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Sunday, 07/02/2017 3:34:56 PM

Sunday, July 02, 2017 3:34:56 PM

Post# of 200929
X's, Lightwave Logic 101 For Beginners

Obviously Lightwave Logic is finally headed for the Big Leagues and will no doubt become a household name like Intel, Teflon, Gore-Tex etc. They have invented a Cheap Plastic that is compatible with today’s Silicon and can convert Electrons used in today’s computer into the Lightwaves that will dominate the industry and our lives very soon because of the growth in data and Data Centers. The fact is that today’s technology cannot get any smaller because Electrons bump into each other and cause interference and this is Huge Problem that needs a solution that is cheap and can scale.

The world we live in today is much different than the 1960’s and 70’s that I grew up in and anonymous posting has changed how human beings treat each other. So I thought I’d take the time to go back and grab some of my posts, consolidate them and put them in a word document that new comers can print out and read the ol fashion way, On the couch, during the commute or my favorite on the crapper. If one of my friends asks me about Lightwave I will point them to this link.

As many of you know I’ve been studying and supporting this for about 13 years now. At first it was a very risky venture as time went on I’ve probably spent on average about 2-4 hours week every week vetting the science and the players. With the Exception of the Dummies Post which I Put first When reading this it is Probably best to start at the back and work forward, This link consolidates 1 Months of My Posts with The first post Lightwave Logic for Dummies.” If you print it Looks like it is currently 16 pages.

Monday, 05/15/17
Lightwave Logic For Dummies I and II

The world is in fact consuming Data at a rate that is not sustainable with current technology and it is about to hit a wall and no one knows what will happen occur when that happens Moore’s law dictates a doubling every few years. A single individual just watching their dog from work is consuming more bandwidth than an Apollo mission to the moon.

For the most part Today’s computers are using silicon with electrons performing calculations then those electrons are converted with modulators/transceivers to light and then sent down fiber optics and at the other end they are converted back to electricity with another transceiver. There are 2 different widths of fiber, the larger core (Big Pipe) is Multi mode 850nm ish the wavelengths are very tight /\/\/\/\/\/\ and then there is single mode pretty much almost a straight line ----------- 1310 nm and 1510nm (key). It is important that you understand because when you look at the technology often it will be multimode however within the past year the industry has chosen Single Mode as the Path Forward.

OK so Electrons can only get so close because they bump into and interfere with each other so they must be kept apart. They also generate heat and massive cooling (just feel the bottom of your PC) is required so computers are moving to Photons because they are fast and can literally pass through each other without interference. The industry needs a stable material that is compatible with Silicon (and the entire CMOS process) to make the conversion on new Hybrid devices and today’s answer are devices made of Indium Phosphide (InP) and Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) while they are available to anyone this material is very expensive to use and does not scale (ability to reduce the size) to move forward. Lightwave has created a Patented (and some of it IP is held in secret) polymer, therefore the only place it is available is from them, this material is sprayed or spin coated on devices the poled (+ and –‘s lined up). Initially Lightave started out just making the Polymer but it took months a months to test a batch and they needed to 100’s of variations that is important to understand because there was a steep learning curve that many here took as failure, but it was all just part of the process of learning. Anyhow about 5 years ago Lightwave decide to bite the bullet build a chemical lab and a device lab and create their own feedback loop.

So there were steps throughout the evolution here, initially it was in a lab in Newport, then one of the founders had a medical problem I think it was Bim and Marcelli struggled to keep this afloat. Bim was a Dupont guy so he brought this to the attention of his Dupont buddies, they vetted it, basically recreated the process/knowledge that was lost with the founders memory. Anyway Basically A former Vice President of Dupont Polymer (Fasic) and Founder of Dupont thin films Eaton tapped their connections in the chemical world, after a few years they reached out the pharmaceutical industry to help clean up the dirty chromophore. So that is Polymer side basically a titan of the Polymer industry had blessed this. I think it was about this time that Fred Leonberger (Godfather/inventor of today’s InP Modulator technology) started looking at this technology he hung around and blessed it. Now The fiber side, The former V.P. of Corning (the worlds largest fiber optic company) Joe Miller Joined another blessing. Oh also the entire time they had Terry Turpin NSA computer guru lending his support. I forget exactly when but we also had Smith of Taser on the board, he brought on Marcelli, then Marcelli moved to the Operating side and Admiral Zelibor took over Jim and Tom did the lab moves Z called for a device to prove that it worked. (When he came one I asked Admiral Z what his greatest accomplishment to date was, I asked he didn’t volunteer it, but he said a call from the Pentagon on 9/11 to take command of a 100 vessel carrier group to the middle east operation enduring freedom was born) Somewhere along the line Michael Lebby was doing a multi million dollar study of the Path Forward for the entire industry, now he has taken over the CEO slot and Just as important is Fred Leonberger (inventor of today’s incumbent technology) after years of guiding them he has decided to move to the Board of Directors and head up the Operations committee. Those 2 moves are huge obviously they have cracked the nut.

