Bad day for any stock when these low life Leeches like Michael T Redman and J Donald Payne enter these abandoned shells.
Redman or as he is known Redscam throughout the field is the stock destroyer, everyone saw first hand what happened to RPRX when he entered and gutted the company from within.
Everything Redscam touches turns to crap he and Payne are in this for the loot, nothing else
I see AEPP is that same BS story, about an already failed product they are using to promote the fraud, Redscam used that same lingo with RPRX when he entered the stock at $10 a share
Now respectfully trading at about 30 cents.. Great Job
Nice part about AEPP is he bought 60 million shares for a penny? to pay off some other deadbeats debts unfortunately that deabeat is Brian Kistler, who is prancing around with over 30 million more shares to dilute onto current shareholders
Payne Kistler and Redscam have millions of shares to dilute and with the T/A Gagging July 6th No one will be able stop them.
Know the old saying "S**T and walk away"
Well that's what these guys do best
Everything I post, is In my own opinion, I don't care what you think about it, if you disagree, post it like I do. If you buy or sell stock based on what I say, your a lunatic and should not be trading. Have a great day!