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Alias Born 12/15/2005

Re: None

Monday, 05/01/2006 10:13:54 PM

Monday, May 01, 2006 10:13:54 PM

Post# of 212219

You’re welcome. And thanks again of course. Kind words appreciated. Just as indeed previously. And on the positive outlook front? Well absolutely. And simply enough because same fits.

Just again like that proverbial glove.

And thanks again.


You also are welcome. And on the Crash (and friends) front? Well we’re all of us here to make our own decisions/determinations re all and we all of us by virtue of extension and thusly necessity need live with the consequences of those decisions/determinations. The choices we each of us make that is. Just as it is in day-to-day life. And Crash and friends more specifically? Well again and as was said earlier re another issue there are numerous individuals involved and one of same is the again lone individual posting here as Crash. Though the ‘Crash’ handle itself as stated via e-mail links to many. To numerous individuals. And over time the again lone individual we know here has commented AS an individual and at other times in concert with the thoughts of those numerous others (friends). And? Well we have a timeline is what. With as mentioned Crash and friends starting out positive re SMMW in general and then the things turning south perspective. And then came MY presentments which as you know elicited word from Crash and friends re having finished with SMMW for good and interested no more. And then? Well additional of my presentments. The overall company potential I spoke of a short while ago. The overall likely fundamental and operational realities and the extreme likelihood of SMMW itself down the road becoming itself an acquisition target as opposed to being on the hunt for same and so on. And couple that with the overall progress so far in ’06. The vast differences that is compared to ’05. And what do we get?

Well said Crash and friends rethinking the situation is what. Once again interested in checking things out. In taking another and even closer look than previously. And you doubtless recall that now infamous e-mail and which if you additionally recall was dismissed as bunk by some and were said some right? And was not that infamous e-mail informative? Given particularly the silent period reality in evidence at the time? And weren’t all of US screaming for a PR at the very least or some form of communication to speak of? Some sign that all was NOT lost? And who was it did very much get off their collective duff and pay HQ a visit? And came home with indeed answers? Answers the rest of us were very much craving? Starving for in fact? And so the iggyland angle then? Well again your choice very much to make as outlined. Your call for sure. But just remember that what we want ARE answers. Even one’s that make us cringe if applicable. As such is only smart after all. The only way to avoid making a wrong move that is. A potentially indeed costly one. BOTH sides of the equation is the best approach. That balance often spoken of. The way I for one approach things and always do. For a rose-colored glasses perspective is a dangerous and oftentimes very much self-defeating game. And so one need be careful re iggyland and the availing of one’s self re same. Careful that is to determine that those inmates do truly deserve to be so incarcerated. As incarcerating the wrong one(s) serves only to potentially harm one’s self as stated. And neither Crash nor friends nor Clock is/are the enemy per se. They’re folks to be respected and admired is what they are as additionally stated but it’s just and simply the case that they each of them have their own unique approach(es) to risking investing/trading principal. With Clock for example tending to be a (wink wink) ‘bit’ hard on himself as we were long ago told. And Crash and friends being intimately connected to ‘great resource’ as mentioned need be EXTRA careful. Extra careful because we ARE talking about megabucks and a great many individuals indeed who like Clock and the rest of us aren’t interested in losing any or all of that aforementioned principal. And so as spoken of we have the doing of one’s homework VERY carefully re Crash and friends. Making as certain as possible that is of the risk/reward odds being entirely favorable. Re again that ‘great resource’ and the application of same. And thus and ergo we have -- as is the case re a successful outcome to our becoming PriQX listed for example -- a huge shot-in-the-arm for our budding little empire SHOULD Crash and friends in the end decide finally and firmly to buy in to the hilt. And I don’t NEED to paint a picture. All I need do is ask a question…

Would you and I and the rest appreciate a HUGE on the buy-side SMMW session of say 5b plus shares? Massive accumulation that is? And the attendant and obvious pps appreciation courtesy of same? And alternatively? Well should Crash and friends while visiting our Colorado operations dig up something truly unnerving re our again budding little empire you wouldn’t want to know about it? Hear the sordid details? No? Better to hide? My point being Justin. Tread carefully on the iggyland front as you just might be cutting…

Your OWN throat.

The full story is very much for the best. BOTH sides of the equation. And as for Clock’s and Crash’s more shall we say ‘flighty’ tendencies? Well again Clock tends by nature unfortunately enough to again be a ‘bit’ hard on himself (and others to boot unfortunately) and to repeat Crash represents massive overall investing/trading principal and accordingly need be again EXTREMELY careful. As Crash and friends aren’t so much a trading group as much as they are an investing group. And so in same we’re not talking the self-servingly bent tout site types but rather something far more substantial. And more as earlier alluded to. And they (Crash and friends) DO know what they’re doing.