Initially when Lebby came on the board he headed up the operating committee and said we are doing 1 Gig, 10 Gig then the 25 Gig Single Mode Modulator to show the industry how we can modify our polymers to perform and scale. As of Last week we Just checked that Box. The Material WORKS.

Elevator Pitch - - - A Cheap Patented Plastic made in a test tube and dropped or sprayed on Silicon that is compatible with the entire CMOS process, will be used to convert Data to Light Waves using minute amounts of electricity and does not require cooling (a very green technology) . Similar to and Intel inside TM.

Oh the data center thing, data centers are getting bigger and bigger buying up all the real-estate around and they need something that can move the data around in a single mode form (distances are too far for multi mode). That is the initial target market for Lightwaves entrance into the market.

The uses for this technology are far too numerous to note but some are obvious like Military, Medical, Data Communications, Telecommunications, Gaming and on and on Literally 10’s if not hundreds of Billions of dollars may very well rely on this goo that will be inside doing the work but for now just focus the 2km data center market at 1 Dollar per Gig.

(Takes a while to download)

As Z says Leonberger, Lebby and Miller can wax eloquently for hours talking about this, they are highly respected and can command an audience with anyone in the industry.

Fortune 500’s and Academia have tried, so I’m sure there is much doubt in the industry as to how such a small company could do this, but look at the talent, over the years I’ve watched, listened, questioned from every possible logical angle and I’m convinced that they did it.

I have no doubt that we will see a partnership soon or will simply be bought out. The industry needs a solution and it needs it soon. A Billion or two (do I here 5?) is peanuts for some of these companies.

OH as for how they fund operations the was an initial PP years ago (that I missed out on) and many others along the way, then LPC has been brought in (many do not understand it and because of that they are scared of it) they basically act as a middleman Lightwave sells them shares at a discount and they sell them on the market, there is a built in profit for them. As soon as Lightwave has a cash cow partner that will be close that out currently they own about 5 Per Cent and will do everything in their power to see maximum return on that core position, many do not quite Get That. Lightwave always keeps about 6 months of cash on hand Marcelli watches the money very close and is great at that, they always keep just enough on hand so they can concentrate on the actual business.

OK Now Lightwave HAS JUST Turned a New Page, I think we will begin to See Lebby, Leonberger and Possibly Miller tap someone on the shoulder to form something bigger. Let’s see, oh and yes some criticize me for being too positive and forward thinking, so I apologize also to them.


X’s LWLG for Dummies Step II

These are opinions, MY opinions and are not based on anything other than MY intuitions/interpretations of things that I read or hear many of you talking about. Remember though that in the stock market perception can become reality; but “true” science is in fact science, not opinions. I am not here to purposely mislead anyone, just trying to present how I see this. Often times I scratch my head wondering why many investors that have bet on this like to publicly post their doubts without researching them, like hey I can argue this and create doubt, this is fun, or honestly sometimes I wonder if Bipolar disease is more rampant that I thought. I’m not one to talk thought I think I have ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia along with a pornographic memory (not a typo) but my second grade teacher Sister Lucy beat most of it out of me with a yardstick and some good ol fashioned red ink on my homework, I never got a participation trophy and calculus wasn’t for me oh and I could not make the varsity team but I tried none the less.

I do tend to oversimplify but I guess but that is the only way I can understand it.

