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Re: None

Thursday, 08/24/2017 11:56:18 PM

Thursday, August 24, 2017 11:56:18 PM

Post# of 346682
This is a must see, this is the anticipated post I said I would post earlier that would draw a picture I think you all may appreciate!

My presentation's graphical resources and difficulties sharing them:

The hard part will be presenting my visual as it is large in size and the picture makes it unreadable... So here is what I am going to do about it... I'll post the entire picture first, if you can see it, great... If not, I am posting the important parts of the picture broken down into multiple pictures presented in sequence, 1 at a time and describe what you are looking at and why...

Download the pictures if all else fails via link at bottom:

I will post a link at the bottom of this post to a place you can view all of the pictures in a "Google Album" where you can click on them, and view them with an ability to zoom into them, and if that doesn't work, you can download the pictures from there and the resolution should let you zoom in with any picture software (including Paint Brush) on you computer...

Let's begin, first picture, the full view of my spreadsheet:

Again, I figure you cannot make this out as it is too large and you probably won't be able to zoom in enough to make anything out... So I will dissect it here piece by piece in sequence with close up pictures below as I go...

8/24/2017 Closing Market Chart

First and foremost, all this data was extracted from this AMFE chart from

So to begin...

Part 1: Previous Consolidation Period (May-July, 2017)

Part one is all the data for the last consolidation period as shown here (another picture you probably can't make out, I will post a close up picture of the important data from this picture immediately below it:

Here is a close up of the information that matter most:

So in this picture above, I observed the chart and determined the PREVIOUS consolidation period ran from May 2nd, 2017 to July 11th, 2017... that equaled 49 market days... The larger picture shows all of the data for all 49 days... If you cannot make it out you can either download it, view the chart, or trust me...

If you look, I took the Opening Price of each day, the High of each day, the Low of each day, and the Closing Price of each day, plus the date, and the number of how many days each day was into the consolidation period.

DISCLAIMER: seems to round the numbers to the 3rd decimal point, so the numbers are only that accurate.

So after putting all of the pricing information for the entire 49 day consolidation period into the spreadsheet, I then took the averages, the average opening price, average high, average low, and average closing price... I also annotated the absolute high and absolute low price.

Previous Consolidation Period:
Lasted 49 days
Average Open Price: $0.0801
Average High: $0.0826
Average Low: $0.0743
Average Closing Price: $0.0793
Absolute High Price: $0.0954
Absolute Low Price: $0.0580

Moving on...

Part 2: The Current Consolidation Period (August, 2017 to Present)

To begin with... I struggled to identify exactly where one would consider this consolidation periods beginning... Some might think August 1st, 2017 as that date, and originally I agreed... But the more I thought about it, it appears the couple of red days followed the gap that if ignored or didn't happen, we probably would have continued into the uptrend that later lead into the high latest and current high on the year price per share of $0.235 first reached August 9th, 2017... Since we again touched that high of $0.235 the next day (August 10th, 2017) before taking a fall, I choose to believe August 10th, 2017 is the beginning of the current consolidation period... Since then, we have never made it back up to that height, and if you look at and compare the RSI and MACD, both signal August 10th as the real beginning over August 1st....

So with that said, August 10th, 2017 was my chosen beginning date for this consolidation period we are currently in, thus we have been in this consolidation period now for 11 market days...

Again, I took the average of all the day's opening prices, highs, lows, and closing prices, plus the absolute highs and lows... NOTE, I did not consider the $0.145 price we fell to right after the gap as apart of the consolidation period so it was ignored, and again probably directly related to the gap itself....

Current Consolidation Period:
Lasted 11 days SO FAR
Average Open Price: $0.2024
Average High: $0.2056
Average Low: $0.1789
Average Closing Price: $0.1932
Absolute High Price: $0.2350
Absolute Low Price: $0.1650

Moving on...

Relation, Proportional Comparisons, Theoretical Figures and Expectation for This Current Consolidation Period

So... Now I have old data and new data... I began to look for similar behavior patterns... And I found some...

First... I took all those numbrs above, and individually divided the current consolidation period's numbers by the previous consolidation period's numbers to find a ratio... Surprisingly across the board the ratios for each field of data were pretty freaking close...

then I took the average of all the individual ratios and started playing with the numbers in a hypothetical sense...

If you took the old consolidation period numbers and multiplied it by the ratio, it should spit out an answer close to that of the current consolidation period numbers... And surprisingly, those numbers were very close in just about every way imaginable...

So, to further explain...

Average Opening Prices:
Previous Consolidation Period: $0.0801
Current Consolidation Period: $0.2024

$0.2024 / $0.0801 = 2.5276

Average Opening Price Ratio is 2.5276
, IE the current consolidation period's Average Opening Price is 2.5276 times that of the previous consolidation period's.

