DYODD and think 4 yourself. My posts, my opinons.
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Argumentative Dilution through Iteration.
Can you throw one of those darts to 'pin' your repetitive posts?
Glad to see you moved on from talking about law, however.
Is that your Tribalism chant reverberating off the ceiling of your echo chamber?
Motivated reasoning (at its finest) combined with unfounded assumptions. Hallmarks of causality without sufficient evidence. Also, link to any case where a public company in breach of contract engages in costly patent valuation to show that there is little value. And you are indirectly inferring that the patents might have some value based on GS Capital Partners LLC's actions or interest. Specifically, the suggestion that Blackstar "wanted to demonstrate to GS Capital that there is little of value to go after while they were in settlement talks" implies that GS Capital might see potential value in the patents, prompting Blackstar to downplay their worth. And you also mention that Blackstar might be insolvent by 2026 case close, so I guess that is another indirect projection that you think GS Capital LLC finds value in the patents.
"I don't want to get in the weeds of the lawsuit" = Cognitive Dissonance Avoidance
You are unknowingly committing a categorical error, logical fallacy and self contradictory statement with your predatory lending claim, which is an argument that BEGI has now brought up in the opening brief.
Predatory lending, if it exists, is about the intent behind creating or enforcing the contract, not merely its "benefits" as you are arguing.
Arguing about the "benefits of the contract" misses the point entirely that predatory lending could occur even with a legally valid and enforceable contract, provided the lender’s practices were exploitative or abusive.
Predatory lending (which BEGI has brought up) is distinct from Rule 144.......so we can even leave Rule 144 out of this (which BEGI has brought up as well)
Serious questions:
Do you think the contract terms violated public policy?
Did BEGI argue that such practices render the contract unconscionable and, therefore, unenforceable under Nevada law?
Do you consider the amount of shares sold and gains to qualify as share dumping? If so, does share dumping violate public policy and protection?
Has the Nevada state courts previously invalidated contracts that:
A.Were found to be unconscionable or grossly unfair
B.Facilitated illegal activities, including violations of federal laws
C. Were contrary to public interest
Lastly, if you don't want to get into the weeds of the lawsuit, why are you commenting at all to begin with authoritative claims stating none of this falls under the purview of the courts, federal laws don't matter, GS Cap shredded BEGI, investors should not cling to hope, responding to my posts at all.
I have not made any claims about what I think may or should happen, all I have done is hold you to account and point out the conceptual cognitive dissonance nightmare of your own posts.
All of this is up to the courts once all evidence has been laid out, and your authoritative claims and calling the GS a predatory lender is baffling, while also taking the stance that this case is dead on arrival.
Let it play out.
That is all they are doing right now, feeding the beast.
You are unknowingly committing a categorical error, logical fallacy and self contradictory statement with your predatory lending claim, which is an argument that BEGI has now brought up in the opening brief.
Predatory lending, if it exists, is about the intent behind creating or enforcing the contract, not merely its "benefits" as you are arguing.
Arguing about the "benefits of the contract" misses the point entirely that predatory lending could occur even with a legally valid and enforceable contract, provided the lender’s practices were exploitative or abusive.
Predatory lending (which BEGI has brought up) is distinct from Rule 144.......so we can even leave Rule 144 out of this (which BEGI has brought up as well)
Serious questions:
Do you think the contract terms violated public policy?
Did BEGI argue that such practices render the contract unconscionable and, therefore, unenforceable under Nevada law?
Do you consider the amount of shares sold and gains to qualify as share dumping? If so, does share dumping violate public policy and protection?
Has the Nevada state courts previously invalidated contracts that:
A.Were found to be unconscionable or grossly unfair
B.Facilitated illegal activities, including violations of federal laws
C. Were contrary to public interest
Lastly, if you don't want to get into the weeds of the lawsuit, why are you commenting at all to begin with authoritative claims stating none of this falls under the purview of the courts, federal laws don't matter, GS Cap shredded BEGI, investors should not cling to hope, responding to my posts at all.
I have not made any claims about what I think may or should happen, all I have done is hold you to account and point out the conceptual cognitive dissonance nightmare of your own posts.
