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Alias Born 12/15/2005

Re: None

Saturday, 04/29/2006 12:36:24 AM

Saturday, April 29, 2006 12:36:24 AM

Post# of 212277

Numerous times as these boards well know I’ve made reference in general to the denizens therein. The vast differences between individuals that is inclusive of overall approach to equities investing/trading in general and SMMW in particular. And relative to and coincident with all of same I’ve made mention of being appreciative of the overall approach of some. Of certain of said denizens that is. Some such as yourself for example and RJ and indeed Crash and Clock and a number of others who’ll doubtless forgive me for not singling them out at this point and for obvious reasons. Appreciative that is courtesy of general civility, maturity, obvious general brainpower and so on. The refreshing change that is from the vulgarity and sheer crassness and name-calling, etc exhibited by no shortage of far from appreciated others. And me? Well do you ever see me exhibiting wantonly any behaviors one would generally associate with gutter trash? Or do I conduct myself with dignity and comport myself accordingly at all times? Never sadly devolving the way no shortage of others very much do? And should I paint a picture? Whenever I’m confronted in any way here for example that calls for my putting one or more of our resident saddest in his/her/their place do I ever go about same childishly using vulgarity and calling names and otherwise as stated devolving to gutter level or do I always take the high road and go about same in ways that get the job done and effectively so while remaining true to myself? To my dignity and self-respect and so on? Working instead on the basis of sheer brainpower and very much never devolving to gutter level the way again no shortage of others do? Others who unlike myself fail miserably on the sheer brainpower front. Unable to compete intellectually so they very much devolve to that with which they’re most comfortable. And shall I paint a picture?

And while, yes, even some of those I hold in high regard generally have at times exhibited that which is not their wont, same is only ever fleeting and generally the result of the heat of the moment and is certainly understandable at times and can be forgiven. And with respect to Clock in particular for one there are a great many who admire and respect him as I do as a person. As a person worthy of again admiration and respect and such and I conduct myself accordingly and so in confrontation for example I say straightforwardly but civilly what I have to say and I get over it and move on ready to continue any/all discourse. For as I’ve said a number of times from day one I personally don’t ascribe to the self-defeating habit of holding grudges nor living in the past the way most unfortunately do and so and again any/all here or that other place with whom I’ve had words is/are entirely at liberty to approach me sensibly and indeed civilly and I’ll respond in kind. I don’t again live in the past. Nor hold grudges. I get over it and I move on. And if another/others aren’t so willing/similarly inclined well again he/she/they is/are only hurting him/her/themselves. And as with Clock same with RJ for example and again certain others. And indeed Crash who you must remember I have an e-mail-based history with and so my connection is different than is yours and others who interface with said party only via these boards. And over time I’ve appreciated Crash and Associates’ overall maturity and again civility and indeed thoroughness. The leaving no stone unturned angle. And with that said you can trust me when I say that I’m well aware of who among our denizens in general is worthy of admiration and respect and consideration otherwise and such and who isn’t. Who it is intellectually worthwhile and who it is isn’t. And additionally I’ll note that those I hold in the highest regard generally are generally also those I appreciate most on an intellectual level. And with that said you yourself know perfectly well as do all relevant others that I’ve often found myself at odds with those I hold generally in the highest regard. And such is the case again not because those I hold in the highest regard I do so courtesy of them by necessity holding the same viewpoint(s) I do regarding SMMW and equities investing/trading activities in general and so on but rather because of what those people have exhibited over time as human beings. The again civility and maturity and willingness to discuss sensibly and so on. The way in which they routinely conduct themselves and interact with other of our denizens and so on.

