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is looking for the next "GOODER"

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Alias Born 11/03/2009
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is looking for the next "GOODER"

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is looking for the next "GOODER"

IHub Info
Membership Type: Level Icon IRP Icon
Followed By: 232
Posts: 13,527
Boards Moderated: 3
Alias Born: 11/03/2009 09:02:53 AM
Twitter Profile: Temporarily Unavailable
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Personal Info
Age: 32
Location: alberta, ca
Investment Philosophy: Bottom Busting and stocks about to run, it's what I do $$$

You'll learn immediate gratification is hard to come by in pennies/sub-pennies. Waiting to sell is hard but waiting for the right price to buy is usually harder

Yours Truly,
Occupation: “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.”
- Albert Einstein
Hobby: Come visit me at
Favorite Quote: The HOT Chart Board
Person I'd Like to Meet: $-SToCk HuNt-$
Favorite Artist: Charts by Originalnewt
Favorite Team: @originalnewt
Default Signature: Visit Originalnewt's Breaking Charts Club