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Alias Born 06/30/2013

Re: tjonessz post# 119890

Wednesday, 05/21/2014 10:22:20 AM

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 10:22:20 AM

Post# of 137736
More fear and opinion.

I'm one that says hold, and I've made 6 figures from this stock. Before I took profits people were saying the same thing, and guess what...when the right PR came we ran hard. We will again. Why do you think they don't pr all the time? Why do you think they are delivering product? I work in advertising and know Gomez's work. This is legit and that's why they are not suspended and why they are operating.

The only person I trust is me. I hold a bit over 30M. If it drops more I'll buy but I have friends in CA using and LOVING this service and it's clearly a matter of time...

Who wants awesome products branded in the roots of this movement from the greatest state for weed endorsed by the most current stoner celebs in America delivered to your door?!!! THIS GUY and all his friends, that's who.

Pharmajanes $$$$$$$!!!