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Re: rooster post# 226500

Sunday, 08/03/2014 12:11:01 AM

Sunday, August 03, 2014 12:11:01 AM

Post# of 495298
Why are people still sceptical about climate change?

one loose nail, does not destroy your house .. two bricks loosened does not have your wall fall .. no rooster you rationalize, is
all .. your .. "It's based upon their predictions have not been correct." .. is not your answer .. see the bottom of the first here ..

Why are People Still Sceptical About Climate Change Download PDF

Why are some people still scep­tical about the reality and ser­i­ous­ness of cli­mate change when the sci­entific evid­ence is so overwhelming?

This is the ques­tion that motiv­ates a great deal of cli­mate change com­mu­nic­a­tion. How can cli­mate scep­ti­cism be countered?

It is nat­ural to assume that if people do not accept the sci­ence of cli­mate change, it is because they do not under­stand it, or per­haps need to know more about it. Certainly it is true that someone who knows very little about cli­mate change is unlikely to care a great deal about its con­sequences. So it is important that the facts about cli­mate change are widely known and readily available.

Several com­pre­hensive sum­maries of the key facts and fig­ures of cli­mate change are avail­able, including the web­site Skeptical Science .. , which describes itself as “Explaining cli­mate change sci­ence & rebut­ting global warming mis­in­form­a­tion”. The British news­paper The Guardian .. .. offers a very read­able series of answers to ‘fre­quently asked ques­tions’ about cli­mate change. And the web­site Real Climate .. (run by working cli­mate sci­ent­ists) con­tains a great deal of (some­times very tech­nical) inform­a­tion about the sci­ence of cli­mate change.

But while dis­pelling myths about cli­mate change is a valu­able public ser­vice to offer, the truth about cli­mate scep­ti­cism is that it is not just a dis­pute over the sci­ence. Accurate fac­tual inform­a­tion has been avail­able for anyone who has wanted to find it for a long time. And still some people say they are uncon­vinced that cli­mate change is actu­ally hap­pening – or express more uncer­tainty than sci­ent­ists do about the ser­i­ous­ness of the problem.

Climate change is not the first example of a topic where politi­cians or cam­paigners have expressed frus­tra­tion or sur­prise that mem­bers of the public don’t seem to ‘get’ the sci­ence. Public opinion often turns against a new tech­no­logy or devel­op­ment even if the sci­ence behind it is sound. Researchers who study public atti­tudes to sci­ence used to think that providing more facts and fig­ures – increasing know­ledge – was the way to improve public engage­ment with sci­ence. This approach is known as the ‘deficit model’ of sci­ence com­mu­nic­a­tion – it was assumed that oppos­i­tion to a par­tic­ular sci­entific devel­op­ment was based on a deficit of know­ledge (Irwin & Wynne, 1996).

However, it soon became clear that many of the argu­ments about ‘sci­entific’ con­tro­ver­sies (e.g. dis­putes over GM crops) were not really about ‘sci­ence’ at all, and cli­mate change is no exception.

Social sci­ent­ists have started building up a pic­ture of the sort of people who are likely to be cli­mate scep­tics. People who are scep­tical about cli­mate change are likely to be older, male and polit­ic­ally con­ser­vative (McCright & Dunlap, 2011). The fact that more than half of the incoming Republican politi­cians in the 2010 US mid-term elec­tions dis­pute cli­mate change .. .. illus­trates this per­fectly. These people were not driven by their rejec­tion of cli­mate change sci­ence to become Republicans – their con­ser­vative views have col­oured their inter­pret­a­tion of the sci­ence, which they see as threat­ening to their ideology.

Dan Kahan and his col­leagues at Yale University have shown that people’s pos­i­tions about sci­entific topics tend to be driven by their polit­ical ideo­lo­gies and world­views (Kahan et al, 2010). So it is no sur­prise that appar­ently neutral, uncon­tro­ver­sial sci­entific reports (like those pub­lished by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change .. ) have acted as a light­ning rod for dis­agree­ment. For an indi­vidual who sup­ports co-ordinated inter­na­tional action to tackle cli­mate change, what could be more com­pel­ling than a con­sensus state­ment from an inter­na­tional body of inde­pendent sci­ent­ists? For someone inclined to per­ceive inter­na­tional reg­u­la­tions as a threat to trade and industry, an inter­na­tional report that speaks of con­sensus is likely to set alarm bells ringing. The facts are the same in both cases: the inter­pret­a­tion very different.

