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Re: BeauBeau post# 66956

Wednesday, 11/04/2015 4:14:31 PM

Wednesday, November 04, 2015 4:14:31 PM

Post# of 70075
Let's go over Brent Fouch's lifelong career of theft, cheating, lying and scamming again.

The state Division of Securities filed an administrative complaint Thursday against a Nevada corporation, (Brent Fouch) Action Stocks Inc., alleging that the company violated provisions of the Colorado Securities Act.

"State Securities Commissioner Fred Joseph said if Brent Fouch "dares to sell one share of stock in this state, it will subject him to criminal penalties."

As we all recall, many thought the following would NEVER HAPPEN either:

• To finish a prototype (Yup.. guess they did that!)
• To present the design model (I guess so.. whatever that means!)
• To unveil the prototype (We did see Brent wearing one and Kerry too!)
• To finish beta testing (STILL Not yet Verifiable! FACT)
• To get the money they needed (STILL Not yet Verifiable! FACT)
• To come out with the first in house demo video (And a Lame on at that!Burn and Blow Up Barrel, Raise Ball.. ROFLMAO!)
• To announce pre orders (Whoopdy Freak'n Doo! Announce.. LOL!)
• To start manufacturing (again.. Announce..NOT Verifiable!)


• To Launch (If EVER... and won't have another clue for at least THREE Months!)
Just another tidbit about Noah Fouch, VOIS Consultant and son of Brent Fouch. Mike Amezquita used to be CEO of Rapid Fire Marketing, yes the same Rapid that was, and may still be, run by Brent Fouch and Kerry Driscoll!
Wouldn't ya know... Mike Amezquita just so happened to be Crew Chief for you know who? YUP... Noah Fouch!.. All in the Family eh?
One sham after the next after the next after the next..

OK so here's the connection Brent Fouch, consultant and old colege budy of VOIS CEO Kerry Driscoll, Brent and Kerry brought on Tom Allinder, who used to help with Promos for JEDM and MTEK as well.. any who.. Tom Allinder is currently CEO for Brent and Kerry's Rapid Fire Marketing..(Their other Sham ), and Tom Allinder used to be IR for Brian Weber.. POS CEO of POS Sham Bebida Beverage Company and POS product Koma Unwind... Weber has been using his POS Stock Funds, from EXTREME Dilution as well.. to fund his racing hobby and the hobbies of several others.. but that loser doesn't even attempt to hide it... Fouch purposefull attempted to stay off the Radar.
Long Story.. Bebida Beverage is Tanking Hard and NASCAR didn't do Jack Squat for him. well it did perhaps help to sell more shares...
Fouch and Driscoll's Rapid Fire Martketing share a racetrack Billboard Advertisement at one of the BIG Nascar Events several years ago.. It was ALL about selling more Shares! EVERYHTING Wreaks of SHAM!
VOIS is indeed a verifiable Extreme Insider Enrichment Sham!
My Convictions!

I really feel it's important to understand that VOIS issued Noah Fouch shares previously as well, but back to these 30 Million.. He was actually issued the shares on September 22, 2014... look at the charts and see what Daddy had done for his Boy! Brent Fouch has been at this Penny Schiester thing for nearly TWO Decades.. he has connections and he knows how to get his POS companies manipulated higher on an AS NEEDED BASIS, in my opinion.
If Noah received FREE Trading Unrestricted VOIS Shares. then he likely sold them into the immediate and significant run up of VOIS into the $.008's in Late September Early October 2014!
Those shares could have easily been dumped @ $.006 or higher, due to HUGE Volumes trading at the time... So Noah Fouch likely made a killing on those shares.. Betcha he walked away with well over a $150K in proceeds from the sale of those shares!

ALSO.. ALL the shares COMPENSATION TOTALS that go into the VOIS filings are based on PPS as of the DATE of the Agreement.. so when those shares are eventually SOLD by the Insiders... I Guarantee you they are selling them into these purposefully manufactured and manipulated runs higher in VOIS PPS!

In that same 10-Q the Prepaids are ALL noted from Kerry Driscoll, Brent Fouch, and Noah Fouch. The ones that really stand out the MOST are the Series A Preferred Convertibles! Driscoll only put down $10K in Total Compensation to himself and Fouch... when those shares convert into ONE BILLION VOIS COMMON SHARES! Currently worth $1,400,000.00!
(ALSO note that the Nevada SOS had a recent Amendment go through on the Designation of those Series A Shares... I would think VOIS Investors would want to know what that was all about?)

