This looks like a MAJOR product line revamp
meaning that designs that were not Momentus FDE-type drive are going to be replaced/transitioned to/re-designed to, the 'Momentus FDE' design standards. It's as if Kraft Foods might have 12 flavors of Kool-Aid(tm) of which 11
flavors that featured sucrose and dextrose sweetening, and artificial flavors and colors, and one flavor that was designed recently to have only a sugar substitute instead of the sucrose and dextrose. Then, some exogenous event (like the VA stolen data flap) occurred that showed that a complete ingredient revamp made sense for the entire Kool-Aid(tm) ofproduct line although the main focus of that complete revamp would be a change to the use of all-natural FLAVORS and COLORS (i.e., perpendicular recording). In such case, their new product line announcement would likely emphasize the change from artificial flavors and colors, rather than the new across-the-line change to (non-fattening) artificial sweeteners. Substitute TPM-enablement for (non-fattening) artificial sweeteners, and I submit that this is the analogy that explains why TPMs and FDE technology is not mentioned in the Seagate ann going to be aouncement. Bottom line: "Chill Out... please!". It's going to be all-right.