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Alias Born 02/13/2017

Re: None

Wednesday, 12/06/2017 9:29:12 AM

Wednesday, December 06, 2017 9:29:12 AM

Post# of 34745
Some of my Previous post follow:

11/27 Update:
TomP1 ... I do not think anyone is happy, nothing but down over the short, intermediate and long term. The company is truly a fraud "POS" and needs to be shut down and people need to go to jail. Not one thing truly accomplished this year and/or the last two to three years at least, maybe longer with regard to real science/technology. Updates, real progress was always around the corner, very soon, right until Wilson screwed again and did not execute again, it was then too late and people lost big money over and over again. Everyone has lost money over the long haul, why are you defending this company. I have been right 100% to date and TPIV will continue to go down and there is nothing you or TPIV can do now, it is too late. TPIV management are outright liars, how can you be happy? You are a board monitor, should you really be commenting about me in this manner. People need to sell and sell quick beacause TPIV is going much lower, remember I am batting a "1000" and you "000". GLTA once you are out of the "POS" fraud stock and people at TPIV are heading off to jail.

11/14 Update:
Burning thru cash, no real data or information, still enrolling patients in AZN/MSK trial with update still “planned” for Q4 2017, when on Thanksgiving or Christmas? The whole world shuts down starting next week through New Years, but we are going to get an update on a trial that is still enrolling patients, only downside in a 2017 update now. And finally we are two months ahead in enrollment for company sponsored trial??? Who’s schedule is this??? Lastly backing out current liabilities we have only $0.60/share in cash at best, burning thru much more cash than Wilson communicated at last conference call. How much time do we have left until we run out of money again, Q2/Q3 2018? Looks like we are in for major financing and dilution early next year, $0.60/share here we come, good job Wilson, the true worthless Canadian, hey, and our average carpetbagging new CEO who has already sold TPIV shares. GLTA, you are going to need it. Get out now, I am on your side, trust me.

What schedule is TPIV referencing? It is mid-November and all I have seen is milestones with deadlines tied to Q3 and Q4 2017? Since this is mid-November of Q4 2017 how can TPIV be 2 months ahead of schedule? Finally schedules for all trials have been delayed in the past, right so is TPIV ahead of schedule for a trial that has experienced schedule delays in the past. I hope TPIV has more to communicate at the Quarterly Update tomorrow! Without further inderstanding, this looks a little desperate to me. Poor Kenney, he had a quote in this PR.

11/13 Update:
"Missed Delivery", are you kidding me, TPIV has not delivered anything for years, that is the point, no real data, no real info, nothing! TPIV has pumped and pumped with "extreme promotion" promising milestones/deadlines over and over again with no real progress, data or information for years! Only real thing TPIV has accomplished is shareholder value destruction and severe dilution via poor financings which will further dilute retail shareholders, all so Wilson, BOD's and others can remained employed and the large investors can get a lower acquisition cost through repricing of warrants. And very sad, it is going to happen again! Where is the update on the MSK/AZN trial, what is taking so long, is there something wrong, how can we find out? How can you buy shares in a company that continues to lie to you for years, has questionable directors and a new CEO who has already sold shares in TPIV along with the Chairman who has been with TPIV for approx 13 years? More disappointment to come along with the share price continuing to dive and not stopping the downward move until it breaks $1, these guys do not care about your investment only their investment and their timing is not aligned with your timing anymore. Watch out for future announcements, nothing real to report, more BS on the way, more promotion. Someone needs to go to jail here.

My Posts from 11/9 & 11/6-7: TPIV is Failing!