Packaging, So packaging apparently means different things to different people, to me it was always about the physical box that the magic would sit inside of and with the old legacy technology it required a gold Kovar box for protection, Lightwave all along thought that they could place theirs inside of plastic box because it did not require protection from the elements. I did however notice that the testing was performed in a nitrogen environment by because it is an “industry standard”.

Lebby and PICS - IMO I think they will be super teeny tiny things and they will most likely be sealed in plastic. I think that the devices they are working on are small as in this > - <. The packaging may be about just attaching the fiber to it and locking it into place.

Remember they said they “learned things along the way”? Just My Opinion.

Fiber entering the device. Remember last year when Lebby was talking about face plate density was an issue with the connectors taking up space, and now discussions are on fiber entering through the face plate and being attached directly to the device, sounds like they are killing two birds with one stone, because along with physical limitations there is the signal loss that occurs with every connection.

How can they attach it? Photons will bounce off of an angle cut so today’s practice is to cleave (cut at a 90 degree angle) and line it up. I think that tapering, fusing, or a concave end and glue acceptor kind of thing might work. They’ll figure it out, after all it is just a piece of glass getting connected, (I helped the fiber chick splice mine and while I’m sure it was multi-mode (not single mode) with a rather crude microscope, cleave it, line it up and lock it down). But multi fiber (Big Pipe Large diameter fiber optics) is much easier to connect hence why the industry tried that route first.

You know how you hear things and your antennae/awareness is tweaked, you get the true meaning of what they are saying? Following are a couple examples.

Mario Paniccia while at Intel once stated while commenting on how Big Pipe and Little Pipe (multi-mode and single mode technology) is just about impossible to connect, at the time Intel went the Big pipe (Multi Mode) route because it was easy he stated that ultimately the “market will decide” I knew when I heard that a light went off, he knew they on the wrong path I started googling the crap out of Single mode technology trying to understand it.

Just as the with Lebby last year IMO while scratching his head “how will the face plate density thing get solved”, yeah right, he knew, he wanted the audience to “get it”, seed planted, industry moves forward.

OK so now we have Lebby who studied the entire market guiding and presenting for us, Yo Dudes, what a uniquely qualified individual we now have to lead a New technology, Light Replacing Electricity, Plastic Replacing OR COMPLEMENTING Indium Phosphide (InP), Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) and Silicon. The groundwork here has been laid, the production is consistent, the stability has been tested, both labs are in place, Marcelli knows how to keep them running. Leonberger for darn sure is one of the best that has done this before AND is doing it again. Lebby has the contacts and the ability to present this technology and convince some very talented individuals to join forces.

This industry is heating up, $1.20 I think is dirt cheap. My short term price goal is a $1.25 base (and I’m talking Next week), my one day la,la, la goal is a price increase of about 82 Cents in a single day, OK a buck, but the sky truly is the limit. Like I said though, we will get taken out, there will come a day when it will all be over, funds and/or shares will transfer and we will all be on our way thinking that we were the geniuses here. Many shoulda, woulda, couldas will be kicking themselves but Hey, I Most Absolutely Could Be Wrong, it Ain’t over til it’s over and Mark My Word, Games Will Be Played to make the Doubters Doubt.

Yep, This year will be the year that we come out on the field, Lebby will be shouting this from the mountain top. Do I think 5 Bucks is Possible by December 31st? YUP, and honestly I think I would be disappointed with that number.

I cannot wait until Lebby lays out the numbers in 2 weeks as to the potential, remember guys we will be getting the benefit of his studying the entire F’in world market potential/requirements along with current technology in this field for years. Remember not only does he have over 200 patents in this field “He headed the Optoelectronics Industry Development Association (OIDA), the premier networking trade association for business and scientific professionals in the optical space based in Washington, DC. Dr. Lebby has testified on behalf of the optoelectronics industry on Capitol Hill and brought the industry together on key issues. In 2015, - - - > Dr. Lebby completed a set of industry roadmaps for integrated photonics technologies over the next decade as part of the Federally funded IMI (Institute of Manufacturing Innovation) competition. These roadmaps layout industry needs for 400Gbps, 800Gbps and beyond. < -----“