So what goes on the books in compensation is ALWAYS a BOGUS NUMBER!

Driscoll and Fouch's self awarded 1 Billion Common Shares are Still worth $1.4 Million right NOW! Even after the Stock has taken a brutal licking over the last several sessions! Because Fouch and Driscoll don't properly file their SEC required filings in a Timely Fashion (as so noted by Kerry Driscoll in VOIS's last 10-K!), VOIS Investors have No IDEA as to how or when those VOIS shares may have been sold. I do find it quite interesting that we are NOW 6 Months after those shares were issued by Driscoll!

I wonder when the Restrictions on those shares came off?

On lunch break.. but here's some more stuff from VOIS last 10-K for consideration..
First, remember the LAME VOIS demonstration video produced with Kerry Driscoll wearing the EarPlug while being narrated by Brent Fouch?
Remember the Ping Pong Ball that Driscoll supposedly elevates using only the power of his mind and the VOIS Earplug..
Who's to say that the Synapse isn't a re-produced pirated version of Neurosky's One or Two Sensor EEG Headset..???
They demonstrated in that VOIS Video, a technology that was already brought to market by one of their supposed COMPETITORS!
Then, in their OWN video, basically admit that they used the competitors technology for that particular demonstration purpose.
So... IS VOIS just another Insider Enrichment SHAM that is copycat pirating another companies technology? With the only difference being that you stick it in your ear... Looks to me like VOIS is sticking it to it's retail shareholders *EAR allright!

again.. from VOIS's last 10-K... see page 8 under section Competition

Neurosky is another leader in the field and has a simplified EEG headset on the market with only one to two sensors. It has been used to create popular toys such as “Star Wars Force Trainer,” whereby the user concentrates to elevate a ping pong ball through a maze using only his mind.

By ALL appearances, Fouch and Driscoll have been selling VOIS Shares without the proper filings.. Just say'n VOIS may be a Flippable Stock at these levels, BUT, cautioned before that the Bottom of this TURD can fall out very quickly.... just as it did yesterday.
That $150K is NOTHING compared to how much moolaka Kerry Driscoll has been making from selling his
Hundreds of Millions of Self Issued VOIS Shares

Since taking over VOIS in October 2012 Kerry Driscoll has issued himself and Old College Buddy Brent Fouch something VERY CLOSE to the equivalent of 2 Billion VOIS Shares! READ the Filings! LOL!

Other problem being that Mr. Driscoll and Mr. Fouch haven't been filing their required filings when selling their VOIS Shares... SEC's gonna eat that $hit Up... eventually! My Convictions, of course

.also... Noah Fouch likely received quite a bit more for those 30,000,000 shares he received back in September 2014! Remember that the Form S-8 Shares were Free Trading shares and NOT Restricted!
The registrant executing a six month consulting agreement on September 2, 2014, whereby the registrant issued 30,000,000 free
trading S-8 shares to Noah Fouch to provide weekly marketing services through social media platforms. The 30,000,000 shares were valued at the closing price of $0.0016 on the date of the agreement which will result in the registrant recording consulting expense of $48,000 over the life of the contract.

Noah very well may have sold those shares for $.008 for all we know!

That would have totaled a $240,000 Windfall for the Young Man... That's quite the Binky stuffed in his face by Dad eh?
Not at ALL! JEDM became MTEK... MTEK is now VOIS..
EXACT SAME Schiester of a Business Plan.. run by Brent Fouch!
NOTHING has Changed, other than Old College Buddy Kerry Driscoll being in Charge. SEC likely told Fouch no more Executive Officer stuff in the Pennies for so many years.. off the record, cuz can't find any findings against Fouch.. but had to have been something like that anywho!
What's the matter? Never Settle for the TRUTH?
Get the FACTS Straight!

VOIS's Kerry Driscoll and Brent Fouch soon to be labeled as "Partners in Crime"...???? It's possible... and here's why

— Harold Steven Bonenberger, 56, CEO of Angel Acquisition Corp., a real estate company and mortgage brokerage based in Carson City, Nev., and Carlsbad, Calif. Bonenberger is charged with manipulating the stock of his firm.

In 2008, Angel was one of four companies the SEC accused of distributing billions of shares of unregistered stock to the public by disguising the shares as employee stock options.