End of Day Post 11/9 - TPIV Share Price Continues to Go Down
You folks are like Linus waiting in the pumkin patch on Halloween for the Great Pumpkin to arrive. Although Wilson does have a pumpkin head, the Great Pumpkin that is TPIV is never going to show. You are going to lose all your current candy and the opportunity to get more candy elsewhere. These TPIV guys and their big investors are nothing but pumping, carpetbagging scumbags who never ever executed and provided any real data or information, just BS milestones and schedules that were never met. And what is the first material thing Hoang, the new TPIV CEO do, he sells TPIV shares, insider selling, wow what a believer. Now he gets quoted at a online trading site about TPIV, and the site compares TPIV to BMS and Celgene and infers that billions and billions of revenue are out there for the picking. Again a bunch of carpetbagging, pumping scumbags. Folks, I am on your side, get out now. Remember NWBO, along time ago it traded for approx $1200, in 2015 it traded over $10/share, it now trades for &0.16/share and I think NWBO has more cash than TPIV! Get out of this "POS" known as TPIV now!

Concerning Disappointing Article Published on Trading Website:
Another paid "intense" promotion, another pump done by trading website for TPIV. Read the story, TPIV is up there with BMS and Celegene, yes the "Big Three", TPIV, CELG and BMS with billions and billions of revenue to capture. This is the same "BS" TPIV has been pumping for years without any real data or updates, they should be put in jail for continuously promoting without any progress. This is your new "pump and dump" CEO in action, you know the one who has already sold shares in TPIV. Why would any new CEO sell shares in TPIV if we are the next CELG or BMS? Hoang is a real pumper, carpet-bagging scumball, did anyone learn anything about this big time mover and shaker while he was at Belicum, interesting stuff.

MSK Link - That link has been on website for quite some time and may not have been changed yet, the question is is AZN pulling out of the TPIV/AZN trial at MSK. Has anyone heard AZN, our big pharma sponsor pulling out in very recent past? Who can confirm this, MSK, who can call MSK, who has a contact, this develpment could be real folks.

MSK Status - AZN/TPIV trial to be discontinued at MSK in Q4 2017. Anyone call MSK regarding AZN/TPIV trial, has it been canceled? If so, there goes our big Pharma sponsor! Good job guys, I need another personal letter mailed to the house.

MY Posts from Nov 6/7:

11/7 Posts - THE $500 HAMMER IS ALIVE AND WELL IN Washington D.C.

A government agency expects results, you can not be serious, they never finish anything on time and under budget, remember the story about the toliet that cost a million dollars and two years to make. Finally humor to lighten the load here, good one, LMAO!

TPIV is over for 2017 amd most of 2018, no updates or milestones to be reported in 2017 and Hoang does not care, he does not need to live up Wilson's schedule, why would he, he can not meet it, political/career suicide for sure. Hoang already sold shares and waiting for the share price crash to make a come back. You are going to lose your $85,000, multiply that by 3 and you can begin to know how I feel. I am going to get justice here not low price shares. To all, be careful on this message board, some posters are affiliated with TPIV, a "POS" company full of capetbagging scumbags.

Burrhead, it is over, this is a total reset, Hoang does not give a damn about existing shareholders, he has already sold TPIV shares and talked about new financing which means much more dilution! He can’t even get AZN to mention TPIV in their press release, TPIV actually has a trial ongoing with AZN and MD Anderson has not even started yet! No updates from MAYO or trial, TPIV/MSK must have screwed up or technology just does not work. Wake up folks reduce or eliminate your position before you get wiped out further. Going from $2.92 to $1/share is over a 60% loss, get out now or you will really regret it. I am not a basher and do not want your shares, I want justice and I am going to get it. Only thing these guys know is money so take it from them! Finally, there are people on this message board who are affiliated with TPIV, be careful who you listen to! TPIV stock and company are “ POS’s”, run and financed by carpet bagging scumballs.

I guess AZN is in bed with MD Anderson now, no mention of existing trials underway at MSK (w/TPIV). If AZN had something to report about the combined AZN/TPIV trial at MSK, they would have said something. They should have enough information to at least mention MSK/TPIV. Our stock is dead in the water, a sinking ship. It appears to be all over for TPIV in the foreseeable future, down we go from here to cash value $0.50 to $1.00/share. This has been a disaster and will continue to be a disaster w/o an update/information.

