Democrats.
Even so, the signs are that the blue wave in 2018 will be so intense that it will defeat the Republicans’ built in margin of theft. (You can’t gerrymander the Senate more than it is already gerrymandered – the Founders did that in advance, giving tiny states the same number of seats as the most populous ones.) Yet the prospects of a Democratic takeover of the Senate are also looking better and better.
A big blue wave in 2018 would not only overcome the legacy of gerrymandering and voter suppression in Congress, it would help Democrats take back several state legislatures, looking forward to the 2020 Census ? and an opportunity for real electoral reform.

New York Times Defends Its Inflammatory Nazi Sympathizer Profile
“Our reporter and his editors agonized over the tone and content of the article,” the Times said.

[white] Grandma Who Texted Wrong [black] Teen Last Thanksgiving Invites Him Again
“I’m just really pleasantly surprised,” Wanda Dench said after reuniting with Jamal Hinton for dinner.

Mill Case Casts Ugly Glare On The Racially Biased Parole System

[black] Actress Angelica Ross: Freedom Of Speech Doesn’t Mean Freedom From Consequences
The actress isn’t waiting for her debut on Ryan Murphy-helmed series Pose to speak her mind.

Protests Erupt As University of Tennessee Looks To Hire Coach Connected To Sandusky Abuse Case
Greg Schiano has been accused of covering up Jerry Sandusky’s child molestation during his time at Penn State.

John Conyers Steps Down From Powerful House Committee Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations
The House Democrat continues to deny the multiple allegations.

Ivanka Trump to promote women in India amid questions about garment workers who make her clothes there


Susan Sarandon: ‘I thought Hillary was very dangerous. If she'd won, we'd be at war’ - fucking idiot
Once the bete noire of the right, now the actor finds herself even more hated by the left for refusing to support Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump. She talks about Hollywood sexism, female empowerment and playing Bette Davis


Big Tobacco finally tells the truth in court-ordered ad campaign

tie Journalistic Malpractice


Man who thinks the earth is flat won't launch himself in a rocket he built in his own backyard

Flat-Earther postpones homemade rocket's launch


The fate of Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers in Antarctica is in the balance — and so is that of all our cities
TWO enormous glaciers could soon irrevocably reshape our future. They’re melting. They’re fragmenting. And a cataclysmic collapse of an entire Antarctic ice sheet may be just decades away.
Scientists used to think it would take thousands of years for Antarctica’s ice sheets to melt under a warming atmosphere.
But new evidence shows it could happen within a few decades.
study cited

Antarctic Ice Melt Could Lead To ‘Ice Apocalypse’ If Pine Island And Thwaites Glaciers Collapse

Sea life beneath Antarctic ice shelf is changing, and warming may be why


Elon Musk’s Tweet Gives Creepy Insight Into Future Of Humanoid Robots
“This is nothing. In a few years, that bot will move so fast you’ll need a strobe light to see it. Sweet dreams...”
Elon Musk’s predictions about robots is the stuff of nightmares.
Twitter user Alex Medina captioned a promotional video of Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot doing front flips and jumps in an obstacle course with the panicked caption: “We dead.” Musk responded to Medina by essentially telling him to buckle in for a lot more terrifying features to these humanoid robot advancements.
“This is nothing. In a few years, that bot will move so fast you’ll need a strobe light to see it. Sweet dreams…,” Musk wrote.


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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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