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Alias Born 01/02/2003

Re: None

Tuesday, 06/24/2003 8:24:44 PM

Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:24:44 PM

Post# of 433664
Roller, explain your thought process again.

""all today was a net net trade to capture the option premiums. they will be buying ALL the shares back next week plus the exercised option stock. next week were off to the races""

""as far as ge jim goes, he knows damn well the risk of being out of idcc. i for one won't try to time it it is finally upon us. i have a suspicion he will be beack in tomorrow. to many shares to be bought next week. as typical as the past few days were so will next week be""

""whatever you say jim. how much you want to wager we have a nice move next week? don't play your pompous games with me. i guess you think you're smarter than you are to make a statement like that""

I"" i for one will be glad you will be buying higher. as far learning goes i'm always willing to learn more. there are no emotions involved in my decision making at all. unlike you who got luckey. you're a gambler and a trader. neither ever end up making money. that comes from more years of experience than you'll ever accumulate. as if you know it will be in the fall. the evidence is right in front of your face and you're too much of an egomaniac to see it''

''read his junk. ge jim if you could read what i said last night my bet wasn't that you would be in it was that idcc will run next week''

'' fact is everything you read here must be over your head if you can't figure out you need to be long''

'Post where made less than 1 week ago .Result another 4 dollar drop.

There was even more wisdom but those were deleted, no doubt because the wisdom was just to deep.

Remember JUST KEEP TELLING EVERYBODY HOW RIGHT YOU ARE Roller, it will distract them from all the money they lost from listening to you.

BTW you may wish to consider switching the TA guru you were bragging up. Seems the person is a little off in the old projection area.

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