TPIV has never performed in 15 years and beginning to start over again, diluting shareholders again with new management. There is no hope for any updates on milestones and deadlines in 2017, TPIV has nothing to report. And most critical no hope for your your current investment. which now is heading to $1 per share. Read Hoang's letter, he wants more financing now which means you are going to be significantly diluted again if Hoang can find anyone stupid enough to invest. Hoang has sold TPIV shares already! No updates in 2017, no execution on milestones, a complete reset share price going below $1/share and SEC/Legal action next. I have been waiting for this day for a long time, someone is going to jail. Re-cap of my posts from yesterday:

When it finally traded last year after the RS it was up over $7+ a share, everyone was full of hope we thought it was headed to $15 to $20, finally real results, execution, a return on investment. Now after continued failures to execute and more dilutive financings, TPIV trades at $2.81 and going lower! Of course we were continuously told by Wilson and others last year that valued updates were coming real soon and all trials starting/underway. TPIV finally had to provide milestones and deadlines in 2017, boy Q3 2017 was going to be big just like Q3 2016, Q3 2015 and on and on, what a bunch of BS! They lied, and lied and lied again. Time to circle the wagons and destroy these lying scumbags. Only way to do this is sell your shares and file complaints. TPIV share price is not going up, do not be the last one out to the sub $1/share and on to penny stock status! How can a company like TPIV stay in business over the years without some of the executives going to jail?

Another example of incompetence, I just received three copies of the CEO letter to shareholders in the mail today, three different envelopes with the same letter, what is going on, TPIV can not even get mailing a letter right, wht a bunch of idiots. The letter was posted online approx three weeks ago so lets send shareholders a hard copy, maybe three. But do not worry the new CEO has already sold shares in TPIV, insider selling in the first month of work, these guys are a-holes, they do not care about your money! Hoang is on the Board of Directors of direct competitors, is there a conflict of interest here, did TPIV file anything with the SEC about Hoang affiliations? These guys are opportunistic, carpetbagging scumbags. What is next another round of dilutive fund raising to keep these guys working, this just never ends people, time for someone to go to jail! The share price is going down big, get out before further announcements regarding the above.

Bruce ... I think we need to more than just sell, we need to file an SEC complaint and engage a lawyer. I have a lawyer in Houston who will consider this case. I have emails, texts and time of commitments that supports a very strong case. Send me a private email if interested. Others are welcome to join. I am going to turn this around make these guys lose sleep at night, they are lying scum bags.

Lloyd ... I value your posts, however, it appears that Hoang, our TPIV CEO is on the BOD of companies that directly compete with TPIV. I do not see the synergy with these companies for TPIV only opportunity for Hoang, isn't $1 Million a year good enough for this guy until we see some success from TPIV. This guy has used his TPIV CEO position to be on boards of other companies. I would rather have Hoang work on TPIV business versus sitting on numerous Boards of competitiors with no collateral benefit to TPIV. We are in a crisis/survival mode. It looks like Hoang diversified risk here for his personal CYA. Again, these guys do not give a damn about your investment, can not execute, never did, CEO runs around on other Boards not focusing on TPIV business. Hoang truly has a direct conflict of interest here, these companies directly compete with TPIV. Has Hoang executed disclosure agreements with these other companies. Same thing for the crazy professor Knutson, had respect for him at one time but looks like he is moving on with other companies like AZN and the others. TPIV is a sub $1 stock, a penny stock again. These guys are carpetbagging scumbags. How does everyone feel now about that very personal and sincere letter from our beloved CEO Peter, the guy who sold TPIV shares on his first day at work! Retail shareholders like us are going to get slautered, now is the time to sell. Big investors will exercise the $1.20 warrants soon because this game is over. One last "atta-boy" to Glynn "The Strategic Advisor" Wilson, is that coffee hot Glynn, lunch here yet?

