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Selling short DIBZ operated by Keith Maydak (prison) and Paul Taylor (NCVT Telatinos guy)

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Alias Born 10/28/2007

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Selling short DIBZ operated by Keith Maydak (prison) and Paul Taylor (NCVT Telatinos guy)

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Selling short DIBZ operated by Keith Maydak (prison) and Paul Taylor (NCVT Telatinos guy)

IHub Info
Membership Type: Level Icon
Followed By: 77
Posts: 10,056
Boards Moderated: 1
Alias Born: 10/28/2007 04:11:45 AM
Personal Info
Location: 44444
Investment Philosophy: Frontload before the momentum guys come in.
Occupation: Liar, cheat, loser.
Hobby: my email:
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5 Million Ways to Kill a CEO
Default Signature: DISCLAIMER: I lie, cheat, and steal. Everything I post is false and known to be false by me. You are to ignore everything I write. Do not, under any circumstance, materially rely on my statements. I post information for the purpose of tricking you.