All Ratios:
Average Opening Price= 2.5276
Average High Price= 2.4898
Average Low Price= 2.4077
Average Closing Price= 2.4353
Absolute High Price= 2.4633
Absloute Low Price= 2.8448

AVERAGE RATIO (all ratios above added and divided by 6)= 2.5281

First Thing I Used This Ratios For Was to Determine the Price Range We'll Probably Swing Between and How it Compares to the Previous Consolidation Period's Price Range

Interestingly, this paints a picture that makes congruent sense to what we've been observing this consolidation period...

The Last consolidation period's low was $0.058, it was rare that we fell into the $0.05's and we didn't spend very long there when we did... That consolidation periods $0.058 is like this current consolidation period's $0.1466 according to the ratio... And interestingly, we did see $0.145 as a low (though again I don't consider that as a part of the actual consolidation period)...

The last consolidation period's high was $0.0954, we touched it twice at the end of the last bull run and at the beginning of the previous consolidation period... That consolidation period's $0.0954 is like this current consolidation period's $0.2412, which... Ok, it's perfectly on the money... But it isn't too far from $0.235 which is the high so far that we've seen, again touching it twice, once at the end of the last bull run and once at the beginning of this current consolidation period...

So basically I created some milestone numbers from the last consolidation period, and used the ratio to paint some rough milestone numbers for the current consolidation period by multiplying the old ones by the 2.5281 ratio:

The old $0.058 is the new $0.1466
The old $0.06 is the new $0.1517
The old $0.065 is the new $0.1643
The old $0.07 is the new $0.1770
The old $0.075 is the new $0.1896
The old $0.08 is the new $0.2022
The old $0.085 is the new $0.2149
The old $0.09 is the new $0.2275
The old $0.0954 is the new $0.2412

And if you think back to the previous consolidation period, or look at the chart or pictures and data above, you will see that is right around the range we are currently bouncing around in... Almost with perfect accuracy... Think about how rare/common it was that that we saw each one of those milestones before, and how rare/common it is that we see the ratio correlation ones now...

Does this sound right?

Using the previous consolidation period average numbers multiplied by the ratio 2.5281, the:

Theoretical Average Opening Price: $0.2024
Theoretical Average High: $0.2088
Theoretical Average Low: $0.1879
Theoretical Average Closing Price: $0.2005

And is it? Here is the actual numbers of AGAIN of the current consolidation period numbers are:

Current Consolidation Period:
Lasted 11 days SO FAR
Average Open Price: $0.2024
Average High: $0.2056
Average Low: $0.1789
Average Closing Price: $0.1932

Not too far off....

Where we should Have Theoretically Been the Past 11 Market Days Sicne Beginning This Current Consolidation Period

If you look at the yellow chart in the last picture:

(here it is again)

and compare it to the ACTUAL numbers of the current consolidation period in the picture above:

(here that one is again)

Not too far off....

So the yellow chart takes the first 11 days of the previous consolidation period, and multiplies each field by the 2.5281 ratio... And we do a fairly decent job acting out the script... Interesting... Like clock work almost...

That is not all, I also Observed a Whole Mess of Moving Averages

So then I took THE LAST 50 day's closing prices, and found all Simple Moving Average ranging from the 1 day, to the 50 day Moving Average...

I'll let you read this data however you feel it best to do so... But what I will mention is, I began replacing the older days of the last 50 days that make up the 50 day Moving Average with the current 20 day Moving Average (currently $0.1926) and it too 31 days for the 50 day Moving Average to reach the 20 Day Moving Average...

The significance of the 20 day Moving Average is that it is the number that the Bollinger Bands straddle, and generally the number the consolidation price range hugs... For the most part the price per share tends to remain close by the 20 day Moving Average during a consolidation period...

So if this holds up, then the price per share and the 20 day Moving Average should begin to challenge the 50 day Moving Average again in 30 market days (around October 6th, 2017)... you'll remember and looking at the chart again, that generally whenever the price per share challenges the 50 day Moving Average, we bounce off of it and usually into the next bull run... We ALMOST NEVER dip below the 50 day Moving Average and the rare occasions that we do, we don't dip far below or for very long... This has been the signal lately that implies we'll be running upwards again...

Now, this implies also that the 20 day Moving Average remains hugging $0.1926 and doesn't stray too far away from it... But keep in mind all numbers of the last 20 days gets figured into it, both high and low... Though as of lately we've been seeing quite a bit a low numbers... So it could open up the possibility that it'll take longer... None of this is exact science, it'll all vary as everything is fluid and keep in mind that this doesn't account for other catalyst, etc. Like the audit, any major sales, etc. Those alone could send us flying sooner than the technical data would indicate...

This all just shows some of the technical data and predictions made strictly using it... But keep in mind, the day trader generally rule the OTC market and the vast majority of those people use technical data to figure their moves... We all saw it the last couple of bull runs here at AMFE...

