Yes a nice bounce, but the feeling one gets is that there may have been a 'sea change' in the way cryptos are perceived with the arrival of Andrew Left and the shorts. Just a gut feeling though. With the big central banks and the IMF planning to adopt their own DLT, they may figure it's time to start regulating the many crypto upstarts and ICOs out of business.
But I'm still not sure how easy or difficult it is for hedge funds to short these cryptos since they aren't traded on a regular stock exchange (except GBTC). If they can't easily short or hedge then the only viable speculative trade was to be long and then try to bail while simultaneously hyping up the sector.
I don't plan on participating much on the cryptocurrency side, but a more traditional stock investment in the blockchain/DLT sector might be interesting if there are some small or mid caps who stand to benefit. You may be right that the established large/mega caps like Microsoft and IBM will be the 'go to' sources for the technology. After all, if a big financial company wants to convert to DLT, with why mess around with some unknown micro cap when you can get a bolt on system from MSFT/IBM.
Still, maybe there are a few niche micro caps out there lurking under the radar.