... fyi Bonenberger, Fouch, and Driscoll fired up RFMK in May 2007... and people think the SEC/FBI won't be looking at RFMK, VOIS, and VIBE??? Bwaaaa Haaaa Haaaa Haaaaa ha!!

all of these quotes came from this link:
“The fraud from these stock market manipulation schemes could have defrauded numerous innocent investors out of millions of dollars,” FBI Special Agent John V. Gillies said.

gee.. this one doesn't ring a bell with RFMK, VOIS, or VIBE activities does it??? The "Proof" is in company filings!!!
In both schemes, the 15 attempted to cover up the payments by disguising them as consultant fees.

Real Life Recent Example!!
Brent Fouch receiving at least $480K for "consulting" via his POS Stock JEDM/MTEK.. now merged into Kerry Driscoll's VOIS..
in which Driscoll just re-issued the 10M Pref (300m Common) RFMK shares back to Fouch, not long after VOIS acquired MTEK.. and people don't think that was a "Bogus Consulting Fee"???... Bwaaaaa Haaaa Haaaaa Haaa ha... The "STARS" are aligning folks!!!

Bonenberger was also CEO of VIBE... used to be BHWF...

Bonenberger was RFMK's first CEO !!! Fouch was CFO!!
Kerry Driscoll was issued 20M Initial RFMK Shares...

..If Bonenberger is found "Guilty".. FBI/SEC will be looking at and scrutinizing activities in "Same Party" POS Stocks...

Bonenberger, Fouch, and Driscoll were all Initially Issued "Ownership" in RFMK.. do they still own shares???

How is RFMK linked... other than the "Players"???

here's More RFMK DD exposing "The Whole Shebang" as a SCAM!!

Go to OTC.. and see VIBE (Vidable)
Contact Info
1802 N. Carson Street
Suite 108
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-887-0670

Go to OTC.. and see AGEL (Angel Acquisition Corp.)
Contact Info
1802 N. Carson Street
Suite 212-3018
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-887-0670

What does this have to do with RFMK???
Does anybody remember RFMK's address before they "moved"
Yup.. same address.. & same phone number!!!!!!

Rapid fire marketing inc in Carson City, NV ... -
Rapid Fire Marketing Inc.
1802 N Carson St Ste 212
Carson City, NV 89701 » Map
(775) 887-0670.

Bonenberger is up on charges from his "activities" in AGEL

If AGEL is soon "Proven" to be a SCAM operation.. what do you think the FBI and SEC will think of the other "Two" POS Scams that were being run out of the same office??? ...or any other "obvious inside enrichment POS stocks" that Bonenberger, long time partner Fouch, and college buddy Driscoll were and or "Are" involved with...????

Fouch and Driscoll are both Heavy into VOIS now...
I'd be looking for this POS to go down soon as well!!

Start posting on Kerry's facebook page, Get some answser, lets see if he is someone hiding behind a desk and that others know what he is up to?

Does his fellow employees know he is CEO of Mind Solutions?
Does his fellow employees know Kerry as the kid who cracks a nice smile and joke every morning going about his routine daily life?
Here is Casey Burt's facebook page. Always good to have a face with a name.

How come our CEO doesn't make himself available to us?

How come I keep hearing this name Brent Fouch all the time when his name is not listed on the website anywhere or on under profile or employees.

How come when I ask Casey Burt who Brent Fouch is he st-udders?

How come Kerry Driscoll CEO of our company we partially own won't return my phone calls?

How come Noah Fouch is still employed through "contract" terms if he isn't doing what he was contracted to do?

How come Mind Solutions facebook page has under 115 likes? (my dead grandmother has more facebook likes and she doesn't even have a facebook! - I know doesn't make sense right?)

How come Mind Solutions says they are doing a "world wide campaign" when they can't even do a local campaign?

How come Mind Solutions thinks they can reach thousands of new investors when they can't even get over 115 likes on their facebook page or over 41 followers on twitter?

Shouldn't Noah Fouch be fired? If his contracted duty was to run the media accounts?

Isn't there something we can do as shareholders to make this happen?

How come Mind Solutions profile hasn't been updated since 2012 on

Brent Fouch and Kerry Driscoll of Mind Solutions had all those shares they acquired from APPZ last year and earlier this year, had APPZ manipulated higher, and have been dumping their shares ever since. My Opinions.
Not hard to see if one reads the APPZ filings and saw the agreement signed between the two POS companies. VOIS's APPZ share sales should show up in their next 10-Q filing. Will report back later, after reading next 10-Q to confirm!