Remember what Ol Ralphy said “The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.” I think Leonbergers and Lebby Minds are sufficiently stretched to see the end of the tunnel on this one guys. Can you say Legacy’s?
OK Back to the future
Wednesday, 06/14/17
So usually I’m not into the play by play up a nickel down a nickel stuff but honestly I find this shorting fascinating. How someone could short a company so close to publicly hitting it out of the park without doing proper due diligence is quite amusing. Remember that unless it goes to zero ALL shorts must eventually cover, let’s say that the share price drops, the shorts will put a bottom in it for us as they cover. The more Likely scenario (80%) is that this will appreciate and they will either have to double down and short more, pay the juice to the lender/Broker or Cover when their hand it forced it is call a Short Squeeze because they must buy at market price and compete with all the buyers. Folks they have like 1.1 million shares already sold to us (at below market price, see below), they have borrowed those shares from those investors holding their shares in a margin account. As info Shares held in a margin account are always available for sorting it is in your agreement just in case you do not realize it, so if you are not borrowing money to buy shares do not hold your shares in a “Margin Account”.

OK so for 6/13 There were 107,077 of the 130,006 that traded were naked shorts, yes the mm’s have to “make the market” but can you imagine if they let the price appreciate up to the actual ask price, don’t worry guys eventually they have to cover just winding the spring tighter. Do they actually understand Lightwave Logics Potential More than we do? Next and I’m absolutely certain that I saw a trade that was a 100% buy get flipped by the MM’s (maxm) as a sale. Many of you saw it, there were 25,265 out there on the ask (post #25943 documented it) for $1.49. When it dwindled down to the final 13,765 someone put in a buy order for 13,965 shares, the MM flipped it to a sale then filled the last 200 shares with a buy at $1.49. Why this is so important is there were only 7 Sales yesterday totaling,,,,, 5,400 shares. Not bad ladies and gents out of 130k shares, um looks like not many sellers out there. The only reason I saw this was I was sitting in the dentist chair and had time to watch, folks you cannot make this up. Changes like this skew the data.

So Yes Todays Electrons cannot get any closer together, they generate heat which costs money to cool (just feel your phone or your laptop) Light is the future, after studying the entire industry for many years Michael Lebby joins Lightwave Logic and then assumes the CEO position. Fred Leonberger after working in the background as an “advisor” for years and years decides to become a director at the company. Something BIG has happened at Lightwave logic and while they allude to 2 years I’m leaning towards a major breakthrough 8-10 months ago.

A Cheap Plastic that the uses the electrons in today’s devices to control the photons for tomorrow’s devices with a Proprietary Polymer that is spin coated on devices, heated, poled, cooled down then rock n roll. Light is the fastest thing in the universe and does not generate heat; think of an electron transferring to a photon like Enterprise in Star Trek when it switches to warp drive. Light is the fastest thing in the universe.

Lebby will be presenting at a conference to aid in road mapping the industry Today. I do not expect an immediate move of the share price to the moon but contacts will be made, the trends will be set, no doubt seeds will be planted. The industry simply cannot afford to ignore this solution; they also cannot get this material from anywhere else because it is protected with patents and IP.

80% of the investors here “get it” I do not see them selling until a few more cards are played. 5 Bucks should not be very far off guys.

Oh the shorts currently need to cover 1,100,000 shares! Cool Cool Cool,

Source of Shorts, this data is only updated every few weeks
check the OTCBB box on the left, click on the Archive button in the upper right of the screen, then a short cut, push the Ctrl and f, enter lwlg then >

Updated at about 5:00 daily
Scroll down to ORF, pick a day then then a short cut, push the Ctrl and f, enter lwlg then >

As always when you understand things they are not as scarey, a mind once stretched never returns to its original dimension.

Tuesday, 06/13/17

IMO this is about to get interesting and I think that volatility will be a good way to describe the price going forward in the short term. Obviously the Shorts have moved in to the tune of about 1 million shares (they have already sold them and eventually they need to cover them to return them to one of us). For the most part this is a very educated group of investors that currently owns and holds this stock they are in it for the long haul because of its potential and the majority are not here to just to double their money or they would have sold they are waiting on 10 or 100 fold return. There are also a few traders on board but they typically do not trade enough to support the million share day trader types. What we experienced recently when the volume picked up were a group of shorts that sold with the hope that they can cover at a lower number, the problem is that the volume has dried up making their days to cover way out of line. In other words if you look at yesterday of the 59k shares that were sold 45k of them were naked shorts, in other words the market makers just sold them and will somehow obtain the shares to cover them later. So if you do the math only 14k shares were actually sold by real investors do the math on 14k shares covering 1 million shorts, laughable. This is cool, cool, cool because yes while they can hold the price down temporarily it is going to take them a long time to buy back the million shares they have shorted and this will be the same as an additional million shares being bought by new comers. I know this is difficult for some to understand and something that we have never really experienced but it is about to get very interesting.

