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Alias Born 08/18/2004

Re: None

Sunday, 03/12/2006 4:42:12 PM

Sunday, March 12, 2006 4:42:12 PM

Post# of 212328
Crash OverRide I did give you credit on this one for having the guts to admit your intention.

By: mugsy9
12 Mar 2006, 12:19 PM EST
Msg. 66957 of 66978
(This msg. is a reply to 66951 by clockwatcher10.)
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clockwatcher10, I was going over your last post and must say it gave me food for thought. This line you wrote in reference to "a new character, Justin The Benevolent" I quote "Those of you reading this, beware, you're his mark and he has a clear agenda."
Reading this line you wrote made me laugh. Why? I always thought you had a clear agenda, although more subtle than Crash Override.
This is a good one. lol
"Crash Override should be renamed Crash&Burn. His efforts went too far in his attempt to make it sound like the cop supported his views of Dan as a crook. Ouch! Crash, your "over the top" efforts have stung both of us.....and I don't even know you!"

Isn't this the guy that has sent you emails outlining his visit to Stowe, Vt.? Is he the guy who fed you info that he allegedly obtained that turns out to be bs? The content of the conversations being denied by both Bobby and Dan. This is the guy who claims he spoke with the arresting officer and was given info about his arrest and Dans character. Who by the way the Stowe PD denies.
This Crash Override finally came out of the closet and let his true intentions be known, to bash Dan and SMMW at all cost regardless of facts. Are you still in the closet?
This is a real good one. lmao
"More than likely they’ll form a mutual admiration society (Justin, MountainMan and Illuminati) with the IHUB posters tripping over themselves to be first in line to kiss their feet."
You mean like your little group here who post clockwatcher10 we need you, post please clockwatcher10 we need your wisdom? LOL It seems to me you have your own little following. BTW, you said you wouldn't post for two weeks, but you did and even managed to get your shots in. Also the emails you had going back and forth with your followers. I'm wondering if it was some more negative bs about Dan and company that couldn't be contradicted on this board.
Let's get this straight.
"then there’s Bobky boasting 80 posts on IHUB for the day, “something must be up.” Bobky fails to consider that almost all of the posts are dealing with the subject of Dan’s Drinking problem, either pro or con. That’s something to brag about?"

Dan was not convicted of DUI. Why? because he wasn't legally drunk. He was below the legal limits. If any of you have gone out with your wives for dinner and had a few drinks, you would register some alcohol content in your blood.
In closing, you can say what you want about Crash Override and distance yourself anyway you can, but at least he was man enough to post this
Posted by: Crash OverRide
In reply to: None
Date:3/11/2006 5:57:30 PM
Post #of 2901

It would now seem that all of my Associates were very very Disturbed by the way I posted on the I-Hub message board as of last night with the word "Associates" attached to all of my post.

As of today I have been Kicked out of the Group that I once was a member of for carrying out a personal attack on Burgess. Seems I may have gotten some what carried away with all of the post about the DUI in Stowe Vermont.


I was warned to let you know that the other Associates did/does NOT Agree with the way I posted and that they were NOT AWARE that I would Abuse my position in this way.

So I have been THROWN OUT of our Group until such time as I can Conduct myself in a more Professional Manner.

Seems I have Broken every rule that I was sworn to Live/Invest by. No need to ever reply again To Crash OverRide. Sad day indeed but this is what happens to a little bit of power to some on a message board.

Maybe some day I can make this right!

"My Apologies" To the SMMW Stockholders and Daniel Burgess of Stowe Vermont!

And So It Goes!

Crash OverRide Without The Associates
