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Wednesday, 07/05/2017 8:52:05 AM

Wednesday, July 05, 2017 8:52:05 AM

Post# of 40914
Looks to me this is the group you want to belong to...

Agricultural Processing Union

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 Name of the Organization: National Union for the Development of Agricultural Products Processing Industry. English name: China Agricultural Products Processing Industry Development Association, the English abbreviation: CAPPIDA.

Article 2 Nature of the Organization: A national and non-profit organization composed of a legal person organization and an unincorporated organization jointly organized by the processing of agricultural products in China.

Article 3 The purpose of the organization: to support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, abide by the national constitution, laws, regulations and relevant policies, abide by the social morality and fashion; implement the new concept of innovation, coordination, green, open and share, promote the transformation of agricultural products processing industry To promote the integration of rural economic development, broaden the channels of farmers to increase income, build a modern agricultural industry system; play a bridge and link role, with the government to strengthen and improve the management services for the industry Development and create good external conditions; based on the organization of members of the service, to help them enhance their own quality, optimize the development conditions, to support their reasonable demands to reflect and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests; strengthen industry self-discipline, promote agricultural products processing industry sustained and healthy development.

Article 4 The various types of services and activities carried out by the Organization shall be subject to the guidance and management of the Agricultural Products Processing Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Article 5 The permanent residence of the Organization is located in Beijing and is staffed with the Secretariat of the China Association of Township Enterprises.

Chapter II Membership

Article 6 Principle of joining: The Organization follows the principle of "democratic consultation, equality and mutual benefit, open sharing", joining voluntary and withdrawing from freedom.

Article 7 The Organization shall only accept the members of the group. The scope includes: the production and operation enterprises (economic organizations), scientific research institutes, universities, financial institutions, social organizations, news media, and other relevant service institutions related to the processing of agricultural products The

Article 8 Members who apply for membership in the Organization must meet the following conditions:

(A) to comply with national laws and regulations;

(Ii) Commitment to compliance with the articles of association of the Organization;

(Iii) willingness to participate in the activities of the Organization;

(D) has a strong sense of social responsibility.

Article 9 Procedures for accession to the Organization:

(A) to submit a written application;

(Ii) audited by the Secretariat;

(C) through the audit after the report to the Council for the record.

Article 10 Members enjoy the following rights:

(A) the right to vote, to be elected and to vote;

(Ii) to participate in the activities of the Organization and to give priority to opportunities for business cooperation among members;

(Iii) obtaining the priority and preferential rights of the Organization's services;

(Iv) the right to recommend and supervise the views of the Organization on its work;

(V) other rights conferred by the Council;

(Vi) withdraw from the rights of the Organization without prejudice to the interests of the Union and other members.

Article 11 Members shall perform the following obligations:

(1) to abide by the articles of association and related systems and to implement the resolutions of the Organization;

(B) the secret of the Union;

(C) relying on their own advantages to promote the construction of the Union to promote the sharing of industrial information resources;

(Iv) to support the work of the Organization and to uphold the legitimate rights and interests of the Organization;

(E) the payment of membership fees in accordance with the provisions of the Organization, the financial obligations of Members to the Organization are limited to membership fees;

(6) No member may carry out any activity or business in the name of the Union without the written permission of the Union;

(7) Any member of the Union who undertakes any loss to the Union or other members of the Union shall be liable for any breach of this Agreement.

Article 12 If a member has any of the following circumstances, he may terminate his allies by the Secretariat and report to the Council for filing.

(1) to submit a written application for withdrawal from the Organization;

(2) failing to pay membership fees for two consecutive years without justifiable reasons;

(3) a member unit that can not be contacted within one year;

(D) three consecutive times do not participate in the Union activities as automatic withdrawal from the Union;

(5) having violated the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association.

Chapter 3 Main Tasks

Article 13 The main tasks and scope of business of the Union include:

(A) policy advice. Propaganda party and the state on the "three rural" work and agricultural products processing industry policies and regulations, to provide members with relevant advisory services.

(B) investigation and study. In view of the innovation experience of the development of the industry, the difficulties and problems encountered in the organization of investigation and study, timely reflect the situation, put forward the relevant proposals for the government to develop relevant policies to provide reference.

(C) reflect the demands. Keep abreast of the views of the development of the industry and the vital interests of the views and demands, make recommendations and timely to the relevant government departments to reflect.

(D) information services. The establishment of network information platform, to keep abreast of and analyze the development of domestic and foreign agricultural products processing industry, the collection of market supply and demand, technology and equipment, scientific research and other related information, timely release to members, targeted agricultural products processing industry research report. Organization of agricultural products processing enterprises on strategic planning, production and operation, mergers and acquisitions, financing and other common issues to discuss the exchange, and the industry development model and operational management experience to summarize the introduction.