IMO if they had tried this BEFORE The Stability Was Proven, or Before they had proven the material in 3 devices, Before the polling, Before the measurements were taken, before the pharmaceutical cats cleaned up the goo, before the waveguides were proven, before the LPC financing was in place, before Joe Miller of Corning Joined, Before Fred Leonberger came from out of the shadows to support or before Michael Lebby came forth to put us on the map it would have been devastating.

I don’t think that this will go to the moon tomorrow or the next day but I also do not think that the longs are going to be disappointed by what they hear so much that they freak out and sell, then the shorts are going to be left trying to cover those million shares and IMO it will not be easy for them.

If the shorts had attempted this back in the day even just a couple years ago IMO it would have worked. This is going to be interesting and we always knew that once we were on the map games would be played, will they double down and sell another million? Will they cover? Will they hold out and just pay the juice and hope that a Partnership or a Device is not announced in short order? If they do double down whose shares are they going to use to cover? What if Lebby announces the packaging partner and it is a name that is familiar to the industry? What if what he what he says to the press is something that stimulates buying from the average Joe with every 1 to 2 k share buy at the market price, it would be devastating for them, there is no reasonable way that they can defend against that, because it certainly appears that the longs are not selling.

Personally I’m not setting my expectations too high for the meeting but there still are a million shares that need to cover and barring something catastrophic it is going to be very difficult when this is only trading 50k shares per day.

The bottom line is that they need someone to sell outright a million shares to them and if there are buyers lined up, LOL lookout. After watching this for 13 years, If they fill their shorted shares at a rate of 10k shares per day (which is reasonable so they do not push up the price) it will take them over 5 MONTHS to solve their problem. Folks chance ARE VERY VERY HIGH I'd say 80% chance that will be at 5 Bucks in 5 Months, Ouch.
Monday, 06/12/17
A Patented/Proprietary Plastic that can Control Light just as Transistors control Electrons on Silicon, Compatible with today’s materials for the Hybrid devices of Tomorrow and at a fraction of the cost.

As important is that it is also compatible with the CMOS process, you see in the past all attempts to create a polymer failed because of the heat generated during production or could not hold up to the pounding from the laser. From the beginning Lightwave Logic approached this from the opposite direction and took Stable Plastics and Chemically Modified them to make to create a new EO active Polymer.

A Super-Fast Stable EO Active Polymer when excited by Electrons used in today's computers controls Lightwaves that will be used in tomorrow’s devices, Get It?

Sunday, 06/11/17
“Ingredient Branding is a marketing strategy where a component or an ingredient of a product or service is pulled into the spotlight and given its own identity.” Think Intel, Gore-tex, Teflon… So honestly I cannot wait for a paid promotion campaign educating the world on the value of what Lightwave is about after all is very similar the “Intel Inside” story. Most folks are just too busy in life or too lazy to look at the problems facing the world and vet viable solutions. I’ll bet that 80 Per Cent of Lightwave’s investors were made aware of it by word of mouth.

“Millions of otherwise tech-illiterate consumers came to know Intel through its “Intel Inside” campaign, which at the time was an incredibly novel marketing approach. Here’s what you can learn from their innovative strategy.
Things change, even if we don’t want them to. No company operating in the free market can be successful in perpetuity by delivering the same products with the same marketing and the same margins. While it is easy and natural to crave consistency and avoid risk, the changing nature of life and our environment requires us to change, to adapt, and to take chances in order to survive.
If one thing distinguishes Intel’s innovative thinking, it is their 1990s strategy of branding a semiconductor chip as a valuable feature that consumers would look for when they purchased a computer. The campaign’s two decades of ubiquity make us forget this now, but at the time it was an incredibly novel approach to marketing. People bought computers because of the software, the specs, or a friend’s recommendation. Who cared about who made some tiny chip inside the box that you couldn’t even see?”

