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Feel free to post about me. Nothing to hide here, unlike Matt... I have yet to get a response from him on my suspension.
Unless I missed it here and you can point it out.
Is there a purpose to this public flogging of your customers?
Not stealth at all... very public...
After which you went running with your tail between your legs and said Matt would handle it.
Which he hasn't, but the board is set up for sadism, not solutions.
Maybe you don't have that right... the Quasi-Admin got very upset when I managed to refute all his accusations, and said Matt would have to address them.
Still waiting on that one! Wonder how many months before he gets around to it. Patriot Act must be in effect, no need to tell anyone why they are locked up.
So much for justice, huh? Guess he wants me to grovel like some here.
How sick is that?
Wow. And you're lumping me in with the likes of that?
You guys are catching on. No more begging!
Their intention is to conduct a sort of Stanford Prison Experiment, to see how everyone acts...
Make no mistake. It is not about:
1) Off-topic posts (since half the posts on iHub are probably off-topic posts already)
2) Personal attacks (plenty of them are left unchecked, here's an example suggesting homosexual rape apparently directed at me which they think is just fine):
It's not about anything but randomly sorting posters into "prisoners" and "wardens" and seeing how they react.
Yet many of you beg for mercy anyway, even though you could attack the system and end it.
Have you never seen anyone post under multiple accounts? Don't tell me it doesn't happen. Is it a secret to suggest such things go on?
If someone "moderates" a board by deleting every post I put on the board - without even reading it - you are saying that it is off topic to even mention it?
That's insane. Especially so since Matt got on his case about it to the point where that person no longer moderates the board. He was acting irresponsibly, and all parties involoved - me, Matt, and the "moderator" obviously agreed on that point. I called him on it, Matt called him on it, he quit moderating the board.
Would you like to go through all the off-topic posts and personal attacks against me on the NNVC board, and then talk about how all the posters connected to them should be banned?
Or are certain people immune to prosecution?
Intentional misspelling of user aliases is enough to send you to "jail"? You are kidding, right? You call that a "personal attack" and yet misspelling my alias constantly is not?
The minute you ban anyone for misspelling my alias, I'll believe that explanation.
P.S. Since this is my third and last post of the day, Matt can come out of hiding and bravely answer it.
Since the messages pop up requesting that I post to this board, it became my business.
Not that it was ever explained why I was sent to "jail", despite my request.
Quoting someone else? I think that's the "Michael Richards defense".
Right up there with "just following orders" as an excuse.
Surely Matt can think for himself without the help of pump and dumpers who moderate the boards.
Hitler fuck? This is your example of a "good post", Matt?
You are just kidding about my suspension, right?
Name any post of mine you want for it, and I can supply nearly identical posts from the NNVC board from people you will never suspend.
You want a haven for spammers - keep creating one.
I think common sense has already slid back into the gutter in regards to this stock.
Did anyone discuss the company here today?
No revenues, millions in losses, taking a year and a half to audit one year. What a quality stock!
Bid down to .90 - someone must have changed their mind about the lecture.
I now eagerly await a post from "trendy" claiming that I am Matty...
Whew, 15 minutes of work yesterday giving a presentation. What an "extremely long workday" for Seymour.
Have to love the new, improved and still incredibly inaccurate biography for Krishna Menon, which says both that he worked as a senior scientist for Bayer between 1997 and 2000 - and then says he was "employee of the year" at Lilly for 1999.
Which was it?
Meanwhile, his profile on the NNVC website still says he was the inventor of 11 patents.
I guess they hope nobody reads SEC filings.
Change the world? They can't even change a website.
What are you talking about? Which post?
Wow, they finally quit lying about Menon's non-existent patents.
So much for the claims by "Dr. Feelgood", repeated until even yesterday, that he had them.
Yeah, the 10-SB pushed the stock to $2 immediately as well.
Wow, people lie about bird flu cures to pump up a stock price?
Are you suggesting that posters here are doing the same thing?
Excellent cautionary tale. Pumpers beware.
sorry Dr. Feelgood, you took so long to post your personal attack only to get it deleted.
So let's discuss some facts about the company, shall we?
1) It has been claimed since July 2005 that NNVC would file a 10-SB "shortly", but has not bothered to do so.
