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Alias Born 06/13/2006

Re: None

Saturday, 11/19/2016 7:45:12 AM

Saturday, November 19, 2016 7:45:12 AM

Post# of 235079

gm all
left my house in ct at 1.15 pm..headed for NJ
With GPS..ON HAND,STARTED MY JOURNEY to my first official Shareholders's meeting!

Arrived at the office's complex around 3.40pm,and as I parked,i spotted the # 63 office,with a familiar logo..STRIKEFORCE TECH INC
I felt like I arrived home!

As I got out the car,i spotted a few people gatered outside the building,the doors were opened,the sun was shining,and mr Kay with his jacked off,came out to welcome us as we introduced also to each other
There I met a few familiar ALIAS,like Moreen..Paisan,while a few other would not give out their
Mr Kay invited us inside,and quickly noticed,not a lonely sheep like in most of the rest of Pinksheets stocks,but a real Team of about 5/6 member,that already made me feel great!
Around Kay asked us if we could take seats as he started to run the meeting,we were voting on the 4 points in the proxy's agenda,and quickly we voted and with motion and second
felt nice to be a part of it!
once that done,mr Kay asked us if we want to join him and his team for a drink in the Sharaton Hotel with him and his team,for
wich we all agreed
As I was aprocing the Huge 20/30 story Hotel,felt something special,why I am here?and so we entered noticing a large lobby ,full of hotel's guest and among them,some beautifull.womens
and again,why I am here,i refleted.

Mr Kay looked very relaxed and happy to see his team gatered in small group with us investors,as he wanted to know if we had any questions

One of the investor's first question,was ,why is it that I cannot go to any ATT..or Verizon store and have them tell the consumer,that with a small 10$ more a month,they will install MobileTrust softwares?if that was possible ,we could have a tremendous market and revenues possibility?
mr Kay quickly asked one of the marketing people to answer that very important question,for wich the marketing person,replied,if was just that easy,we are doing our best,but takes time but we are confident,some day,will happen
One other important conversation,took place,with again the marketing person,he continued,saying that with the holidays coming,there are putting a big effort to have those major stores that carry our products with special deals,AND ADVERTISING and we will notice their effort as we getting closer,especialy with STORES LIKE AMAZON..OFFICE DEPOT..TARGET

So ther I was in a huge Hotel,surraunded by a large (FOR SUCH A SMALL COMPANY...FOR NOW)team of a pinksheet stock
was it real?
I realized,this was indeed real,and my emotions took over,did I finaly hit a good one?a real company with real products,with cash on hand,with revenues for the last two quarter of 66% and the latest 140%?
3 suits still in negotiation
5 more coming
settled with Microsoft?

The next questions turned to the big ENTERPRICES'S DEALS,ARE THEY REALLY COMING ?


And so I left around 6pm..headed home and happy to have had the opportunity to meet an
relaxed and ready to meet next challenge

What a day indeed folks,i am not telling to buy the stock,as one nice guy that I met there kept telling me and giving me some great tips,i only tell you don't sell yet'
Good luck all..and while we follow the trading day after day,around us the life goes on
I know of at least tow of our biggest supporters that are suffering and in need of our prayers
one had a major car accident a couple months a go and still cannot walk
an other yesterday had a heart attack,luckely was operate just on time,with two clogged arteries.90%//80% and both are greatefull to be alive
so please think about them,but I am sure there must be more
and while we fight and scream for our pps to go up or down,life goes on as usual!
good luck all,yes I came out the experience with new and strong hope that this small company,will be be for long as SUCH