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Re: None

Saturday, 08/19/2006 7:06:51 AM

Saturday, August 19, 2006 7:06:51 AM

Post# of 311063
Good morning To All.. I am going to give my thoughts and feelings
on what I feel & Think is currently going on with these large block trades.. Again this is my own personal opinion. Others may come to there own conclusions.

Thes large Blokck trades we are currently seeing is Sluja Brothers selling Shares back into the Market in order to make a move to the Nasdaq.. They are going to be required to have a public float..
I am sure one of the Accounting & Auditing firms has told SLJB MGT.
Hey guys It's great that you own all the A/S but no way will the SEC & Nasdaq allow you to go on there exchange if you own all the shares.. There has to be a PUBLIC FLOAT.. YOU MUST SELL SHARES..
So in My opinion.. Sulja brothers is quietly as possible selling shares back inot the market so as to create a Public Float.

Now keep this in mind The SEC does not care who owns the Public Float just that there has to be one.. SO out of the 800 million A/S shares we have 300 million restricted.. Another 300 million or so set aside for CCM R/M Acquisition what ever you want to call it. That will leave about 200 million shares. I do not know at this time if there is a legal requirement that a certain percentage of your shares has to be in the float. 15% 30% 40%
50%.. But The SEC in my opinion is saying to Sluja Brothers you must have a public float..

So if Sulja Brothers is indeed selling shares back inot the market using the 25% of daily volume rule.. Who is buying up those shares?? That is a very interesting question..

I have stated before I do not feel it is Wessal buying.. I still feel that way.. There are some Naked Hedge Funds out there..They could be buying if there are smart. I do not feel that Sulja Brothers has made a deal for a Naked Shorted Hedge Fund to buy the shares they are selling.. No Deal in my opinion has been made. Sulja Brothers will need the Naked Hedge Funds, Over Seas accounts that have open short positins to help the PPS obtain a much higher level when they are forced to buy in.

It is possible that Wessal is buying.. I still contend. Wessal has inside info and Sulja Brothers will not want to be acused of front Loading shares to Wessal. And I feel Wessal would not want to be accused of buying ahead on the news they know is coming.

Well if Wessal is not buying and no deal has been made with a hedge Fund to let them off the hook. Then who is buying these shares.. I feel ther are some deep pocketed indivudals who have figured out whats really going on and they are buyng shares. There very well could be a group that is buying large block trades on the bid..

Then you have guys like me who aded 63,200 shares yesterday. Many others have stated publicly there are buying additional shares.. If you take all those buys and start adding them up.. A few million shares a day are being taken off the market buy just the average guys/gals we have on this board..

Here is what we currently know.. The SEC says you have to have a public float.

That means Sujla Brothers in my opinion is selling shares on the market to create the public float.

Now once they (Sulja Brothers) has sold enough shares into the market to make a float. The SEC is now HAPPY.. Now that the SEC is Happy. We should start to see a chain of events put into place to take the PPS to it's correct valuation and Sulja Brothers Feel
the correct valuation of the PPS with all they know. Should be enough to get the stock listed on the Nasdaq. $4-$5 PPS

I figure it will take somewhere near 2 weeks give or take a little for Sulja Brothers and the market to absorb the rest of the shares that MUSY BE SOLD.. Trust me Sulja Brothers selling shares is a GOOD THING..

Once the float is established. The following news items will start getting released.. I will list some that I feel will be coming. I am not sure what order they could be coming in. But once the Float is public. Sulja Brothers will get the PPS to the required Levels.

Audited Financials.. This will take away a lot of peoples fears.In my opinion there is a decent amount of money on the side lines waiting for Audited Financials. This will be the start to some serious buying..

Along with the Audited Financials there will be something about share structure.. This will give a decent idea as to how many shares are actually short in the float. Some figure near 200 million shares.. They will have to cover and the sooner they do it the less it will cost them.

The list of Assets that have been recently transfered from Aubi Dubi to the Nevada. These assets in my opinion will do wonders to the bottom line.

Additional deals that are in the works will be Announced.
Contracts from Germany about Steel.. Besides this I feel almost certain a few other suprises are in store for us.

Sulja Brothers announces that another group has decided to buy shares on the open market. And that Wessal is indeed starting to buy shares. Remember this when WESSAL starts to buy the PPS will not be going down.. There buying pressure will keep away any new Hedge Fund Thinking about trying to short the PPS as it goes higher..

Sulja Brothers announces a cash Dividend. This is going to be a real DAGGER in the HEART to those who SHORT and Naked Short shares from last Year on LFWK and now with SLJB..There will be no place for the Shorts to hide. They will be forced to pay the dividend or cover shares at much higher prices.. And the PPS will be going higher. Sulja is shooting for the Nasdaq. Keep focused on the Big Piucture. Share Price $4-$5 is needed to go to the Nasdaq.. BUY & Hold it will come..

1.Audited Financials.

2.Share Structure. We see how many shorts there really are.

3.Asset Statement from recent transfer from Dubi to Nevada.

4.Signed deals in Germany and other deals.

5.Cash Dividend. Will force shorts to cover.

6.Listing for Dubi Exchange has been submitted.

7. Application and form 10 has been filled with the SEC to have Sluja Brothers listed on the Nasdaq National market Place.

Now over the next two weeks. I figure we will see some additinal news.. Nothing earth shatterng. Not until Sulja Brothes has sold enough shares to create the public float.. Just enough to help the volume pick up a little.. With more volume and the 25% rule. We can get to the PR'S that will really get this moving upwards.

Once the Float is on place. The Fireworks will start.. There is going to be in my opinion a massive short covering. Except this time they Shorts have to comopete againt Wessal, and Friends to buy shares.. The shorts will be following all over themselfs to cover shares.. As the PPS moves Higher many of the current shareholders will be selling shares and taking profits.. The entire float will more than likely be turned over, On some big volume days. Eventually the shares will get into the hands of large Mutual Funds and Large Institutional Investors.

As I stated at the beginning. This is all my opinion. It's just how I currently feel how some of this is going to paly out over the next few months..

My best advise is to forget about the day to day PPS.. Let the float get in place.. Buy any shares if you have some extra money.
And trust me when Wessal does start to buy. The PPS is not going to be going DOWN..

I will now step back and look for others to voice there thoughts and ideas and feelings on how this may lay out.

Then Later today I am going to relax and watch the PGA Golf Tournament.. Pulling for Tiger Woods..

Hope all have a great weekend and an even better week ahead.