It’s not a matter of pro or con SMMW. It’s for me a matter of balance. Of overall approach. Of very much necessarily seeing both sides of the equation and not just one or the other in order to benefit maximally i.e., to not miss a good opportunity(ies) nor to cut one’s own financial throat again unnecessarily. We are here after all to very much discuss. To consider all and to share thoughts and insights, ideas and so on. And in the case of the more experienced among us to additionally share and to help the less experienced to learn. And of course in so doing it’s impossible not to toss personalities into the mix. And it’s there of course that the aforementioned difference is made. The separating of the wheat from the chaff that is. Sorting out the dismissible. The peanut gallery. The iggy crowd. Those who aren’t interested in sensible, civil, logical and balanced, etc discussion and such but rather in using these boards and the denizens they host to take out personal frustrations on and otherwise childish and such inclinations. To vent and so on. People as I pointed out previously very obviously so unfortunately ongoingly downtrodden and belittled and so on in their day-to-day pitiful existences that they’re relegated sadly enough to finding strength via false bravado behind the ether of cyberspace. Strength they sadly lack in the absence of the security offered by distance and anonymity and so on. And it’s just and simply something the rest of us have to deal with as it is a big world and it really does take all kinds. And yes it is sad but there’s really nothing the rest of can do. And so I appreciate very much a balanced and sensible and such approach overall and again general civility and maturity and so on and same again are the determining factors for me and not simply pro or con SMMW as stated. And with that said? Well in my time here at IHub there’s been no shortage as discussed of call for me to send certain parties off to iggyland but because of limitations surrounding my member status I’ve been forced to free said certain parties from said iggyland on occasion and to replace same with others. So it’s been a nasty tradeoff with my having available for my perusing ‘pleasure’ posts that I’d rather were not so available. With a fine example being…

Posted by: k9narc

“CO/They/him/her...are just a level above Mtnmoron and only one behind betybe.”

And can you see it? And additionally do you imagine that k9 if in the physical presence of… would be speaking so? Well you and I and all others here and that other place know the answer of course and so and thus we have a fine example of that which I just spoke of. And the indeed sadness of it all. And with that said DOES the referenced passage say more about the author or those referenced? And so you now get my general meaning. And as further evidence we have this…

Posted by: FogOfWar

“MTNmoron??? LOL!!!”

And in same we have of course confirmation of the effectiveness as mentioned above of certain passages from my prior post. The degree to which those passages very obviously hit home/stung. And evidenced additionally of course courtesy of the absence of the author’s trademark and much preferred LMAO acronym. And so and indeed yet another one bites the dust of course and again in the absence on my part of any infantile devolving of any kind, type or sort to gutter level. And while we're at it let’s additionally mention the wholly mind-bending angle that amounts to Foggy finding my presentments an obviously painful and then some read and then setting and indeed mind-bendingly about and despite to instruct others as to how supposedly to produce such presentments of their own. And these people call OTHERS morons of course, hmm? Laugh at OTHERS? Or masochism again perhaps? And me without my whip and hobnail boots of course, hmm? And as per usual who once again was it initiated the overall proceedings? Did I go to Foggy or did Foggy come to me? What I did Justin was as always simply finish what yet another started and same indeed re k9. Just as always as oft pointed out. And with that said…

Certain folks both here and that other place quite frequently expressing their discontent and such re myself/my presentments. Certain folks far more often than not adding no value whatsoever themselves to either thread in fact. And should we talk about gall then? Audacity? The laughable? And me? Well I add as much value as I can/am able to ongoingly and fortunately courtesy of certain of my personal traits same is far from a Herculean task for me. And as far as my equities investing/trading knowledge, skills, abilities and so on are concerned? Well I share as stated and certainly I’ve proved myself a number of times very convincingly inclusive of heads ups that proved green and timely so every time. And anyone else here or that other place have a similar track record? And as for GRMU? Well like I said look for an entry point as I’ve been tracking the sell-side volume and it’s getting close. There’s a bounce coming. And as for then GBLL? Well as explained in full the shorting was masked. And there was absolutely no one could see it who wasn’t directly involved in same. But even there (then GBLL) I made other parties money when I called a couple of post S-8 bounces additionally. Bounces that in fact enabled me to cut in the end my own losses (approx. $1,800). Bounces I nailed almost perfectly in fact (within days) and despite the unknown shorting issues. And anyone who heeded my words did very much make money or cut their in the end own losses too. And as for Crash again? Well admittedly said Crash got a dig in re myself this day with his comment to our good friend Foggy which to be honest with you did surprise me as it IS uncharacteristic but obviously said Crash is feeling a little hurt or some such for some reason or another. And as for Foggy again? Well there we have yet another sad and pathetic and such reaction to in fact Crash’s comments. One that’s an easy read and again very much sad and pathetic. And think Pavlov’s dogs. And with respect to Crash’s comments in general? His just passing through that is? Well…