TPIV does not translate to your investment of 40,000 shares. Nothing TPIV does improves shareholder value,TPIV takes your money and destroys shareholder value, they just do not give a damn about your money. The new CEO puts out a sincere letter to the shareholders while he sells shares to cover taxes for the shares he received to joint the company that is bullish ??. He does not have enough faith in the company to risk anything, carpetbagger strategy, only scumbags do this, he not going take on your risk. Nothing published to date is statistically significant and only resulted in share price going down. After publishing a list of milestones for Q3/Q4 2017, TPIV has nothing to tell you, now we have a new CEO that is already selling shares, what does that tell you. Everybody needs to sober up and dump this “ POS”, you will be first to lose money and last to make no money, these guys are scumbag lying thieves.

11/10: post
Let me set the recorded straight. TPIV has performed consistent with my posts over the last four to six months. After years of being a supporter, I have had it and going to get these lying, pumping, carpet bagging scumballs starting with that idiot Wilson. Let me make another prediction, TPIV has and will have nothing to report, no updates, never executed, is late on all milestones time and time again, pursuing more dilutive financing and is effectively stealing your money. The new CEO has already sold shares in TPIV??? These guys are outright thieves and you are going to lose all your money and I am going to see that these a-holes are put in jail. Sell this stock it is a “ POS”.

10/18 Post:

Given the CEO letter released today with no real information or update on milestones or schedule, I just want to repost some of my previous messages which help tell the TPIV story:

09/17 Post: 10 days left in Q3 2017, good time for me to provide a message posted earlier in September. Still waiting for all the good news in Q32017 just like Q32016, Q42016 , Q42015 and so on and so on. You got nothing again Glynn Wilson, prove me wrong if you got what it takes, probably not. My message from Sept 7, follows:

Do not get pressured into buying the disaster TPIV, it will just end in big economic disappointment. TPIV has positioned itself via both long term and recent performance for significant share price declines. Changes in management needed immediately or we head towards $0.50/share - $1/share. Please refer to my recent post:

TPIV BOD's recognize concerns in management performance and are working it. Although I have communicated this in the past, BOD action has nothing to do with my connections to the TPIV BOD, it has everything to do with Glynn Wilson's very poor performance and shareholder value destruction over the years. This is further complicated by the fact Wilson re-priced warrants for the 2015 private investors during the last round of financing this summer without regard to other existing shareholders. There are questions concerning the 2015 private investors selling shares and/or warrants since the 2015 financing and the downward impact on share price since that time. Combine the above activity with the very long term published interviews, management presentations, press releases and other forms of communications and promotion where milestones/commitments have been continuously amended and schedules regarding real scientific data and progress have never been met and you have the basis for SEC complaints and legal action. Throwing gasoline of the fire is the potential collateral damage from questionable relationship people associated with TPIV may have with Neurotrope (NTRP) and other entities associated with NTRP as outlined in a published SeekingAlpha article, the article mentioned TPIV. I was shocked when I read this article, why was this never communicated to TPIV shareholders. So yes much to question about TPIV management and BOD over the years and they may get to answer questions the hard way. Finally all this happened under ther reign of the current CEO, Glynn Wilson. Irrespective of legal action and complaints the above is wrong, flat out wrong and unethical, financially and emotionally destructive to people who put their trust, faith and financial future in real companies and the market. Why would any CEO or anyone get to keep their job after doing the above, but yet we have it in modern day TPIV and its CEO Glynn Wilson. What is worse, Wilson will not recognize that he failed and resign which leads me to draw conclusions to the sociopath behavior of Bernie Madoff, how can a CEO like Wilson survive. Looks like Wilson will survive at your expense. Glynn, let me educate here a bit, you never get to retire when you want to and on your terms so move on.

