FLSR - Post-RS play. from 4/27: FLASR, Inc. Nears Completion of Restructuring and Securing of a $3,000,000 Equity Credit Line!
4:47 PM ET 4/27/16 | BusinessWire
FLASR, Inc. (OTCPink: FLSR) is almost complete with the restructuring of the Company's stock. A reverse split has been completed and in effect since February 2016 and the share structure is much more attractive to investors and shareholders alike. CEO of FLASR, Inc. founding visionary Everett Dickson is quoted as saying, "We could not be happier with the new reduced debt structure and credit facility. I personally feel it is much more conducive to attracting new long term investors. Furthermore, with the funding we have in place, the Company will be able to fill several large orders and substantially boost revenues!"