I am. When the only outcome can be that which is most obvious, then it is logical to presume that in fact, that will be the outcome. One does not buy controlling interest in anything, only to destroy it a week later.
Winding down operations:
Prior management originated the 8K, therefore it was written in the first person as a corporation in legal documents is personified. Ergot, all language contained within the document refers to them and all actions taken by them were delineated in the filing. Other than what was stipulated in the excluding assets addendum, their business, and corporate entity, related to them, the OLD company, is now defunct.
When reading a legal document, it is imperative to understanding said document, that the reader understand fully the perspective from whom it was originated. Therefore, one can see that the grieving party here, SOUPQ's prior bonehead management, is outlying what Wealth Colony did and that their debt, rights and legal claims on anything SOUPQ does going forward, has been remediated by the settlement of debt for cash money. Any side deals that were not disclosed inter alia by parties known or not known to WC and GB, are null and void at this point.