Get slambasted ALL the time Thank you for the apology and humbly accepted. It's quite refreshing to see some real DD being followed through with, regarding VOIS. Thinks should begin to get far more interesting around here. There are MANY names in the filings that should be followed through on. ALL the other VOIS Insiders that may or may not have received shares from VOIS, but I can assure you are helping the VOIS Cause... LOL! These are people that HAVE received shares or consulting contracts from Brent Fouch and Kerry Driscoll's other shams.. like Rapid Fire Marketing..
There's Jeff Dashefsky (Was? VOIS Secretary early on?), Mike Amezquita (Former CEO of Rapid Fire and Noah's Crew Chief!), Harold Steven Bonenberger, Fouch's Minister? (not sure!) Who already got into trouble with the SEC! That's a FACT! Joseph Meuse, who sold Fouch, Driscoll, and Bonenberger Rapid Fire. Then.... there's plenty more. GLTU coffeetogo!

Mind Technologies, Inc. Seeks to Partner with Global Gaming and Software Developer for Worldwide Distribution of Thought Controlled Technology Applications
CARDIFF, Calif., March 23, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Mind Technologies, Inc. ( (Pink Sheets: JEDM), announced this morning that once successful completion of Mind Technologies' new EEG headset has been achieved, the Company has plans for a world-wide marketing effort to bring the headset and applications to markets around the world.
Work on the EEG headset is on schedule and the Company expects to announce a release date soon. Mind Technologies plans to partner with a global gaming software developer for a sales and marketing agreement that would span the globe. Initially, the Company's application "Master Mind" will be marketed and distributed with other applications to follow.
Master Mind is a revolutionary gaming application that allows users to play their favorite PC games with the power of their mind. Existing PC games such as World of Warcraft and Call of Duty can now be played with the power of your mind, rather than using the traditional computer keyboard and mouse.
"We are very excited about the new level our Company is heading," said Brent Fouch, President and CEO of Mind Technologies, Inc. "Once we complete the EEG headset and begin global marketing of our products, it will truly take our Company to the next level and make us a global player. Master Mind can be used to play any sort of PC game so this gives it a global appeal," Fouch said.
About Mind Technologies, Inc.
Mind Technologies, Inc. develops software for thought controlled technologies, allowing the user to interact with the computer and other machines through the power of the mind. The technology involves the use of a wireless headset, which detects brainwaves on both the conscious and non-conscious level. This revolutionary neural processing technology makes it possible for computers to interact directly with the human brain. The Company creates medical applications and video games that are controlled by the power of your mind.
Jeff Dashefsky 760-635-2595
From time to time, the Company may issue news releases that contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and is subject to the safe harbor created by those sections. This material may contain statements about expected future events and/or financial results that are forward-looking in nature and subject to risks and uncertainties. For those statements, the Company claims the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statement provisions contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and any amendments thereto. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, goals, assumptions, or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward-looking statements." "Forward-looking statements" are based upon expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated.
SOURCE Mind Technologies, Inc.

As corporate secretary at MIND SOLUTIONS INC., Jeff Dashefsky made $323,200 in total compensation. Of this total $23,000 was received as a salary, $0 was received as a bonus, $0 was received in stock options, $300,200 was awarded as stock and $0 came from other types of compensation. This information is according to proxy statements filed for the 2013 fiscal year.

Here is a repost of my report on VOIS from December 19, 2012 when VOIS was trading at $.07/share that could have helped a lot of people avoid losing a lot of money here.

December 19, 2012

Recently VOIS Inc (VOIS) has seen some notable volume that coincided with the announcement of Mind Solutions Inc. being acquired by VOIS.

Back on October 23rd, VOIS filed an 8K announcing the merger with Mind Solutions Inc.

On October 19, 2012, VOIS Inc. (the “Company”, or "VOIS") entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the “Merger Agreement”) with Mind Solutions, Inc., a Nevada corporation ("MSI"), Mind Solutions, Inc., an Ontario corporation (“MSIC”) and Mind Solutions Acquisition Corp., a Nevada corporation (“MSAC”) which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of our company formed for this transaction. Under the terms of the Merger Agreement, MSAC was merged into MSI and MSI became a wholly-owned subsidiary of VOIS (the “Merger”) The stockholders of MSI were issued a total of 196,000,000 shares of the Company's common stock in exchange for 100% of the outstanding shares of MSI.

Following the Merger, there are now 241,531,098 shares of the Company’s common stock outstanding, of which 196,000,000, approximately 81.15%, are held by the former shareholders of MSI.