All of this is up to the courts once all evidence has been laid out, and your authoritative claims and calling the GS a predatory lender is baffling, while also taking the stance that this case is dead on arrival.
Let it play out.
The benefit of the contract, as with all toxic notes, is completely written to cover the predatory lender.
Red Herring. But funny.
CEO's can be a little eccentric: Steve Ballmer
This makes me LOL, too.
If the poster who claimed GS Capital Partners LLC "shredded" BEGI (another grand, authoritative claim) answered those questions, it might lead to a contradiction or blind spot amplification.
Want to make a friendly bet that the poster won't answer those Q's? It's not a lot of "homework" for that poster to do, as they claimed they read it and agreed it was a short answering brief.
Assigning homework is your field of work, not mine, Professor.
Emphasizing the Goldman Sachs mistake is not meant to be a "dig", as it serves a purpose of pointing to the root ad absurdum and D-K, especially when one is making authoritative claims on a case such as "Federal Laws don't matter."
What is the intended purpose of any of your posts or replies to me?
. I do not practice motivated reasoning which is why I have left no money here.
By what rule do you operate that left you caught holding while this hopeless company tanked 50% in a single day?
First off, you need to unwrap yourself from your Dunning-Kruger safe space, safety blanket. 😆
The answering brief was just filed yesterday, lol! It's the weekend, pal. I am no under no mandate to spend time putting it in language that can be digested by penny trading promoters, who have no interest in the stock or patents.
Why don't you (since you care so much) call the sanctioned lenders that have debts with BEGI and ask them when they plan to collect.
Do us a favor: get Ihub to increase the amount of pinned tweets so we don't have to see repeating posts populate. Sadly, I think I am the only one who speed reads the low-bandwidth trolling.
Have a good weekend, seriously.
I'll ignore your petty, childish quips.
Since you read it in its entirety, tell me if GS Capital LLC (please note that they are not Goldman Sachs like you toxically peddled and needed Burner to correct you) answered all the Federal Assertions.
Better yet, provide all of the state and federal assertions and explain the shredding. Do the work.
In case you have poor eye sight: List all assertions and answers, side by side, linking from and providing direct evidence (quotes) of the opening brief and answering brief.
Waiting. Be very specific in your language.
And please do state again your opinion that Federal assertions don't matter.
Answering Brief Filed.
90 day extension for 30 pages (double spaced)....
Good news! You won't even need your morning coffee.
Will GS Capital Partners LLC provide another hypothetical sales chart today? 🤣
Can anyone find GS Capital Partners, LLC Articles of Dissolution for the State of NY?
Can anyone find the registered dealer information?
Can anyone find information with SEC?
Can anyone find information with FINRA?
NY Search for GS Capital Partners LLC:
NEXT STATEMENT DUE DATE:04/30/2023. <----------
No SEC filings since 2023.
GS Capital Partners, LLC Answering Brief is due today.
SEC.gov shows GS Capital Partners, LLC as a NY entity with no filings since 2023.
The court case filings show this entity is now a Nevada based LLC.
No transparent information on FINRA in regards to registered dealer status.
No information at all.
GS Capital LLC Answering brief due Friday.
Why do you care why he cares?
Simple question.
Woof. And here I thought BEGI was a mess.
The shares went through EQ/Wells Fargo it appears. Really need a securities lawyer to speculate for me, but I am hopeful for more details on the specific process of every step of the share authorization process. The court docs have the email exchanges. Someone should dig into the ribs of that. Every little opening.
Dec.20 and onward should be fun. I want answers, for sure.
I looked briefly at that Gabe Sayegh (GS CAP LLC) lawsuit, although I could not find any considerable parallels in terms of the specific assertions and nowhere to this extent, accompanied by some actual facts (remains to be seen how accurate that is without a rebuttal or answering brief). GS Surface level convertibles and enforcement of said convertibles, sure. Same MO. And the lower court already successfully enforced that MO/ strategy of Gabe Sayegh Capital Partners, LLC.
State court might uphold everything as is/was, but I am more interested in the federal assertions and any clarity that this court process might provide for other considerations.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that never even went to trial and was settled. Those lawyers don't appear to have done $700k+ worth of documentation, argumentation, and filing of an opening brief.