(E) expert services. The establishment of expert think tank, the organization of the experts for the development of the industry encountered in the funds, technology, information, personnel and management of hot and common problems analysis and diagnosis, put forward countermeasures; in product development, scientific research application, technology and equipment transformation, Saving efficiency and other aspects of production and processing enterprises to provide advisory services.

(6) Personnel training. With the relevant educational institutions to carry out education and training work to promote agricultural products processing industry professionals, double the cultivation of senior personnel to promote the integration of production and education in depth. Organize various types of training, exchange activities, support enterprises to carry out vocational training for migrant workers.

(Seven) international exchanges. Focusing on the "one side along the way" strategy to strengthen with the relevant international organizations, the relevant countries and regional organizations, exchanges and cooperation for China's agricultural products processing industry to go out and build a bridge to international development. Guide members to actively participate in international affairs, enhance the development of international standards, trade rules and other aspects of the right to speak. Members of the organization to visit overseas and study tours.

(8) standard construction. Promote the standardization system of agricultural products processing industry. With the government departments to revise the national agricultural products processing industry standards, including: product standards, raw material standards, packaging standards, method standards, management standards, the use of inputs guidelines, technical procedures, etc .; to promote the implementation of standards and agricultural standardization Base construction; guide the organization of enterprises in the national and industry standards based on the development, the use of higher corporate internal control standards.

(9) publicity and promotion. Joint social traditional media, new media (network, microblogging, WeChat, etc.) to carry out industry, business, product publicity, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the website and editor of the industry issued publicity publications. Sponsor, co-host, exhibition on the exhibition, trade negotiations, investment, production and marketing docking, product launches and other business activities.

(10) Financial services. With the relevant financial institutions to provide financing services for enterprises; guide industrial and commercial capital, social capital investment to high-quality enterprises.

(Eleven) results transformation. Play the advantages of the Union, to promote the enterprise as the mainstay, science and technology enterprises, "production and research use" integration of science and technology innovation promotion system. The establishment of scientific research cooperation information platform, with the local cooperation to establish scientific research achievements into the demonstration base.

(12) industry integration. Support the agricultural products processing enterprises to extend the development of the first tertiary industry, the establishment of large-scale, standardized, specialized raw material production base and marketing system; to assist agricultural products processing enterprises and green food raw materials standardized production base, farmer cooperatives, family farm docking cooperation, Integration development.

(13) public welfare undertakings. To carry out publicity and education of social responsibility of the industry, to guide enterprises to publish social responsibility report. Organize and participate in various public welfare activities, according to the law of the development of public welfare undertakings, commitment to government departments commissioned by the public welfare work, and actively undertake government procurement services.

(14) industry self-discipline. Promote the system of self-discipline system, self-discipline, self-supervision and management, promote law-abiding, public morality, integrity concept, standardize production and management behavior, strengthen product quality management, maintain a good industry image.

Chapter IV Organization and Leader

Article 14 The Organization shall consist of the General Assembly, the Council, the Standing Enforcement Agencies, the branches, the professional committees and the expert advisory committees. The General Assembly is the supreme authority; the board is the day-to-day management decision-making body; the secretariat is the permanent executive body; the expert advisory board consults the board of advisors.

Article 15 The Organization shall have honorary chairman, chairman, executive vice-chairman, executive vice-chairman, vice-chairman, executive director (executive director unit), director, secretary-general, executive deputy secretary-general and deputy secretary-general. Implement the Secretary-General's accountability under the chairmanship.

(A) honorary chairman, chairman, executive vice chairman, executive vice chairman, vice chairman

1. Age is not more than 70 years old;

2. To comply with national laws, regulations and national policies;

3. In the national agriculture, agricultural products processing industry has a wide range of influence and appeal;

4. Actively promote the development of agriculture and agricultural products industry;

5. Good health and ability to lead the organization.

(Ii) the qualifications of the Secretary-General, the Under-Secretary-General and the Under-Secretary-General

1. comply with national laws, regulations and national policies;

2. Long-term commitment to the development of agriculture and agricultural products processing industry;

3. Be healthy and competent to lead the organization.

(C) expert advisory committee by the relevant government departments and relevant experts and scholars.

Article 16 of the general. The Council will hold a general election every five years, and the special situation will need to be renewed for a maximum of one year. In conjunction with the members of the General Assembly, all the members to participate.

(1) Before the general session of the session, the Secretariat shall continue to serve as the directors' opinions to all the members of this Council and inform the relevant member units of the matters to be added to the board of directors. In accordance with the summary of the Secretariat, the Council shall submit the list of candidates for the next Council to the Chairman of the Council (Chairman, Executive Vice Chairman, Executive Vice Chairman and Vice Chairman) in accordance with the Articles of Association.

(2) The Chairman shall report the work of the Council at the general session and, after hearing the opinion of the Board, declare that the term of office of this Council is concluded.

(3) The chairman, the executive vice-chairman, the executive vice-chairman, the vice-chairman and the secretary-general shall serve for a term of three years and shall be re-elected for a term not exceeding three.