Now lets focus on recent performance. Here is the first paragraph from the PR Newswire release after the TPIV quarterly update on August 31:
Anticipated 2017 Milestones:
"Publish long-term safety, immune response and survival data from completed Phase 1 clinical study of TPIV 200 Report interim results from ongoing Phase 2 study of TPIV 200 in combination with AstraZeneca's durvalumab in patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer Complete enrollment in TapImmune Sponsored Phase 2 study of TPIV 200 in TNBC File amended investigational new drug application (IND) for TPIV 110 for treating HER2/neu+ breast cancer".

There is no reference to Q317 anymore and MAYO has been completely eliminated from this summary. MAYO is now an academic institution whos does not care about TPIV or its shareholders. Really, nice of TPIV to communicate that at Quarterly Update as it appears we are late again! What about AZN Durvalumab, failed in trials earlier this year, so everything at risk here. Also, Wilson mentioned the recent financing as a big accomplishment in Q217, it was dilutive, provided preferential treatment to 2015 investors via re priced warrants, includes no real lock-up period for new investors, and millions more share potential capped at low share prices. Finally, Wilson also stated the financing was "at market", what? At market very close to 12-month and historic lows (close to $0.30/share pre-reverse split). This accomplishment just goes to show how stupid Wilson, he just does not understand business side as well, just can not execute. Wilson and TPIV have zero credibility now, how can you believe anything this company tells you.

In summary, TPIV has a big problem with MAYO, AZN Durvalumab in-house, with Celgene combo trials, and with competitors. The Quarterly Update was pathetic and all deadlines appear to be extended. I still wonder if MAYO trials are a sure thing now. I informed the message board nothing would come from TPIV and Wilson at both the annual meeting and and quarterly update last week and it turned out worse than I thought, TPIV appears to be late on everything. No Mayo influence, late again and amending trials, extending schedule and costing more money. As a result, more financing will needed sooner rather than later, more dilution will occur which equals more shareholder value destruction while risk for private investors is mitigated via additional warrant re-pricing. I would not touch this stock with 100 foot pole. Management changes needed now! This stock is going to slide down to $0.50 to $1/share reflecting cash value or less until new management is in place and real data and real progress is reported. Do not be suckered into buying this stock, you are giving your money to help protect downside for the private investors and to let village idiot remain employed. This is a complete disaster at present.

09/19 Post: shub, I think you make a point, we assume going in to the investment that management is competent, transparent, credible and driven. Unfortunately TPIV management is not and is led by a 70 year old CEO, Wilson who is a complete idiot. TPIV has never executed to schedule and/or provided any real data or progress in several years. What TPIV has done is put out extreme promotion while taking shareholder money. I just do not understand why the TPIV BOD's and large investors do not push him out. I really think everyone got too cozy. The BOD's do not care, they have a lottery ticket that may payout someday. The large investors get their warrants re-priced every time Wilson does another refinancing so these investors have no motivation to move faster or more urgently, their downside is mitigated and the opportunity to reduce long term acquisition cost is present. This is not only unethical but possibility illegal but Wilson does it, the only thing he is good at and it enables him to stay employed when he should be retired. In summary, unless we have a shake-up here which starts with replacing Wilson there will be more of the same with share price down to $1/share or lower, possible legal and regulatory action. As a result, by investing in TPIV you will not be even anymore. Good luck with other investments.

10/02 Post: We got nothing in Q3 2017 and that is "OK'??? This has happened over and over gain while we run out of cash again. Wilson told an outright lie, he should be put in jail, SEC complaints should be processed. Where in the heck is Hoang, getting paid big bucks needs to show up to work and step up, make contact. "Hope", tired of seeing stories about hope on the Internet, tired of MAYO and the nutty professor Knutson, he is just maintaining his salary and expense account on your buck. Boy Kenney appears to be a big flame-out, a true consultant! This company and stock is a real "pos"! Send the big investors a message, sell let them lose money for once, then buy back after they see some pain. See my earlier post:

