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Alias Born 07/07/2014

Re: Smallville post# 18096

Tuesday, 06/30/2015 3:16:53 PM

Tuesday, June 30, 2015 3:16:53 PM

Post# of 211662
Well, I never said chewed through on PR. As far as new shares being authorized, sure it happens and has happened in the multi-billions in many cases but just because AS increases doesn't necessarily mean the OS will jump by that much. I play some solar stocks and many of these will have the AS massively increased so they can reserve shares for funding deals that involve a share component. I assume that being OTC companies, they are always in need of money and would expect ICNB to be any different. This isn't my first time around the block and have seen good and bad deals...more than I want to mention haha.

My point is that based on the price compared to a lot of stocks that have jumped recently, the low priced nature and relatively quiet market could bring rise to interest from those searching for the next "sub penny play". We've all got opinions and it appears you may have a personal issue with management. I'm not going to argue with you on that because the only thing I know of the company right now is what has been put out and from where I sit, it doesn't look like this is a bad story beginning to develop. I would be interested to see what the sales figures look after Q3.