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Alias Born 02/03/2014

Re: junksilver post# 5852

Thursday, 10/15/2015 3:57:16 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2015 3:57:16 PM

Post# of 7810
I have never, ever contacted Marc by email or otherwise. Another lie you've told over and over. "Just asking". BS. And I'm somebody else you know. Another lie.

Why give you the numbers? You'd just say I made them up. Do your own work. But, then again, you don't know how. But you're an expert on valuing SDRG stock anyway.

Somebody sells 1500 shares? That's a mystery to you? On the close a couple of days ago the stock jumped over one cent on 500 shares. Is that a mystery to you too?

Why not ask FDA to ask his know it all "advisor". He's the expert on everything.
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