All of the MSI’s stockholders were accredited investors. These issuances were made in a private transaction exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) in reliance on an exemption provided by Section 4(2) of that act. The transaction was accounted for as a reverse merger and recapitalization of MSI whereby MSI is considered the acquirer for accounting purposes.

Upon the closing of the Merger, our sole officer and director resigned and simultaneously with the Merger Mr. Kerry Driscoll was appointed our sole officer and director.

According to the share exchange agreement, Mind Solutions Inc, the Ontario corporation, is the sole shareholder of Mind Solutions Inc, the Nevada business entity.

The sole stockholder of Mind Solutions, Inc., a Nevada corporation, is Mind Solutions Inc., an Ontario corporation. Mind Solutions Inc., an Ontario corporation, holds ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (100,000) shares of common stock of Mind Solutions, Inc., a Nevada corporation, par value $0.001 per share.

Following the share exchange with VOIS Inc, Mind Solutions Inc, the Ontario corporation now owns 196,000,000 shares of VOIS stock. Since Brent Fouch is the control person of Mind Solutions Inc that means that he controls those 196,000,000 VOIS shares.

Brent Fouch is the CEO, sole shareholder, and debt holder of Mind Solutions Inc and now the current owner of 196,000,000 VOIS shares.

Brent Fouch assigned his good friend of over 20 years, Kerry Driscoll, to be the CEO of VOIS.

Brent Fouch and Kerry Driscoll have been working together on ventures since at least 1991 as is explained in this 1991 article.

Before we start trying to predict what will happen with VOIS next. First it is important to look at the history of the new VOIS control person, Brent Fouch, and his gang.

Mind Technologies Inc (MTEK)

Prior to Mind Solutions Inc, Brent Fouch touted the same assets and same intellectual technology with another company called Mind Technologies Inc. Mind Technologies Inc is a publicly traded company. It trades under the symbol MTEK. Back on June 7, 2011, the SEC suspended MTEK because of questions arising concerning the accuracy of MTEK's financial information.

[updated - on July 15, 2013 MTEK was dissolved and no longer publicly trades - a complete loss for MTEK shareholders]

Here is the IHUB forum for MTEK.

Compare the Mind Technologies Inc website with the Mind Solutions Inc website. Can you say rinse, wash, repeat?

To me it looks like after MTEK got shut down by the SEC, Brent Fouch decided to just turn Mind Technologies Inc into Mind Solutions Inc. and start all over again with another public shell. Enter VOIS.

Angel Acquisition Corp (AGEL)

MTEK isn't the first publicly traded shell that Brent Fouch was involved with. Back from 2003 - 2008, Brent Fouch was an officer and major shareholder in Palomar Enterprises Inc. (PLMA). During Brent Fouch's time with PLMA, shareholders had to endure not one, not two, not three, but rather four big reverse splits. PLMA was a horribly diluted abused shell. Palomar Enterprises Inc now trades as Angel Acquisition Corp (AGEL).

AGEL was slapped with the Cavaet Emptor rating by the OTC and recently showed up in litigation because they were busted by the FBI for arranging illegal kickbacks for insiders. Named in the litigation was the CEO of PLMA during Brent Fouch's time with the shell, Harold Steven Bonenberger.

RapidFire Marketing Inc (RFMK)

Even before leaving PLMA in complete ruins, on April 16, 2007, Brent Fouch purchased control of a shell that was hijacked by Joseph Meuse (Belmont Partners) known as N Vision Technology Inc for $190,000. Joseph Meuse continued to stay involved in the RFMK shell after selling control. His company, Pacific Stock Transfer, was hired to act as the transfer agent for the shell. Pacific Stock Transfer is still the TA for RFMK today.

After purchasing control, Brent Fouch brought in his good buddy the kickback artist from AGEL, Steven Bonenberger, to be the RFMK CEO and he appointed himself the CFO. Brent Fouch then conducted a 1:100 reverse split and changed the name of the shell to Rapidfire Marketing Inc (RFMK). Brent Fouch made RFMK a non-reporting SEC shell by filing a Form 15 and started an insider enrichment scheme using preferred stock and dirty debts that is still crippling the shell today.