There is a significant reason for that?
Did you ever report this to SEC? GS CAPITAL LLC is currently in a hilarious lawsuit with BEGI.
DEC 20 is when the answering brief is due. BEGI and GS filed a joint motion for extension that was granted until that date because GS LLC had trouble finishing the brief due to an illness to a lawyer.
Maybe only half a clown, I apologize.
mretgnol writes:
Is Wells Fargo connected to GS Capital?
The same Wells Fargo that allowed John Edwards to open 80 bogus accounts for CMKX and PCBM related accounts. Taco Cabana is still my favorite.
Same Wells Fargo tagged and bagged by BioTech Medics for the same fraud? Had to pay a $1 million settlement (that was stolen by the BTMD CEO).
Same Wells Fargo who had a rogue employee tip off John Edwards and Jeff Turino that the DOJ had issued a subpoena for their banking and trading history. Then allowed both individuals to wire funds from their accounts.
Why has Joe not gone to the SEC with documentation about GS Capital? Starting with their fraudulent play on misusing the real GS Capital's name?
Call the circus and ask them.
Clowns on both sides of this, literally and figuratively.
Look at the new clown (if the icon fits, wear it?), Mretgnol, who is busy yelling at people "dying of ass cancer" on other boards.
Don't tag me with 500 run-on sentences.
Have you sent any of this to SEC?
Wasting your time here.
Blockchain is yesterday's news.
Yet the DTCC is moving forward rapidly with blockchain.
TZero is doing exactly what Joe pretends to be.
2025 is literally going to be full out blockchain securities trading being ramped up as quickly as they can. For those who have a legit product.
They better get those prayers of relief.
Joe K made an increase in consulting fees, maybe he should step in and eat some of this dilution. Also, the past CEOs and directors (or whatever) received shares and consulting fees?
Cant even find a single quote from any of these people other than Joe K. What exactly are they doing that deserves any compensation. Questions for another time I guess, as they are busy fighting a dumb lawsuit.
Where did I call him a fool? You called him a fool. I said an action bringing this lawsuit on was foolish.
You make silly posts sometimes, but I don't think you are a silly poster!
And my posts are not intended to be promotion, you just see anyone with anything positive to say or discuss about the patents as a shameless pumper. You can't paint everyone with a broad brush because people like Sav Marc are silly posters.
I like the patents. I actually don't really like the management.
I'm in interested in the findings of the case, not necessarily the outcome (positive or negative for the stock).
You can find the link to the right of the board.
Yes very foolish. And perhaps very foolish for GS CAP LLC to file a lawsuit after having accepted said $33k note (albeit a tad tardy and already having made unconscionable gains), thus bringing into the equation of federal and shareholder rights assertions listed in the opening brief.
Admittedly, you have done a diligent job in tracking the convertibles and providing the speculation that Rule 144 was in violation this entire time. I will be watching closely to see if your speculation and BEGI lawyers assertions pan out.
But that is just one aspect. Where is the transparent registered dealer information. Where are the SEC filings and FINRA filings. I don't blame you at all for thinking this was Goldman Sachs, as it appears this company left from New York to Las Vegas, to push these toxic notes out of the trunk in a casino parking lot, perhaps? 🤣
Dec 20 is coming fast. I hope the SEC has their spectacles on.
🤡 Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right 🃏
Here I am, stuck in the middle with Bubae. 🐁
You should really provide links to the history of that quote.
Your wife got that from Carl Jung.
He also has many writings on consciousness and the symbolic meanings of ships, so it is ironic that both of those statements are in one post!
A ship in dreams seems to symbolize a death and rebirth, according to CJ.
Oh, excellent! Disclaimers + the actual patent context provide a comprehensive overview.
This is just one of the patents, as I did not want to post all of them in one text.
I don't get paid to provide a service, so you will have to accept the editing that I provided (indentation for hard of sight). But this is not for you, as you have demonstrated you think the company and patents are trash, so I am not even sure why you are commenting?
BTW, the 10Q was filed. Looking forward to the breakdown of the nasty nature of it.