TP1, Bur BP - I am not going to disclose if I have influence, however, what I do have is knowledge. We are probably dead in the water for the remainder of 2017 and this means the share price goes down because shareholders are impatient and we are burning through cash, more now with recent CEO hire added to Wilson's salary and Kenney's consulting charges just ridiculous! I do not find losing money fun or a time to make jokes, again real people losing money here, this is BS. The share price goes down either fast or painfully slow. Only thing can stop it is real data and real progress which is delayed now due to CEO change. You just can not make share price go up with a management change, doesn't matter if it is a good move or not. Right now some investor trying to support share price, when he gets tired of this and finds out another investor is exercising warrants, he will get pissed and stop and share price goes down again either fast or slow. There are warrants out there as low as $1.20/share.

Hoang the new CEO has to deliver his message, we need to know the new baseline including milestones and timing, rip off the Band-Aid. We need new status on all milestones and work like PolyStart. Hoang may need to make some personnel changes. No one seemed confident at last quarterly update, refering to MAYO as an academic institution. MAYO-Knutson stating that he wanted to get TPIV200 in lab with a combo trial, everything out of control. Wilson gives nothing on AZN and other trials, tries to shift emphasis to 2017 not Q3 2017. Wilson is out of the picture going forward, a wallflower, when his contract is up he is out. It is the new CEO Hoang's butt on the line, he could care less about Wilson, he is in charge now. You do not replace a CEO who does not want to go if everything is progressing per plan, on schedule with all milestones met and in place. Hoang will need to communicate now and not make a mistake, this is going to take time.

From what I can gather today, hiring this guy and paying him so much was a "Hail Mary" by the TPIV BOD's and the major shareholders, we are behind schedule again including possibly the AZN/MSK combo trial, maybe AZN not interested anymore. Let's pay Hoang a million dollars and see if he can turn it around, we have cash in company, better that current CEO and if we stay in the current mode we lose all our investment. Hope this guy can make the magic appear and quick, the wait again is damn frustrating. Hopefully we have something real to offer and did not waste $1,500,000 on this guy who was unemployed when he took the job. Real date, Real progress will support share price and the CEO needs to get this and fast.

10/07 Post: I read latest interview w/Hoang, my input on parts of interview follow::
"Just a few years ago, venture capitalists would have laughed ideas like TapImmune out of the room"
That is not what Wilson was professing to me personally over the years, extreme promotion was evident. There is a legal case for fraud and SEC complaints here. Throw in potential unethical BOD members and TPIV may be in trouble.

"Hoang understands his company faces an uphill battle. It is a small, publicly-traded company in a field with highly-funded giants; it is trying to upend established therapies and advance the scientific field; and it targets aggressive and difficult to treat cancers. Therefore, establishing a company culture in which all stakeholders feel that what they do matters and what the company does matters is essential, Hoang said."
This sounds much more difficult than what Wilson was professing again fraud. Hoang got his $1.5 to 2.0 Million so no risk for him. Also is company having "Culture" problems after 13 years with Wilson?

"We want to raise money sooner rather than later," he said, noting the high cost of clinical trials. "That's the number one thing on my agenda today."
This only leads to one thing "DILUTION" unless TPIV has something to report which they don't and again late, a case for fraud. Also, I guess he is conveying that Wilson performed very poorly securing financing, gave company away to unethical P.E. sharks. How long do shareholders wait until they puke up their shares and this heads to low $2's for start.

Finally, Bellicum did not start or anchor the BioTech Industry in Houston, the largest Medical Center in the world. Houston has been working for years to get BioTech started and Bellicum is a pimple on the ass of the Houston Medical scene, the guy has the potential to be a promoter, just want results now, no more BS.

In short granted Hoang needs to get his message out then quickly deliver results, no more BS. If TPIV is going to be late then he needs to publish new milestones and due dates. Based on what I have just read, we just have the TPIV BS machine up and working again, where are the results to back it up and when? Same old story so far, just a trading stock to pump and dump.
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