After the reverse split, Brent Fouch issued 100,000,000 shares of RFMK to insiders that got split up as follows:

Brent Fouch - 40,000,000 shares (founders shares)
Steven Bonenberger - 40,000,000 shares (founders shares)
Kerry Driscoll - 20,000,000 shares (issued for services)

Brent Fouch also issued 13,000,000 preferred shares convertible into 30 common shares each (390,000,000 common shares total).

2 years later, while still controlled by Fouch, Bonenberger, and Driscol, RFMK would do another reverse split, this time a 1:000 reverse split in April of 2009.

In August of 2009, Brent Fouch stepped down as an officer of RFMK, but remained a very influential insider through the ownership of his preferred shares.

According to VOIS filings (as of the date of this report), Brent Fouch allegedly still owned 10,000,000 preferred shares in RFMK which he received prior to December 31, 2011, but that information doesn't match up with RFMK filings. According to RFMK filings 10,900,000 preferred shares were converted into 327,000,000 common shares a long time ago and only 4,343,000 preferred shares were outstanding on December 31, 2011.

Inconsistencies in the RFMK filings regarding the preferred share count is no big surprise if you read some of my research on RFMK.

Tom Allinder + Brent Fouch

Tom Allinder through his IR/Promo sites has been involved in helping to promote two Brent Fouch shells. Allinder was hired to help promote RFMK while preferred shares were being converted and dumped into the market in 2010 and 2011 and he was hired to help promote MTEK during this same period while that shell was suffering through some major dilution.

At one point, in August of 2011, RFMK even signed a letter of intent to acquire one of Tom's promotional companies, InboundMarketingPR. The acquistion never officially happened, but the website now forwards to and now Brent Fouch's good buddy, Tom Allinder acts as the CEO of RFMK. RFMK has seen major dilution since Tom Allinder was assigned as the new CEO in March of 2012.

What do I expect from VOIS

Based on the history of Brent Fouch and his buddies, I do not expect any long term success for VOIS shareholders.

Brent Fouch's record with his past 3 penny stocks amounts to:

1) A suspension

2) A dissolution

3) 2 Caveat Emptor shells

4) An illegal kickback scheme

5) 6 reverse splits

6) Tons of dilution

I expect that VOIS will pretty much play out like other shells from Fouch's past. If that happens, VOIS will amount to lots of insider enrichment probably involving toxic debt conversions, preferred share conversions, and lots of cheap shares issued for services. History tells us that we could even eventually see a large reverse split by VOIS in the future and an appearance by Tom Allinder at some point.

I doubt that VOIS will ever be picked up by any big name promoters. I expect that VOIS will use misleading and exaggerated press releases and more social media geared type of promotions (like message board posters) to help with future share dumping by the insiders of VOIS.

Since Brent Fouch took over control of VOIS, Fouch has already registered 45,000,000 more shares to be issued using a stock compensation plan that was drafted way back in 2009.

VOIS is a shell I would be very careful about trusting. Take all PRs and information from the company with great skepticism and expect all major hype to be accompanied by insiders dumping stock.


Again that research was from December 19, 2012

Since that time VOIS has done exactly as predicted. The ticker got diluted down - currently at 1,310,311,626 shares outstanding and probably still growing.

The value of the VOIS stock plummeted down from $.07/share to $.0002/share losing 99.7% of its value.

VOIS has achieved no revenues.

And VOIS is now doing a 1:2000 reverse split.

Kept this in mind with the next shell Brent Fouch moves on to when he is completely done abusing the VOIS shell.
Speaking of VOIS's Brent Fouch..

More evidence that those associated with Fouch are continually rewarded via their Penny Stock Scams!

Mike Amezquita was CEO of Brent Fouch's and Kerry Driscoll's other scamming penny stock back in 2011 and was compensated $1.22 Million for doing absolutely nutt'n! Not a bad take for a Mechanic eh?

All the same stuff thes bozo's did with Rapid Fire Markleting is now being repeated with VOIS.. going to even sell earplugs to shareholders here! Oh what Joy!
01-18-2011, 10:52 AM
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Default Re: Official 2011 Soboba Grand Prix Pics, Vids, & Results
Great race! Once again the Soboba Grand Prix will be remembered as one of the most fun races of the year. Between the deadly ridge with 100 ft drop offs and the narrow ravene that was not much wider than a rhino, it was a challenging course.
I want to thank my mechanic Mike Amezquita, Chad Mittag and Funco for dialing in my 699 Teryx prior to the race. It takes a lot to keep these cars runing hard for 2 straight hours.
Thanks to Joey D. and everyone else that keeps this sport going!

The game is too be sold, not told.