And there I’ll leave it.

And on the general discussion front? Well I’ve as usual been entertaining a few thoughts and such. Inclusive of IR for example which makes sense post-PriQX listing and/or BB quotation. And as for operations? The cash flow and earnings situation? Oh and before I continue, a note…

A “very smart” one.

(wink wink)


And we for example own/control 89% of Stockli USA do we not? And so by virtue of extension yet again? And N’East? Lisker?

“Nicholas Sprung you’re a P… !”

“You too… !”


And Stockli for one a multi-year operating history as a private entity? As discussed. And POS? Well between those furry ears maybe. And you know the one’s…


And “fun” indeed?

(wink wink)

So a few thoughts and such then…

Well as we grow what happens to us on the cash flow and earnings fronts? And my primary focus are those LOA’s. The affiliates we’re on a tear to establish or acquire. And there’s a big difference. As we establish and we face startup costs. But we acquire and so are possibly talking fundamentally and operationally sound. And the reason I bring this up is because of the upcoming numbers. That all-important consideration. The primary reason that is that ANY for-profit company exists/is in business. And we want those numbers to improve on a period over period basis and so how realistic is same for us? And as for debt? Well we know that we’re intent upon borrowing and significantly so and certainly such is far from unique given the type of company just mentioned and of course we spoke long ago about being operationally sound relative to ongoing operations and the maintenance of same vs. being operationally sound enough to additionally support both internal and external growth/expansion to boot. And so ARE we currently operationally sound then? Positive cash flow and indeed those oft-mentioned earnings and so on? And working capital? Or a deficit? And how indeed about those future periods? And were we right? You and I that is? About those Skiershop outlets? Those centers? And if so we again have startup issues but different issues given retail vs. the length of time any newly established affiliate TV station would likely take to reach operational soundness. And that mentioned real estate? And so on of course.

And so it’s all very interesting isn’t it? Those future periods numbers that is? And so establish vs. acquire. Those centers? That real estate indeed? And re Skiershop currently the cash apparently is ‘adding up’. (Bobbie’s words.) And is Colorado a stronger market than our Eastern locale? And ARE we intent upon becoming a lessor? More cash flow/income? And how about today’s tidbit and that aforementioned cost-cutting and streamlining overall? All those PR’d ‘savings’? And the rest of it. And so what IS the bottom line then? Both currently per that audit when complete and relative to those mentioned future periods again. And with that said we have yet another fitting example…

‘SMMW … Signs LOI for the Real Estate Network, LLC and Steamboat TV-17: … “The deal is forecast to add more than $400,000.00 in annualized revenue and be accretive to SMMW earnings’

Accretive to company earnings yet again. And WILL –- relative to earlier such pronouncements –- those again audited numbers confirm same? Or does the word “forecast” carry the greater weight? And does same apply to BOTH revenues and earnings? And you remember that 9% profit target, right? And so the upcoming numbers ARE indeed vital. To indeed confirming all. The indeed cash flow and earnings reality and the rest of it. And stating the obvious? And again a compilation? Well hopefully not and we’ll see. At least we will should those applications again meet with success. And true? Numbers to come courtesy ONLY of those applications? Well not according to what I’m hearing. For again what’s being sent my way of late via e-mail relates to no small degree to pps appreciation. With such being very much the current and future intent. And so does it make sense that SHOULD those applications under current share structure circumstances meet with failure that those audited numbers will NOT otherwise see the light of day? Well not hardly obviously and so via PR or again company website or of course by virtue simply of registering with the SEC as a pink and filing as many other such do. No law(s) against after all. Just mandatory vs. voluntary is all. And so we get those again audited numbers either way it would definitely seem. And does any of same make sense given unsettling numbers being the reality? Or numbers to very much smile about make more sense? And again if indeed golden? And the degree?

