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Re: surfkast post# 125988

Wednesday, 12/28/2016 7:39:58 PM

Wednesday, December 28, 2016 7:39:58 PM

Post# of 235142

IMSO STI/SFOR will ROCK 2017 with HUGE contract deals, litigation settlements and the current 2.318B OS will NOT require a R/S! Mr. Kay has stated multiple times via PR/Video/Email there's no plans of doing a R/S. Actually, we very well could see a share buyback or better yet a Multi-Billion dollar buyout in the future. When good DD is done, one would come to this very possible conclusion! There's OUTSTANDING FACTUAL DD on the board that can be verified, I have and invested. I'm not trying to mislead and manipulate!

Thank you to ZPaul, Jtech, 49er, 4SD and others with your efforts! We will have mission success with STI/SFOR! wink