lsrf13. On the conservative side, it is estimated that the number of shorted shares is 1,500,000,000. That's assuming that most short positions were covered starting June 29th todate (850,000,000) and also assuming that no body was buying on the market using cash account (Like me and you). PAIVs shares outstanding are about 57,000,000
1,500,000,000 - 850,000,000 = 650,000,000
650,000,000/57,000,000 * 100 = 1140%
650Mil/57Mil = $0.83 per share
Thus, conservertively, if the shorted shares are bought back, then from todays close of $0.073, the stock should be $0.83
On the liberal side and by using the numbers I saw posted today here, from an exchange website, it could easily be 3,000,000,000 shorted shares, and assuming that the stock went up because of cash account purchases beginning June 29, and no shorts have yet been covered, then:
3,000,000,000/57,000,000 * 100 = 5263%
5263% * $0.73 = $3.84 per share
Thus, if truelly this is a short squeeze and the regulators do not rescue the parties that are responsible for the purchase of these shares, then the price range could be between $0.83 and $3.84 per share.