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Alias Born 04/03/2010

Re: Adam_Feuerstein post# 83909

Friday, 11/18/2016 10:10:15 AM

Friday, November 18, 2016 10:10:15 AM

Post# of 747208
This is very funny! Really! The wheels are slow, but I suspect you're and the crew you connect to are the ones.

I doubt posting on bulletin boards, whether under your actual name, or others, is really smiled upon. It's not illegal, but not really kosher either, for a "journalist." It's a kind of activism that is intended to bolster your reputation by making a prediction, seem real. And they are predictions, according to your own posts that originally are not based upon the frauds you frequently allege, wrongly, but upon your flawed research paper based upon a flawed version of the long, mostly discredited, "efficient markets" theory of investing, which of course was so great at predicting the financial crisis of 2008.
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