(4) After the completion of the Council, notify the member units and issue a new certificate of membership.

Chapter 5 Decision Mechanisms

Article 17 The General Assembly shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(A) to develop and amend the articles of association;

(B) to vote on the nomination or removal of the Chairman, the Executive Vice-Chairman, the Executive Vice-Chairman, the Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary-General;

(Iii) consideration of the Council's work report and financial report;

(4) to approve the membership fees;

(5) to decide on the merger, division and termination of the Organization;

(6) to decide on other important matters.

Article 18 The Council shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(A) report to the General Assembly, the implementation of the General Assembly resolution;

(2) Nominated honorary chairman, chairman, executive vice chairman, executive vice chairman, vice chairman, secretary of the candidates, submitted to the General Assembly vote, the first by the sponsor of the Council nominated honorary chairman, chairman, executive vice president, executive vice Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary-General's duties;

(Iii) to submit to the General Assembly the recommendation to remove the Chairman, the Executive Vice-Chairman, the Executive Vice-Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson and the Secretary-

(D) to hire the expert advisory committee director and committee;

(5) to prepare for the convening of a general meeting;

(6) to consider the annual financial report and audit report of the Organization;

(Vi) Development and revision of the rules of procedure of the Organization;

(8) to make recommendations on the fees charged by the Union members;

(9) to decide on other matters relating to the Organization's major matters and to authorize the General Assembly.

Article 19 The Secretariat shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(1) to organize the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly and the Council;

(2) to preside over the daily operation and management of the Union and to participate in the decision-making of major issues of the Union;

(3) approval of the expenses related to the daily operation and management of the Union;

(4) the establishment, management and cancellation of the branches and branches of the Union, the selection and management of all kinds of staff of the organization, the decision to accept the members and the termination of membership, and report to the Council for the record;

(5) to formulate the overall development plan of the Union, the annual work plan, the annual financial budget and final accounts, and report to the Council of the Union;

(6) to complete other relevant work assigned by the Chairman.

Chapter VI Rules of Procedure

Article 20 Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly:

(A) Membership Meetings shall be convened by a member of 2/3 or more and the resolution shall be effected by a vote of more than 1/2 of the membership.

(2) Membership meetings are held every three years. Due to special circumstances need to be held in advance or postponed, subject to the Council to consider the adoption of the extension of the maximum shall not exceed 1 year. The Council shall have the power to decide to convene the Provisional Members' General Assembly as necessary.

Article 21 Rules of Procedure of the Council:

(A) The Council meets at least once a year. A meeting of two or more members of the Council shall be convened and the resolution shall be subject to the approval of more than 1/2 of the vote.

(Ii) The Chairman, the Executive Vice-Chairman, the Executive Vice-Chairman and the Vice-Chairperson shall have the right to propose the convening of the Provisional Council.

Chapter VII Asset Management and Financial System

Article 22 Sources of funding for the Organization:

(A) membership fees;

(Ii) donation;

(Iii) income from activities or services within the approved business scope;

(4) government subsidy;

(5) interest;

(6) other legal income.

Article 23 The Organization shall collect the membership fee of the members of the Union in the light of the prevailing rules of the relevant industry.

Article 24 The expenses of the Organization shall be used for the development of the business within the scope of the articles of association and shall not be allocated among the members.

Article 25 The Organization shall establish a strict financial management system to ensure that the accounting materials are legal, true, accurate and complete. With reference to the national community financial management requirements, the implementation of annual financial audit. Asset management implementation of the relevant countries to the relevant laws and policies and regulations, to accept the meeting of members of the General Assembly.

Article 26 Before the general election of the Council and the Secretary-General substitutes, it shall accept the financial audit organized by the competent authority.

Article 27 The assets of the Organization, any unit or individual shall not be appropriated, appropriated and misappropriated.

Article 28 The wages and benefits of the employing staff employed by the Organization shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

Chapter VIII of the Constitution to amend, terminate

Article 29 Amendments to the articles of association of the Organization shall be examined and approved by the Council and submitted to the Competent Authority for approval.

Article 30 If the Organization completes its purpose or dissolves itself or if it needs to be canceled due to separation or merger, the Council shall terminate the motion. The termination of the motion shall be approved by the General Assembly and reported to the competent department of business for examination and approval.

Article 31 Before the termination of the Organization, a liquidation organization shall be established under the guidance of the competent department of commerce and the relevant departments, and the creditor 's rights and debts shall be cleared according to law and the aftermath shall be properly handled. During the period of liquidation, activities other than liquidation shall not be carried out.

Article 32 The Organization shall be terminated by approval by the competent department of commerce.

Article 33 The surplus property after the termination of the Organization shall be used for the development of undertakings related to the purposes of the Organization, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, under the supervision of the competent department of business.

Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions

Article 34 The state laws and regulations shall apply to situations where the articles of association of the Organization are not stipulated.

Article 35 The interpretation of the articles of association shall be governed by the Council of the Organization.
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