Some time back you might recall Crash presented for the viewing pleasure of all here a certain set of paperwork relating to Steamboat that on the surface struck as less than positive. And in reaction to same as is my wont I explained to Crash that there was in fact nothing to be concerned about as I personally courtesy of my sources was aware of the Steamboat situation and that all was well with indeed the relevant TV station being a wholly owned subsidiary of SMMW. And that response on my part of course and only recently in fact as yourself and all others well know was followed up with and at the appropriate time re my sources again my sharing the Steamboat details. My explaining that is how Steamboat for us in actuality came to be. And in so doing of course explained certain earlier mysteries and additionally and once again of course proving the truth of my earlier words. Proving myself to as usual be anything but a liar. For I did indeed know about Steamboat and the same way in fact I knew about the funding and the filing and BB ascension and no shortage of other such inclusive of the pending arrival of certain PR’s, etc. Though I will qualify re Steamboat by saying that there are a few details I didn’t mention in the relevant posts but only courtesy of my duties to my sources again and for no other reason so again nothing to be concerned about.

And I said above that I add as much value as I can and I do. And relative to my sources I share what I can when I can. And of course all of same is far more than most others here or that other place contribute and is of course the reason why my posts are so widely read inclusive of those laughable self-labelers and the proven liars inclusive of those who falsely claim to have iggy’d me over time and all of whom I’ve caught of course in their games and lies courtesy of again certain of my personal traits. And so Crash then. And again Crash and Associates do very much their homework thoroughly and therein we have again one of the reasons I respect and admire same for I too want all the answers I can get. But unlike Crash and Clock and no shortage of similarly afflicted others I don’t bull foolishly and blindly and self-defeatingly ahead in the absence of the possession of all the facts. I don’t run wildly and self-defeatingly amok with but a single and off-center thought or idea at the forefront of my mind. I calmly and rationally consider all/think things through very carefully is what I do looking from every possible angle as the answers are very much always in the details. And with that said you of course doubtless recall our good friend Crash not long ago writing and sending off to our other good friend Clock via e-mail a charming little missive regarding his and Associates exiting in full from SMMW. A charming little missive that Clock took it upon himself to share at RB while telling yours truly in the process that I had some explaining to do. A charming little missive that in concert with following other such from again our good friend Crash resulted in said good friend receiving a slap on the wrist from those again Associates of his. And in fact an apparently free trip out of town for a while to boot. And that original missive? The one again telling of exiting in full and the purported ‘dumping’ horror story to go along with it? Well as per Clock’s ‘request’ I did respond. Explaining if you again recall about the opening of the exit doors and those unthinking standing/open sell orders executing and so on and of course rightly so. And then of course those to love resident peanut galleries of ours (RB inclusive) took the low road as usual and sided with the wholly misguided. Using in fact as so-called proof the share structure changes at the time. Changes which I explained/attempted to explain amounted to personal sacrifice on the part of a certain party. The at the time reduction in the restricted that is and the coincident. Which as far as said peanut galleries were concerned and as usual of course fell entirely upon deaf ears. And though Clock felt entirely justified in sharing Crash’s e-mail he was once again shown to have bulled blindly ahead with Crash in tow of course in possession as usual of far from all the facts.

And now? Our share structure latest? And again far from all the facts? Well we just closed the Lisker deal didn’t we? And how many here and that other place know just and exactly how same was accomplished? And we again additionally have our latest filing. And how lost exactly are folks overall on that one? And those audited numbers? What there? Well let’s speak of the filing and the why. And indeed why the filing? Did we need it? Or could we simply have maxed out the authorized? Issued to the hilt? So why the filing then? What’s it all about? Why’d we register the stock? Or did we? The company raising a million dollars? That it? Well in fact yes. Yes it is. About the raising of a million dollars that is. A million dollars in fact long ago mentioned. And so and thus our current share structure then? Well in fact no. Not the explanation. Not even close. And what is the explanation? Well here’s a clue…