A Proprietary Plastic that can Control Light just as Transistors control Electrons on Silicon, Compatible with today’s materials for the Hybrid devices of Tomorrow and at a fraction of the cost.

“The more successful they are the luckier they’ll say we were.”

Games will be played my friends it was inevitable.

Friday, 06/09/17
The move to light will happen in communications and data that is a fact. The mode that the industry must use is single mode because the data centers are physically too big to use multi-mode. Data centers consume large amounts of electricity just in cooling the heat generated by the electrons. Electrons cannot get any closer together. Today’s solution cannot scale at anywhere near the price the customers are willing to pay. That is from someone that studied the path forward for the industry not me. Oh he took over as CEO after laying out all of the Brick Walls that the industry did not have a solution for.

Lightwave logic has what appears to be a very viable solution and it is $1.50 Per share. The recipe for the material is worth Billions, furthermore they are now in the device business, originally that was not part of the plan but Joe Miller of Corning told us about 5 years ago it needed to happen if we wanted to dominate the industry. The benefits of this technology far outweigh the risk.

This has been a long road and while it is not 100 percent ready to put a device in the customers hand Fred Leonberger is Very, Very Confident. He remained in the background as a consultant for years and years and just joined the board and took over the operations committee. At the shareholders meeting I thanked him for moving to the front and supporting this. He looked me in the eye and said something to the effect of this is going to take off. Fred is not a guy that makes those kinds of statements unfounded.

A stable Cheap, Fast Molecule Created in a test tube and devices designed by the man credited with designing today’s technology and introduced by someone that has studied and studied the industry.

We have some very connected guys that have testified in front of congress and are very well versed in the legal aspects of vetting technology in the court system, i.e. paid experts.

Have a Great Day Guys, this is getting so interesting, 13 years and counting (that’s my lucky number)

Thursday, 06/08/17
We are in the right space at the right time. As announced at the shareholders meeting a packaging partner agreement is in place however the name was not announced it may be soon or a partnership or the 25 Gig modulator they are very tight lipped at this company. Furthermore there is a conference next week to plan the path forward for this industry and Lightwave Logic is going to introduce a new material to the world, Polymer Photonics. Typically when events like this occur people will sell on the news, I wonder if it will be a typical event?

As far as the PR, When this is announced I would not necessarily look at the financial news so much as the scientific journals like Nature, Science, however Forbes I guess may pick it up.

They have money in the bank and while they are actively seeking a partner they are not chasing it, when the data is announced, “they will come to us”. that is very good position for long term shareholder to be in.

I just checked and remember that while this data is a little old it certainly does not appear to be in line with what I remember in the past. Follow me now the average trading volume displayed is at 1.2 million shares per day (no longer) with 264k shorts and days to cover of 0.2. Typically this company has maybe 20k sometimes 50k. If there are still 264,500 shares shorted and an announcement is made they may decide to cover. That added pressure would be nice.

Well folks now the volume has dropped thereby increasing the days to cover ratio.

Oh and 48k shares traded yesterday and 32k of them were naked shorts, so it appears that the long term investors are not selling, only 12k shares were “actually sold”. I’m not blaming the market makers they have to do what they have to do.

I’ve followed this and supported this science for 13 years now, from the days of the garage (that they would open slightly to vent the lab) in an industrial park to now attracting the who’s who of the industry and I’ve never been more encouraged about the science, In my opinion this is about to get very interesting.

Oh and someone mentioned a Post about Lightwave Logic 101 so I went back and found it message 24314 on this board. It took me 13 years to experience and about 2 hours to write so I’d appreciate a read.

Tuesday, 06/06/17
Super-Fast Plastic that Controls Photons the Same way that Silicon Controls Electrons. Many are too young to remember, but It will Revolutionize Communications and Computing the same way that Transistors Did When it Replaced the Vacuum Tube or Fiber Optics Replaced Copper or the Cell Phone replaced the old corded phone. The Material is Proprietary and uses Much Less Electricity than anything else out there so it is a Very “Green” Technology it also makes Economic sense. It is Compatible With all materials Currently used in Devices so Hybrid Devices will Be a Piece of Cake. It is Also Compatible with The CMOS process and Does not Require Expensive Packaging which Will allow for immediate acceptance into the market.

