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Alias Born 09/08/2012

Re: moneym8ker post# 131321

Friday, 01/27/2017 10:09:54 PM

Friday, January 27, 2017 10:09:54 PM

Post# of 235105
We are both Long on SFOR.

I have a few questions on your post comments which will be in Red
Below to distinguish our comments.

I Understand that

Maybe if it were more promising"???

You're freaking kidding right?

There isn't a single OTC stock out there with the potential of SFOR.

You should know, from my posts that I'm a huge critic of Kay.

Half the time I think he's asleep at the wheel and most of the rest of the time I think he moves goal posts on shareholders.

I don't believe he moves the Goal Posts on Purpose.

Contract Negotiations and Finalization are not completely under his control.

He keeps us Up-to-Date, such as last Nov. MAJOR DEALs are in the Works an Announcements (PR's) will be made when all is said and done.

Then Contracts end up taking longer than expected to Finalize.

Would you rather he not Inform Investors at All ?
Just wait and see what is happening when a PR is released

Then their would be no criticism,from investors, that all may different opinions how things should be done.

He does not have to inform you of what's Coming down the Pike.

Or do you know of a Rule that says he does ?

I personally would like to know in Advance that Major Deals are Coming, whether it be 6 Months or 1 month ahead of time.

So I can Increase my Investment ahead of time and not wait until the PR, by which time the price begins Jumping before I get in at Yesterday's Price before the PR. Especially on Major News.

As depending on the timing of the PR, say being announced after the Bell. It could Open with a Huge Up Swing in the PPS.

So which do you want The Egg ( before it hatches, Knowing Prior to) or the Chicken that's running Around and increasing PPS that you have to try and Chase to get in.)

If he did not care about the ShareHolders, Mark would just keep his mouth shut. An we would wait with Baited Breath not knowing anything until we see a PR

All that aside, SFOR has a laundry list of catalyst where if just one, or (heaven forbid) more come to fruition, I can see SFOR easily cresting over last years high water mark of $0.025.

Yes & yes.

And possibly hitting $0.01 or higher before the oppertunity to get in furthur. I guess it would be Okay if you had all the shares you wanted and no plans for further Investment no matter what.

Again, If I owned say, 10 million shares, and I knew Major Deals / Announcements were coming in Advance, I might consider Adding to my Position, Duh...

Otherwise after seeing the Huge Jump in Price, I would saying Doh ! (Slapping my forehead) and saying I knew I should have bought more ....

The biggest problem with SFOR is that Kay has a knack for not striking while the iron is hot.

Who knows best when the Iron is hot and ready to be forged, the Blacksmith right there, with all Information in front of him, or the bystander Standing Outside the Building waiting for him to complete the Job, watching him work at a distance.

SFOR sees single sessions or strings of sessions where the stock is on fire to the upside and can't seem to generate any news that maintains the momentum[color=red].

We know Mark does not put out Fluff PR's in order to increase or stabilize the Share price, with real no relevant information like a typical Penny Stock Companies.

So just sell all or a portion at a certian price point, where you have a substantial gain and wait for retracement and Buy back in with more shares with all the Capital or hang on to some Gain.

Penny stocks being what they are, without continuing momentum, they fall.

Nature of the beast, so sell before the Fall.

He's not in charge of day to day pricing, but he is in charge of the general direction and health of the share price.

As always, I'm not suggesting a pump and dump scheme by Kay, but he's shown little in the way of being capable of stoking any flame beneath any SFOR share price rise.

As John F Kennedy might say (in his the Massachusetts Accent) :

"If you want to play Football at my house, you play by My Rules, and I guess you know why.......

It's My Football that's why !

Hey Mark has got at least 2M Invested in SFOR Personally. He may have a different outlook (obviously) and having a longer time outlook and patience level for the Big Pay Day.

If you have been in SFOR for any length of Time, you know how he Operates. No Fluff PR's to try to keep the Share Price Maintained at a certain Level. So Follow his Lead and his Management Style.

If you don't Like it, one is free to find another Football game with Rules that you agree with..

When enormous volatility takes over the share price, it is his job to stabilize the volatility. A healthy share price does not swing up nearly 100% and then get cut right back in half...that volatility isn't representative of a healthy share price and it proves nearly no faith in the health of the underlying company.
So yes, Kay is directly responsible for creating a healthy stock and because he doesn't do that, I remain critical of his leadership.

Again, he makes the rules, you know how he Operates. He can work like a Scam Company, and put out Fluff or Run it the way he wants acting like a upfront and legitimate company.

It is his determination what he thinks is best and is in the Best Interest of Long Term Shareholder Value.

But as far as "more promising" goes...

If Kay were to provide just one or two stabilizing 8k's or press releases, SFOR would realize the promise that you and others seem to bemoan daily.

8K's are Forward looking Statements with all the Disclaimers stated.

Do you own DD, and if you believe what is Stated will happen, invest and sit back and wait. If not, there are other investments to choose from.

You have obviously done your DD.

Like you stated with at the begining:

There isn't a single OTC stock out there with the potential of SFOR.

Okay, So Sit Back, have Patience and Wait for it to Unfold.

Disclaimer :

My statements above, are In My Opinion.
They are not meant to aggrivate and or Harass.
They are just My Opinion and knowing What I Own.
And I accept your right to have Your own Opinion.

This disclaimer is in an effort to keep Board Camaraderie, except for known outside influences, which we have no control over.

Good Luck and wishing you well on all your Investment endeavors,

Timing is everything. I give StrikeForce Technologies Management Credit for bringing everything together, at a Point in time when it's Intellectual Property is at the Peak of Market Immediate Demand, being Cyber Security is the Hottest Topic of the New Year, besides the Election Coverage.

There was no need to push forward any faster in the prior 8 years while Massive Hacking was Occurring in the MarketPlace and Hacking of Goverment Agencies (the later for the most part, being sweep under the Rug).

Except being brought out in to the Light, and all of a sudden Hacking News Coverage was everywhere and Cyber Security made to be a Sever imminent Problem all of a sudden. When conveniently it could be used as an Excuse for someone not winning the Election.