The M&A activity to date? The acquisitions? The stock issued relative to same restricted is it? The phase two M&A activity? Was cash mentioned? Management issue stock to themselves re an acquisition and that stock automatically restricted is it? But a third party? Nicholas Sprung for example? Issued stock re Stockli for example restricted is it? And that mentioned bigger company? Seemingly our biggest acquisition by far to date should same be pursued and successfully concluded. And how acquired if so? Cash in the million$? Shares in the multiple billions? And if we have near-term pps appreciation and significantly so? Well what then? Make a difference would it? A big one? Well given the limits I’m bound by re my sources yet again I’ll say this much…

The audited numbers are the key. The key to explaining all that is. Inclusive of insider holdings and of course ongoing operations and company fundamentals otherwise and so on. And again should those aforementioned advancement applications meet with overall success we’ll HAVE that explanation of all won’t we? And if no such success then will we see the numbers PR’d and additionally published to the company website as previously discussed? Or some such? And if no why no? Red flag maybe? And with that said? Well let’s consider this…


As pointed out once previously the regular stock count climbing only indicates either an issuance(s) of stock or the removal of a restrictive legend or two if applicable and does NOT by necessity equate to stock entering the market. And as an example management could issue to myself 5b shares of tradable stock priced at .0001 let's say but only if I choose to sell same would same actually enter the market. And so if I hold the position through thick and thin there’s no market level negative impact on other shareholders. Strong hands and so on. But again we have certain folks ever so unfortunately wildly and blindly running amok with again a single off-center thought stuck firmly in the forefront of their collective mind. And again what can any of the rest of us do about it outside of pointing out the inanity of it all?


If management were self-serving and generally up to no good do you suppose the company history would be what it is? Or would the smartest thing to have done re the self-serving angle be to have massively reversed immediately post-debt conversion with the ideal excuse/explanation in tow i.e., reverse merger costs covered in full and so the ideal time and opportunity to start anew. A brand new company. A brand new, entirely fresh start with the road ahead wide open. And then fill those coffers of course. Hmm? And why a months long silent period? With all and sundry PO’d and losing patience and such no end? Why not bite the bullet and indeed start anew? And why not now? Why no reverse? And as for BB ascension? Well let’s play devil’s advocate why don’t we and say that same is being pursued for reasons of intended S-8 abuse. More money coming in courtesy of all those ‘consultants’, et al, right? And a little authorized stock increase under the guise of doing company employees a world of well deserved good? That it? BB ascension? And along with just maybe a little reverse all the same with again the ideal excuse/explanation of…

“Well as shareholders well know a reverse split is the last thing we (management) want but… !!!”

A necessary evil? And Brothers Grimm indeed? The point being Justin that everything is happening for a reason. A well justified reason and the off-center reading between the lines and speculating and ranting and raving and hair pulling, etc is a complete waste. A complete self-defeating wash as all is very much well and as stated I personally have many of the details but am as always limited in what I can say. But I have as usual provided much that yourself and the other smarter one’s among us can pick up on by stringing the as usual bits and pieces together. And so a very real company being built the right way. And with that said is Lisker a plus or a minus? Accretive to company overall earnings or no? A healthy revenue boost or no? And the selectiveness? Re M&A activity that is? Are we targeting fundamental and operational garbage? Are we amassing debt and deficit and little else? Empty revenues? Or is it always an accretive to earnings situation or great potential for same (read N’East as an example) and positive cash flow and so on? And so very much built the right way? Profitable as a unit? And the once MLON? The once ICAN? The… ?... CMKX? Hundreds upon hundreds of other such? Any operational comparison for example? And audited numbers and fully reporting? Augmented PR initiative? Disclosure increase? And so and thus does it strike that management are liars? Make sense does it? Add up (pun intended) does it? Accretive to earnings? Overall profitability? A startup stage pink outfit? Stockli a good move was it? Skiershop be a good move? Lisker again? And is there a connection between all three? A pre-existing one that is? The reason why this…

"The acquisition of this interest … is perfectly in line with our vision of horizontal growth throughout the outdoor sports industry"

And smart?

Oh you bet and for extremely obvious reasons as we control both ends and so on the pricing front? Supply? Einstein need apply? Smart you bet.