The World is Consuming Data at a Rate that is not Sustainable with Today’s Technology’s Period.

If a product can solve a problem it will succeed and the World does In fact have a Hugh Problem, Just as Electricity replaced Whale Oil for lighting the world, The Rubber Tire Replaced the Wooden Wheel, the Steam engine replaced the Horse, Light Must Replace Electricity and Folks this material has as many uses as Gore-Tex.

The Company has ZERO Debt and always keeps 6 months of cash on hand. Keep Your Eye on this One, I have for 13 Long Years, the Labs are in Place, they have World Class Talent, Proven Leaders that are Working On Their Legacies, lastly the Material is Proven.

I started out with a small position and studied this when I had time 2-4 hours a week for 13 years now, as I began to understand more I’d buy a little more, as they reduced the risk I increased my investment. I have literally watched as 100’s started out as skeptics and then once they researched it became a supporter.

Opportunities with this kind of potential timed to hit the market as precisely the correct time only come along one or twice in a lifetime. Do Your Homework, If it makes sense (and it will) then it is probably true, if one is still skeptical or a worrier IMO just buy a small amount through one of the internet brokerage firms it only costs like 5 bucks a trade, but be forewarned that games will be played folks, many Fortune 500s and University’s that do not have access to this material as well as skeptics in the market will play games. Next Week Michael Lebby will introduce This Technology to the World then it will work its way up in value, the march north will be a jagged line, as this moves up if you think you time it then more power to you. Expect a partnership announcement soon (1 to 3 months). Honestly there is too much money in the fortune 100 world for them not to just trade us dollars for our shares, Buyout Coming? IMO, Yes.

Thursday, 06/01/17
For many years Fortune 500 companies tried to produce an organic polymer to control light they created many that would work in the lab but ultimately they all failed, the Achilles Heel was always thermal stability. Lightwave cracked that nut, check that box.

Looking forward to a very exciting year, I fully expect at least 2 partnerships this year, meanwhile the market will do what the market will do.

Monday, 05/29/17
The reason this is going up is simple, they have just proven that the material is scalable; it is patented and only available from them. Super-fast, Cheap, Plastic that can control Lightwaves and is compatible with today’s materials this will be the heart of Billions of Dollars in Devices.
Tuesday, 05/16/17
Let me try and break this device thing down. OK so a waveguide is basically just a conduit for the Lightwaves to pass through, (a pipe if you would) if you keep the width exactly the same the single mode lightwave will not get distorted. They already know that their material will work at the speeds needed for 25gig because one time they dropped it in another company’s device and it ran at 30 Gig and it took 2.2 volts to run it. So a waveguide is like the chassis on a car, the goo is the engine and the body is the packaging, then the fiber optics is the road, kinda like that. They do want to bring the voltage down though hopefully to 1 volt I think it was. The entire thing is called a modulator and it is part of a transceiver (trans goes both ways). Which is what Lightwaves entry into this market will be, but there are many many uses/devices, too many to note. Just Watch the shareholders presentation in Boulder on Thursday.

Unlike anything out there, Lightwaves Waveguide, the active ingredient (Perkinamine) and the packaging (yet to be completed) will all be plastic, cheap High Temperature, Stable Plastic (variations of their patented Perkinamine) that operates in a fempto second (a femtosecond is to a second as a second is to about 31.71 million years) Super-Fast with Very Low Voltage, Green.

Many , Many, Many Measurements and many very complex factors and when novices like us trying to figure it out it get very confusing so I don’t bother.

I just googled it and low and behold Stevey had dug up this old Lightwave logic release yesterday “With the combination of our proprietary electro-optic polymer material and the extremely high optical field concentration in the slot waveguide modulator, the test modulators demonstrated less than 2.2 volts to operate. Initial speeds exceeded 30-35 GhZ in the telecom, 1550 nanometer frequency band. This is equivalent to four, 10Gb/sec, inorganic, lithium niobate modulators that would require approximately 12-16 volts to move the same amount of information.”

Monday, 05/15/17
As information the company has zero debt
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