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Alias Born 05/27/2009

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IHub Info
Membership Type: Level Icon
Followed By: 9
Posts: 2,320
Boards Moderated: 0
Alias Born: 05/27/2009 10:19:14 PM
Personal Info
Investment Philosophy: Looking for both Growth and Income, only MKRS is Growth.
Occupation: ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (retiring early 2018)
Hobby: Golf, Reading, conservative politics and religion. Favorite scholars are the late Dr. Kenneth E. Bailey and the late Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
Favorite Quote: Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, "Remember, "Beware of the clear but false idea," an expression of deTocqueville. The simpler and stupider a notion the easier it is accepted-- EVERYWHERE. That is true in all domains."
Person I'd Like to Meet: JESUS
Favorite Movie: CADDY SHACK
Favorite Artist: tossup between Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlburg
Favorite Team: New York Yankees