Fits in fact like that proverbial (ahem) glove. Wholesale/retail. And with that said it was yourself in fact posted recently about Summus center and the retail angle/Skiershop and in fact I too had the exact same thought upon reading the relevant PR. That all that real estate we’re focused on acquiring will house Skiershop outlets. An outlet per center that is. And additionally that once again Charlie Webb’s influence was being felt. And in all of same of course we have yet again and in no uncertain terms the true potential of this company given that 5-year growth/expansion plan and the nationwide reality and all those affiliates-to-be and so on. Truly massive potential is what and thus of course an actual pennyland ‘investment’. Risk/reward idealness. The real deal. And with those audited numbers published and the fundamental and operational realities of the company available for perusal by all and a/the new venue(s) reality in evidence with said numbers confirming all that we have good reason to currently think/believe and then some? Well even if we did reverse supra-.0005 would we have a valuation worry? That mentioned retrace? Well not likely, right? And a buyout? Should we as we progress receive a worthwhile offer(s) which is likely in the extreme and again for obvious reasons? And post-fully reporting of course. Well DID someone say SMMW millionaire$? And it isn’t even remotely farfetched. Not even slightly is it given again the overall caliber of the companies purporting themselves to be SMMW’s equal. Many eyes are watching after all and with the VVV push? And following a WSR interview or two? And with that said? Well recall good ol’ Mario do you? And how’d he precipitate a 38-bagger? Recall? And so Dan and crew are up to no good are they? And so why not forge a little ‘arrangement’ then and fire up the PR machine and send us into orbit with a fairytale of our own? An orbit a hell of a lot higher than then MLON’s courtesy of all that SMMW’s accomplished to date. The justification that is for the fairytale/‘offer’? Why no hype to date? Why in fact just the opposite according to some? The so-called fluff that is? And so miscreant management? Yeah right, huh? We’re going up Justin just as was said. The time very much having arrived. Pps appreciation being very much a must as discussed. It’s time to move the stock. For the reasons mentioned. And in light of same market level continues to strengthen/the word continues to spread.

And again the big money hasn’t even so much as touched us yet but when it does? And it will. Well indeed…


The only way as stated for the company to overall succeed from this point forward is courtesy of actual tangible shareholder value. The stock ongoingly reflecting actual company value/valuation relative to both the present and the future just as it should be. And so and again that’s just and exactly what’s coming. What management is so feverishly working on. Putting in I know those once again 14/7’s.

“Bobbie Roehm … says Dan is doing this for all of the company and the Stockholders and he is even paying the bills out of his own pocket money. … Dan Burgess will get the Stock Price Per Share up where it is suppose to be in the end of all of this and without a Reverse split”

And again…

The time HAS arrived.

We’re going up!


Thanks as always for the well wishes but luck not needed. Not on this one. And as for green when it arrives full force? Well we both know who’ll very much be watching intently and if the bunch of you choose to remain on the sidelines? Well need I say it? The big money is there and just like I said in my post about that radar, right? The tout sites are already on us as evidenced. And once the breakout comes there’s as stated going to be no looking back. And with that said? We’ll we’re not about to be graced with audited numbers in the absence of good reason/become fully reporting that is and so I’d do more listening than talking for the next little while were I certain folks here and that other place. And again, gross/raw numbers are meaningless as pointed out. Of no value whatsoever as yet again it’s the amount of stock available at any particular point in time at market level that counts and yet again additionally same is a HELL of a lot smaller than a great many involved folks think/believe. And that’s it. And once the big money does hit? Well like I said and courtesy again of the aforementioned any perceived walls will vanish in the blink of an eye.

And again if you and the rest wish to simply sit on your hands while others massively profit well… ? What CAN anyone say? Right?

And me? Well I’m a betting man to a reasonable degree and my money says the bunch of you will very much be in when you see what’s coming. When the details that is and the market level result from same present themselves. For as was said previously…

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

And I hope you enjoyed your time away. That it was both pleasant and fruitful that is. And no, that’s not a jab. I’m being sincere. And take care until we DO meet again.

Your friend as always.




No worries. As there’s always a method in the seeming madness.

I’m always one step ahead.

Or hadn’t you noticed?

Oh and as for that little world?

Not even slightly little in fact.

Just like my mind.

Know what I mean?


Oh and a note just for your edification...

By: mugsy9

"Their both out there in their own... ."

(And our good friend Foggy will appreciate this.)

Should read...

"They're both... ."

And you take care too of course.


You and the rest.

And have a pleasant weekend of course.

You and the rest.