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Alias Born 09/08/2012

Re: Pennydream post# 143858

Sunday, 03/19/2017 1:05:55 AM

Sunday, March 19, 2017 1:05:55 AM

Post# of 235142
Penny / All - Yes! If Symantec is Deep into Healthcare, TPG would Probably Back SFOR in Litigation with Ropes & Gray.

Sorry a little long for your taste, but tantilizing..

To add to my rampant DD and speculation / senerio's, I might add that it was about the same time that Kay Stated Major Major Deals, that the Story came out about Intel selling 51% of its stake in McAffee to TPG.

Could the delay in news be related ?

After reading the Facts about TPG in my post linked above "might" TPG be waiting for the with Deal Intel to be completed in the 2nd Q to make a buyout of StrikeForce ?

Yes sure pure speculation but the Pieces fit.

I will bet the Deal Announcements being delayed has something to do with the DELAY of SFOR/ACS PR's on things we already see with ACS and McAffee, buyout or not..

Something been on the back burner simmering and it sure smells good.
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