2) One wonders how serious they are about it, since their chief financial offider, Leo Ehrlich, is also the CFO of another company, StatSure Diagnostic Systems:
3) While CEO of that company (named Saliva Diagnostic Systems at the time), SDS received a warning letter for failing to comply with FDA requirements for its products, and was ordered to quit exporting them:
4) Ehrlich and Anil Diwan own over 30% of the NNVC stock through their ownership of TheraCour Pharma. In addition, Ehrlich owns another 5.6% of NNVC stock.
So to recap, Ehrlich owns a company that has contracts with NNVC and a huge chunk of stock in it, while all the while working for a third pharmaceutical company full time. It's hard to imagine more conflicts of interest.
Is this the guy you want in charge of getting the audit out?
Maybe the company should get its own CFO first.
All drugs have side effects. What are the Fluicide side effects?
Let me guess - you don't know.
I love those "my understanding" posts from you and Dr. Feelgood. Are you sure you aren't the same poster?
Where do these "understandings" come from? Are you claiming you talked to the auditors?
If you didn't talk to the auditors, how would you know? I suppose you could trust the same people who have been telling you the audit is underway for a year and a half now.
This company is a joke. The audit has been "almost done" since June of 2005.
Almost doesn't count, and the share price reflects it.
If they can't raise money, they can't spend money. What did they lose last year, $2.5 million despite doing minimal testing?
So the falling stock price is a big deal, especially if they keep cutting sweetheart deals to raise money. Death spiral financing is common with these pink sheet stocks.
As they stated in the filing, they have limited marketing and manufacturing experience. How much will those expenses cost once they kick in?
RE: "I have seen too much emphasis has been put on paper work..."
Yes, but the emphasis came from you:
Posted by: DrFeelgood
In reply to: mnhometown who wrote msg# 2467
Date:11/1/2006 12:53:15 PM
Post #of 2692
After the 10SB, I only see the price firming up until they announce the exchange change to OTC:BB. The SP should return to the 1.25-1.50 range once the 10SB is filed and toward $2 after that...
If you really believe it will hit $1.50 if the 10SB is filed, then you can't emphasize it enough.
You are right, nanopatent... RB is smarter than to let pumpers moderate all of their boards.
New management? Seymour's finally gone?
Apparently you consider asking for a company's phone number or address an "attack" worthy of removal. What a joke!
Have you ever held this company responsible for any of its false "the filing is coming any minute" announcements?
What about the "imminent" INDA? The PR complaining about a few hundred thousand shares crashing the price, while he was getting rid of 1.4 million of them?
This company is a rich souce of comedy, on that we agree...
Nanopatent, why are you discouraging people from calling the company?
All I did was post the company's phone number and you killed my post.
Posting the company phone number is not allowed here?
Here it is again. Anyone wanting to do research better write it down before it's killed again: (203) 937-6137.
Interesting. Makes me think a pump and dump is afoot if you try to hide such simple facts as the company's phone number and 15c2-11 filing from everyone.
nanopatent, Matt and Bob already warned you about killing posts just because you disagree with them. Don't be surprised if you "become absent" from this board for a while...
Seymour's stock story doesn't wash. Makes no sense at all.
Dr. Feelgood claims Seymour "had about $1.5 million of his own money in the company and needed to recoup that as soon as he could."
Ridiculous! The company didn't have a cent on hand last year when they made their first filing. Yet Seymour already had 9.9 million shares. He didn't pay anything for the shares, much less $1.5 million, or that cash would have been reflected in the first filing.
So when did he supposedly put this "$1.5 million" into the company? No mention of it in the new filing, which was supposed to cover the year in between filings.
There is a mention of any $1.5 million infusion into the company, from Seymour or anyone else. There is a mention of $1 million in convertible debentures, but it was said to have been sold to multiple holders. And I can't believe they wouldn't have mentioned a board member's involvement in it. And that would still leave $500,000 unaccounted for, even if he had the whole $1 million of it.
Which, as we just covered, he couldn't have.
There is no mention in the financials of any "cash infusion" from Seymour. No loans at all. Nothing.
They issued millions of shares in private placements, but again, Seymour is not mentioned as purchasing any of them.
If he did purchase any of the private placements, his story becomes even lamer. His story then becomes "I had to sell my old shares because I spent $1.5 million buying new shares."
Since he spent so much money buying NNVC shares, he had to sell NNVC shares?