Well again Justin everything in life really IS relative and in same we have the reason why I’ve several times recently mentioned the ‘competition’. All those massive carryover deficits and multi-year extant histories and so on. Startup stage companies. Companies still striving to establish worthwhile operations. And so? Well again if we ARE golden after only a -- in relative terms -- very short time extant? Well again such IS huge as earlier stated. And should we as suggested/discussed above succeed in growing our bottom line as we as a company grow/expand? Then we really ARE golden and seriously so. And again we have for example IBCX and all of poor ol’ Max’s once laughable crowing about same. All those empty revenues and debt- and dilution-backed assets and the ugly rest of it. And with that said? Well wasn’t Ed once and to repeat speaking of the private side? Of fighting a seemingly losing battle? And why so? Why so that is if operationally sound? I mean why not simply provide the details? Spill those proverbial beans? Release those golden numbers that is and send the stock into orbit? Hmm? And now? Post-split and with the transparency push? Well it’ll be mighty interesting won’t it? Just as again is the case with us only a lot more prospective. And we’ve already heard the Stockli ’05 details and don’t you wish the reality of that mentioned 9% profit target had been included in the announcement? You know. Things on the actual earnings front? But with that said we of course don’t want to ruin the surprise, right? I mean we want the best news to come in the form of a so-to-speak flood after all. And for extremely obvious reasons. Or do we? Well remember we’re a holding company. And so what then the OVERALL bottom line? Profitable as a unit indeed? And if so? Well which subsidiary(ies) our greatest operational strength(s)? Which division(s)? And so BETTER to release the numbers details in dribs and drabs? Piecemeal with the best first? With the again overall operational situation becoming somewhat muted/tempered courtesy of our weaker units/divisions? And so piecemeal for the best indeed? Fire those biggest guns first and get things at market level seriously underway?

And ain’t equities fun? Hmm? No end of entertaining and such? And market level again?

Well again the current managerial focus is pps appreciation. About getting the stock up and keeping it up. It’s the current primary overall focus as per my sources as stated and of course the obvious otherwise (read PR’s) courtesy again of simply enough NEED. Courtesy of business plan implementation in general. The moving ahead. For again as was stated we’ve now reached a crossroads with serious and stable pps appreciation being very much a must. As anything less and we face an insurmountable hurdle re for example the Skiershop deal being finalized (from one of my sources) and additional favorably-termed externally sourced capital coming our way. MUCH is tied to significant and stable pps appreciation. And with that said? Well SHOULD we restructure? Would it BE for the overall best for all? Company inclusive? And so a surprise/nasty surprise on the way then? A big help? Or the company float indeed a nonissue courtesy of insider and employee holdings and strong hands otherwise? And when fully reporting (if) will we see those filings? The ones necessitated that is courtesy of insider purchases in the open market? And our T/A reflecting same? Formally updated? Restricted stock increase and so on? Those audited numbers all inclusive? Share structure/ownership details? And you recall do you what our good friend Met (And hello to you Met. And hope you and Joe are well.) once told us? Harking that is back to the time of ‘the bet’. That autographed guitar. Recall? About that is Dan being shall we say surprised that the once TheSUBWAY deal failed to produce? And so naïve then? On Dan’s part that is? And so now? The current pps appreciation push? Meet with failure will it? Dan and the rest again figuring all will go as planned only to discover our float holding us back? Well not the float so much as the selling courtesy of same. And so?

Well TheSUBWAY deal we need remember came in concert with the then debt conversion being still in play. And in the absence of? And hadn’t we seen multiple massive episodes of .0002 accumulation previously and in the ABSENCE of any kind of ‘promotion’? And so if no conversion… then success? And thus and ergo many of us long since green and gone? Acquaintances and such no more? And that ‘promotion’ indeed? Dan throwing $50k down one of those proverbial rat holes? In a selfish and shareholder dismissive attempt that is to win an autographed guitar? Or more likely given the dilution complaints at the time an ideal opportunity to ‘invest’ $50k in trying to bring about said debt conversion at higher levels as desired per his (Dan’s) own words? And thus reduce said complaining and otherwise do what’s best for the company itself? And so now again? Likely to fail on the pps appreciation front then? Overall circumstances not favorable? Our float/selling an insurmountable barrier? And so reverse split or bust? Well the bottom line yet again Justin is that Dan and crew know full well the share structure details inclusive of the NOBO list realities and those indeed strong hands. And thus and ergo yet again we have the reason why no reverse. Why no need. Why said Dan and crew know full well that bringing about our much needed stable higher average trading base is entirely achievable under current realities overall. And our registered MM’s are equally aware. Just as they are re those aforementioned applications and thus the .0002 opens and closes. MM’s get hungry too after all.

And so we ARE going up Justin. And that you can take to that proverbial bank. And laugh the entire way. And as for today’s tidbit again?

