The Company remains committed to seeing through the Pilus project!!! Lets make sure there are no misunderstandings in place. I think that management has had to formulate a plan that maintains the substantial upside in the event of positive test results, but doesn't drain the Company in the event of disappointing test results. I remain optimistic based on what Ive seen, that results will be positive, HOWEVER there can be no guarantees on any outcome in anything in life.
What I will say though is that, I am confident that management is fully committed to seeing Pilus through, but in a manner that is responsible and intelligent. I believe personally that the correct outcome for Pilus would be as follows:
If test results do indeed come back positive at whatever date, Pilus should joint venture with a large industry partner (which has virtually limitless resources for development). This outcome, in my opinion, is possible and could be potentially lucrative to TAUG, if test DATA (results) turn out to be positive.
I hope this helps, as it reflects my personal thoughts on the subject
Best to All
Seth Shaw