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Alias Born 01/22/2006

Re: magikalalpha post# 68609

Wednesday, 11/01/2017 10:55:34 AM

Wednesday, November 01, 2017 10:55:34 AM

Post# of 346935
(repost) Theres a lot more info to come on this acquisition.

What i like about this deal, is the fact that it directly relates to one of their strongest growth areas. They are leaning on their proven abilities, which are the best types of supplemental acquisitions.

I bet they see this as an easy way to continue pushing their rate of growth... and the risk is only 750,000 shares!

There might be a little debt, but i doubt much. Distribution doesn't accumulate much debt, because you dont have to manufacturer anything and can scale up and down with your growth. Although, the reduced business risk is offset by the amount of reward (lower margins)

Worst case, the biz fails and they lose 750,000 shares, maybe 6 figures in debt... which is nothing compared to the amount of gain potential with thousands of accounts ALREADY being pitched.

Im confident that Roger will once again prove to be savvy at choosing acquisitions.

My postings contain many opinions. So please do your own research
and validation.

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