Well let’s get back to Crash and friends. And do you recall what same a while back said re things on the satellite front? And so think same aren’t finding today’s presentment of great interest? And again there are a LOT of very capable minds behind the ‘Crash’ handle and so and again any/all input from same is NOT to be summarily and self-defeatingly dismissed. But rather well considered as stated. And so we have that licensed technology. The details finally presented. That which facilitates getting the satellite ball rolling and wasn’t Comcast mentioned additionally? A while back that is? Relative to value courtesy of said technology? The spreading of wings? And so we have very much “outside the box thinking”. Broadcast and satellite and NEOCAST. And it’s all about reach isn’t it? About subscriber base expansion and broadcast inventory value and so on. Programming and advertising/marketing and competitive CPM rates and so on. And of course we have that HQ relocation and the obvious reasoning behind same and of the creation of Summus center additionally. And so a repository then. The NEOCAST system with the necessary servers and clients in place. And with the supported protocols and formats offered we have all we need re distribution of whatever content we currently have in our inventory and the source(s) of same and THAT yet to be created. And fitting or what? Feed into the NEOCAST system both onsite and via the web and feed out via again web and satellite and broadcast otherwise with very much direct targeting to a specific audience(s). And simple and elegant of course inclusive of very much the control factor. The complete content and distribution control that is. Right under our proverbial noses. And smart thinking indeed? Smart move? Well absolutely, huh? And is Mike impressed? Well no doubt. And all implemented/to-be implemented again with simplicity and overall cost control in mind…

‘NEOCAST(R) products were selected due to their ease of use and a strong price to performance ratio.’

And so little wonder then…

‘This newly implemented technology will save the Company's cable broadcast division approximately $120,000.00 while forecasted to increase revenues of the same by $600,000.00.’

And so the progress continues. The thinking and acting in general and additionally the thinking and acting “outside the box”. And there’s a few folks ‘round these parts none too shabby at…

Thinking “outside the box”, hmm?

And wink, wink?

And so now all we need is a place to put all that technology.

And wink, wink?

And so a VERY real company indeed? Built indeed the right way? The positive cash flow and net earnings and such way? Or as a certain (wink wink) “very smart” someone professes…


And ‘tis far easier to complain and to criticize than to do?


And stupid is as stupid does?


Great management we got Justin. Just as has been said from day one. And also just has been said from day one taking a startup stage public company to fully operating status is no cakewalk. No mean easy feat. Not even slightly is it. As evidenced. And ARE we on a tear? To implement our business plan that is? Well…

‘The acquired technology will drastically facilitate the rapid expansion of the Company's… ‘

And it IS getting interesting isn’t it? Particularly given this…

‘In addition to providing specialized financial and advisory services in connection with the Company's current funding and credit facilities, the role will include the responsibility of facilitating the Company's financing of up to $5.5 million in debt and equity.’

And it strikes as almost paltry doesn’t it? $5.5m. When that is one considers all, inclusive of the mentioned real estate and all those affiliates and so on. Strikes as curious as to the way in which the $5.5m figure was arrived at. And of course we pump $5.5m IN and… ! Right? Especially given Dan and crew’s very obvious overall approach i.e., an indeed positive cash flow and net earnings and such focus and so on as stated. And the confirmation of same of course. That which is coming that is. Those again audited numbers. The ones again going to provide us in no uncertain terms just and exactly what weight that word “forecast” really DOES carry. And so pps appreciation. That again which is our focus/a must currently. And our registered MM’s ARE as stated on it. And WILL be a hell of a lot more so when we ARE fully reporting and smiling re same for more reasons than one.

And so a few thoughts and such indeed then.

And take care, hmm?

You and the rest.

And always a pleasure of course.




“man the pressure is building but feels good to be up so when it does break i can sit back and watch certain poster be washed away”



“explain to me why you still post here, then ill consider answering your redundant question”



“There is no doubt that the way things are going that the pps can stay down much longer.”


And all this time I thought you were on -- our -- side.



And as for…

“Just wait and see what are next prs produce.”


Oh and luck?

Not needed.

As it’s all about reality after all.



Yeah, I recall a few of those indie plays long since defunct. And yeah, fun while they lasted but no comparison re SMMW as we’re a hell of a lot more substantial than any of same. And with that said think real estate and retail/wholesale as an example and that broadcast inventory. Advertising/marketing along with programming content and so on. What WE have is the diversity we need. And green diversity. And humongo difference of course from the indie scene and that ilk. Oh and on the big name celebrities front and such? The name Roger Moore ring any bells?

And wink, wink, huh?

Oh and just so’s you know?

Well it’s okay to interface with the rest of us as individuals.

We don’t bite.

(Well some of us at least.)




Just for you.

(wink wink)