Hi dlethe01.
I'm well aware of that... The only reason I posted that was because of the following:
Somebody copy and pasted my article to this forum, I posted a reply stating that I didn't mind a link to the article, but not to copy the whole article. I also reported it as a copyright violation.
The post containing my article was then removed. And I put out a link as a followup to my post stating that I didn't appreciate that my article had been copied, just to let people know what was going on.
Anyhow. I will be writing an article on qode too, and I will post it on http://gsmblog.net as soon as it's finished.
As far as I can tell the main problem with qode as of now is that it too much of a closed system. How are you going to get thousands and thousands of end-users if you don't offer them anything in return? Let people create their own codes and point them to their own blogs, etc. Why would people be interested in having a barcodescanner on their cellphone, if all it can be used for is viewing advertisements?
A good example of what I mean is shotcode. They have systems for commercial use, and non commercial use. As a non commercial user you can only create a certain amount of codes, and they can only be scanned a certain number of times each day. So everybody gets something.
After downloading qode, one easily feels 'scewed'. Wow... I got a free application that I can use to get advertizements on my phone, that actually cost me money seeing as they run up the gprs use.