Research by aca­demics at Cardiff University (Corner, Whitmarsh & Xenias, in press) has estab­lished that when people with opposing atti­tudes towards cli­mate change are given news reports about cli­mate change to read, they eval­uate the evid­ence in a very dif­ferent way. Those who accept the sci­ence of cli­mate change rate the pro-climate change report as con­vin­cing and reli­able, whereas cli­mate scep­tics see the very same report as uncon­vin­cing and unre­li­able. This is know as the ‘biased assim­il­a­tion’ of inform­a­tion, and sev­eral dec­ades of social psy­cho­lo­gical research have shown that on any number of topics – from cap­ital pun­ish­ment .. , to gun con­trol .. , to nan­o­tech­no­lo­gies .. – people squeeze new evid­ence through powerful social and cul­tural fil­ters. Pouring facts into this filter system does not neces­sarily pro­duce con­sensus – and it can even cause atti­tudes to polarise .. .

The source of a cli­mate change mes­sage is also very important – if the audi­ence trust the com­mu­nic­ator, they are more likely to trust their argu­ments. For an indi­vidual who believes that industry should be left to reg­u­late itself, a mes­sage about envir­on­mental reg­u­la­tions from a cam­paigner who lob­bies for stricter rules for industry is likely to fall on deaf ears.

So what can cli­mate change com­mu­nic­ators do to over­come the fact that cli­mate scep­tics say they oppose the sci­ence, when in fact they object to what are seen as its implications?

Understanding that cli­mate change scep­ti­cism will not be over­come by a more forceful present­a­tion of the sci­ence is a crit­ical first step. A lot of valu­able com­mu­nic­a­tion time will con­tinue to be wasted on explaining the sci­ence of cli­mate change over and over again to a group of people who have already heard everything they need to hear. Of course people need to know about the sci­ence of cli­mate change – but once they know about it and choose to reject it, explaining it to them louder is unlikely to do much good.

Instead, com­mu­nic­ators need to bring the real cause of dis­agree­ment out into the open, sep­arate the sci­ence from the politics (Hulme, 2009), and make clear that although the sci­ence tells us that cli­mate change is hap­pening, and what is causing it, the sci­ence doesn’t tell us which way to respond.

Society could do nothing. Society could build new tech­no­lo­gies. Society could raise taxes. Society could change its beha­viour. Society could reg­u­late industry. But these are decisions to make as cit­izens – and so they should be the sub­ject of debate. Providing oppor­tun­ities for people to delib­erate with each other about cli­mate change allows the reasons for dis­agree­ment to come to the fore. If these reasons are based on values, cul­tural world-views or ideo­logy, then it makes sense to get these dis­agree­ments out into the open rather than obscuring them by fighting polit­ical battles using the lan­guage of science.


Corner, A., Whitmarsh, L. & Xenias, D. (in press). Uncertainty, scep­ti­cism and atti­tudes towards cli­mate change: biased assim­il­a­tion and atti­tude polarisation.

Hulme, M. (2009). Why we dis­agree about cli­mate change: Understanding con­tro­versy, inac­tion and oppor­tunity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Irwin, A. & Wynne, B. (1996). (Eds). Misunderstanding sci­ence? The public recon­struc­tion of sci­ence and tech­no­logy. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.

Kahan, D., Braman, D. & Jenkins-Smith, H. (2010). Cultural cog­ni­tion of sci­entific con­sensus. Cultural Cognition Project Working Paper No. 77

McCright, A.M. & Dunlap, R.E. (2011). Cool dudes: The denial of cli­mate change among con­ser­vative white males in the United States. Global Environmental Change 21 (4) 1163–1172.

It is conservatives as you, above all, must consider ..

Confirmation bias is the tendency for people to (consciously or unconsciously) seek out information that conforms to their pre-existing view points, and subsequently ignore information that goes against them, both positive and negative. It is a type of cognitive bias and a form of selection bias toward confirmation of the hypothesis under study. Avoiding confirmation bias is an important part of rationalism and in science in general. ..

as questioning the basic science of evolution, of the virgin birth, of the age of the earth and of climate science is believing in a
remnant of yesteryear .. it's based in superstition, misunderstanding, ignorance .. and, most dangerously of all, irresponsibility ..

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Brain structure differs in liberals, conservatives:

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind

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