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Invest with the knowledge from all sources. My DD is derived from study and hard work relying on my sole opinion is not recommended nor encouraged

Followers 69
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Alias Born 12/25/2011

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Invest with the knowledge from all sources. My DD is derived from study and hard work relying on my sole opinion is not recommended nor encouraged

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Level Icon

Invest with the knowledge from all sources. My DD is derived from study and hard work relying on my sole opinion is not recommended nor encouraged

IHub Info
Membership Type: Level Icon
Followed By: 69
Posts: 4,897
Boards Moderated: 0
Alias Born: 12/25/2011 12:30:44 PM
Personal Info
Age: 49
Location: Dallas Texas
Favorite Quote: Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. –Babe Ruth
Person I'd Like to Meet: Warren Buffett