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Re: NioStar post# 107451

Wednesday, 10/26/2016 8:15:40 AM

Wednesday, October 26, 2016 8:15:40 AM

Post# of 235141
I thought an outstanding idea to start LIVE Video communication to the public / SH's! I doubt this will be the last one! It's a great 1 stop shop to answer SH questions to the PUBLIC, that's NOT insider information!

I'm very grateful they took the time out of their hectic schedules, yet again, and provided an improved approach to communicate with SH's! Outstanding! While bringing clarity to some questions and said why they couldn't answer some other questions. Folks should know STI cannot provide insider info that hasn't been officially released to the public yet! Come on already, stop asking ridiculous questions and wasting their valuable time!

Very well educated management team with over decades' wealth of knowledge and experience. Mr. Waller, founder and prior CEO, to hire and bring on Mr. Kay in 2003 as the new CEO! What an outstanding move thinking about the company's best interests, stepping down as acting CEO and adding a very valuable talented JPM Chase portfolio, Mr. Kay, to the STI "Team" portfolio to help position STI for mission success!

Yes the company had major growing pains, a lot of small IT companies do, and lets not forget the drastic economy changes through a lot of 2000years! Bottom Line - 2016 IS the turnaround year for STI, forget the past already! That's just trying to compare apples and oranges during the STI turnaround Phase! MSFT/PF settlement to start off 2016 as the turnaround year! Paid off toxic notes, with the DART remaining, which was partially paid and agreed not convert the remaining! Really! I wonder why they would agree to that?! wink

Ram Pemmaraju, Chief Technology Officer - just Brilliant! wink

And let's not forget about more of the STI leadership!: wink

There's so much good information in the SEC filings when one takes the time to actually read them! wink And actually a lot of that info has been posted on this thread by some fine folks, but some just STILL don't get it for whatever the reasons may be!

I'm not selling one share and will continue to BUY!