Is that the company line?
Well, you no longer dispute that the CEO is dumping shares, at least.
We're making progress. The truth will come out eventually.
The only implication is that while insiders are dumping, the share price won't go anywhere.
When all else fails, go with the logical explanation for once, why don't you?
Not absurd at all. Read the filings. In the filing from June 2005, Seymour owned 9.9 million shares. In the filing from this year, he owns 8.5 million shares.
I hate to have to do the subtraction for you, but that's 1.4 million shares missing.
Why did he sell if good things are really just around the corner?
Too bad the CEO isn't holding tight. But we've already covered the 1. 4 million shares he sold between last year and this year.
Since you talk to him all the time, did you ever get an explanation of why he sold?
RE: "to establish baselines from which theraputic values can be determined..."
Which comes off as so much meaningless jargon.
You make it sound like this isn't the "real" study of whether the drug works or not. How many years till they start doing "real" studies, then?
Just like they haven't released the "real" financials in order to get off the pink sheets.
Will the company keep diluting, and wait till 50 cents until they get serious about anything?
NNVC claimed they had "guided missles" to eradicate viruses. But the mice died as quickly as the stock price.
Thanks for the logical response, Bob.
It's sad when posts need to be deleted once they don't fit a moderator's biased opinion.
The facts, again...
Re Dr. Feelgood's claim: "The company currently has $2.5 million in cash which should be more than enough to continue research and drug development over the next year without any further sources of funding."
That sentence does not appear in the Statements of Operations.
In fact, the company says the complete opposite about funding. Funny how you missed it. Here's the truth, as opposed to what you wrote...
"We currently do not have sufficient resources to complete the development and commercialization of any of our proposed products."
"Any" meaning... not a single one. They admit they don't have nearly enough money and dilution will continue.
What a surprise. Post containing facts from the filing deleted.
Gee, who wouldn't want the facts to get out... would it "feel good" to tell everyone?
How many shares did you sell and when?
Yes, I agree, a good idea to sell into the strength right now.
At least you guys, like Gene Seymour, admit you are dumping shares.
You guys always sell into strength. That's why the stock never goes up anymore.
String - got those numbers from the transfer agent. The company had plenty of time to put them in their filing - why didn't they?
If they have so much money, why are they still issuing new shares?
I tried calling the phone number to "headquarters" in the filings. No answer.
We know Dr. Seymour is selling shares because he had 9.9 million shares in the first filing, but only 8.5 million in this one.
Nice quotes all over the filing regarding TheraCour and the fact that Diwan and Ehrlich own it. The word "may" is used in the filings 284 times.
One of my favorites... "Our executive officers and directors may have a conflict between our current interests and their personal financial interests and other interests in another business venture."
No kidding, with Diwan and Ehrlich owning Theracour, which owns all of NNVC's technology and the laboratories it is using.
Meanwhile, Ehrlich is actually CFO of a different medical company. One pharmaceutical company having access to another's books? No conflict there, LOL.
Add that to Krishna "No Patents" Menon being in control of KARD Scientific, which they said is running the mouse tests. Let's recap that one - Menon, over at NNVC, tells KARD the results they expect from preclinical trials. Then Menon, over at KARD, does the trials for NNVC. Then Menon puts on his NNVC hat and announces outstanding results from the tests.
Nope, no conflict there!
Seriously... couldn't they find anyone in the world besides a company officer who could find their drug effective in mice?
Read the bottom of Page 12, where it says that TheraCour may terminate the licensing agreement with NNVC. Diwan owns Theracour!
One of his companies willing to threaten another with terminating its contracts? Nope, no conflict there... good luck with this mess!
Like they said in the filing, more dilution is imminent.
In fact, it's already here.
112,417,498 shares outstanding now, an increase of almost 4 million since June 30.
The market has reacted. Did you miss the fact that 8 out of the last 10 trades were at the low of the day?
Let's see what we have here...
* A net loss of $3.2 million, and no revenues.
* The company admitting that there is no end in sight to the huge losses, and that they have limited experience in regulatory matters, marketing, manufacturing.
* Its CEO, Gene Seymour, dumping shares.
* The company referring to "insufficient capital" to solve any of those problems.
Did you expect a positive reaction to all that?
They are unaudited. Not the audited financials they promised "shortly" back on August 1.
August 1st!