What Keeps AMFE Stable and Solid

There is no guarantees or written rules that says AMFE has to follow any of these rules or patterns, etc... Stocks gap and crash all the time and it is unpredictable ultimately... The key thing keeping AMFE stable and healthy for us is 2 fold... Ultimate the foundation is the fundamentals, the fact AMFE as a company is doing so well, has so much potential, is very profitable, and making a lot of good moves... The 2nd thing is the fact AMFE has a solid share holder community holding tightly onto their shares... And that largely has to do with the first reason... If you ever sit back and watch the Level 2 data when we have most of our red days, especially inside consolidation periods, yo uwill see a whole lot of time where no trades are made... And that is because perhaps AMFE at that given moment isn't being focused on for one reason or another, probably a lot to do with technical traders and day traders focusing elsewhere until AMFE throws up the bat signal with technical signals that bring the traders back to AMFE for our next bull run... Meanwhile no one is selling either... You'll see the games, low volume prices being walked down, maybe a long or 2 exits here and there, or other weak hands, and of course market makers moving shares around, etc... That is what generally causes the majority of our red days... Otherwise it is a ghost town on the Level 2 board during these periods of time because share holders know what they have in AMFE and aren't selling... Buyers are generally forced to buy the ASK except in the low volume trades and manipulation games, but the price generally drops on low volume, meaning it can easily shoot back up just as fast... And it does from time to time when you watch it...

So because we are so well networked here on iHub, we have the float pretty locked up, shareholders here do things like I am doing now to keep each other in the game and mentally strong... since these times are mentally challenging, when you see a lot of red days, bashers, recognize this is the OTC and anything can happen, etc... It is hard to remain focused on the DD and fundamentals, to trust in what you got at times... The strong hold, and the patience has paid off even since the last consolidation period...

Lastly, The Audit and the Effect it May Have Immediately on AMFE

Aside from uplisting and other catalyst we are aware of, it is important to note that the audit will change the financial reportings as reported by all the financial institutions like TD Ameritrade, E*Trade, Fidelity, Yahoo Finance, etc...

You see... Those institutions report a company's numbers as they are since their last audit... They do not accept a company's self proclaimed financial performance, because a company can lie and easily mislead people for their benefit... The audit is key to updating AMFE's financial reportings via those institutions...

Right now those institutions are reporting inaccurate information, because AMFE hasn't been audited for 3 years... So all the numbers found on financial reports are 3 years old and way out dated... AMFE has done A LOT of growing since then... Our numbers are better, but the general population is unaware of it, because when people research AMFE when thinking about investing in it for example, the numbers they go by are those reported by the institutions, and as mentioned, those are no accurate...

When AMFE completes it's audit of the last 3 years via the reputable and SEC approved 3rd party auditor, those financial institutions will update their numbers, and just like a switch was flipped, suddenly AMFE will be seen in a whole new light... It will be given a whole new valuation, one more accurate to where AMFE actually stands currently... This will instantly make AMFE more appealing and valuable to investors looking to get in...

Currently financial institutions are reporting AMFE as having 664.5 Million outstanding shares and a market capitalization of $115.6 Million.

Market Capitalization is figured by multiplying the current price per share ($0.174) by the # of outstanding shares... So the math is:

$0.174 x 664.5 Million = $115.6 Million.

However, AMFE's ACTUAL outstanding share count is actually 473.9 Million according to their recently released but unaudited annual financial report mentioned here:

This means that $115.6 Million company market valuation AMFE has is actually divided over 473.9 Million shares instead of 664.5 Million share... So our price per share should actually be valued at:

$115.6 Million / 473.9 Million = $0.2439

ALSO... Keep in mind that barrage of 18 Tweets AMFE Tweeted, one of which stated the outstanding shares are being actively reduced by 20 Million, and more reduction is being considered...

So when that occurs (and the aduited financial report will probably reflect it), then the outstanding share count will become 453.9 Million or less... So then the share price valuation should become:

$115.6 Million / 453.9 Million = $0.2547

And this is all while the share price, RSI, etc. is down... We can easily see AMFE jump to a price per share between $0.25 to $0.35 any time in the near future, especially after the audit...

Not to mention Quarter 1 reports will be released by October, 2017 too... And AMFE is expecting to blow away expectations and previous reportings of the past... It honestly seems like we consolidate in between quarterly reports, and launch in anticipation of the next quarterly/ annual report... As long as those keep healthy, I expect AMFE to keep healthy!!!

By the way... AMFE just released new Tweets:

Any second at any time, something can trigger a new bull run and snap this consolidation period!!!

Thank you for reading this... Here is a line to a place you should be able to download and take a closer look at all the pictures I attached to this post:

Go $AMFE!!!