In some preferred embodiments, the disclosed digital trading platform 100 uses Amazon Quantum Ledger Database, a blockchain framework from Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) and uses the AWS Cloud for transaction data storage. In these preferred embodiments, the digital trading platform offers a web-based interface for trading transactions as well as an Application Programming Interface (API) that directly accesses all immutable transactions stored on the digital trading platform. The cash trading market concept found on the digital trading platform 100 is similar to the spot market in commodities trading wherein the last trade represents a cash buyer and a willing seller delivering registered shares. This model, i.e. spot market 114, promotes shareholder confidence, produces liquidity from price movement or arbitrage, and offers low cost of entry and easy access to bid and offer prices for both shareholders and speculators. An additional benefit to the spot market 114 is that it is designed to be decentralized, shielding it from malicious short selling that is present in other parallel markets. As part of the spot market 114, order flow is only transparent to regulators and the Company (the issuer of the securities) in real time on the blockchain 104. Some preferred embodiments implement a private blockchain with privately appointed Certificate Holders that can access the blockchain (e.g. regulatory agencies). In these embodiments, the system records all activity using an immutable blockchain ledger. Thus, because of these built-in characteristics, these systems will help renew confidence in trading shares of publicly traded companies, and more specifically of OTC companies, over time.
FIG. 1 illustrates how the disclosed digital trading platform 100, (in this embodiment referred to as the Blackstar Digital Trading Platform “BDTP”), is integrated with the existing FINRA and SEC regulated brokerage ecosystem to trade registered equities 102 in some preferred embodiments. In this preferred embodiment, the digital trading platform 100 is also integrated with a quotation system 142 (in this embodiment OTC Market Group, however in other embodiments it could also include different broker dealer quoting systems), in order to quote the current bid, current ask, last trade and volume. In this preferred embodiment, a buying and selling broker dealer 108 invites its customers 106 to participate as users on the digital trading platform 100 as buyers producing buying orders 144 and/or sellers producing selling orders 146 to buy and/or sell registered equities 102. The broker dealers 108 comply with all governing entity 134 regulations, such as, for example, FinCen and Exchange regulations, KYC and FinCen rules, IRS tax reporting. In some preferred embodiments, orders 116, bids 118, and offers 120 are entered in the digital trading platform 100 (like, for example, a specialist's order book) either directly by the broker dealer 108 or by the users through trading software supplied by the broker dealer 108. The digital trading platform 100 records all transactions 132, which are immutably stored 124. In these preferred embodiments, the broker dealer 108, quotation system 142 and the governing bodies 134, i.e. SEC and FINRA, have complete and transparent access to the data stored in the digital trading platform 100. In some preferred embodiments, the digital trading platform offers the regulatory bodies, like FINRA, a single data interface and consolidated history of the transactions 132.
As described in more detail in FIG. 2, some preferred embodiments describe a system in which certain information is publicly available, while other information is only accessible by predetermined parties. For example, when broker dealer 108 registers a new account for a customer to trade on the digital trading platform 100, the platform 100 will generate a user-ID with a random value that only the broker dealer 108 can link to a customer. Other customer specific information, such as cash or shares brought by that customer to trade on the platform 100 may later become publicly available, depending upon how/if the cash and/or shares brought by the customer to the platform 100 are traded on the on the platform and recorded on the immutable blockchain 124. When the broker/dealer registers a customer account, an asymmetric public key is provided to encrypt the personally identifiable information (userId) on the blockchain. Only the broker/dealer will possess the corresponding private key necessary to decrypt this information and determine which transactions are associated with their customer's accounts. A single broker dealer can only decrypt userIds for its own accounts, not accounts that belong to a different broker/dealer. Additionally, a random salt value will be appended to the data prior to encryption to prevent a third party knowing which transactions are associated with a given user. The publicly available information 212, which is recorded on immutable blockchain 124, may include a publicly visible, randomly generated, transaction-ID, an encrypted Maker User ID, an encrypted Taker User ID, the activity type, such as, for example, an order, trade, modify, etc., a trade size, for example the number of shares bought or sold, and the price(s) associated with a transaction 132. At the end of the trading day, information from the digital trading platform 100 is transferred back to the broker dealer 108 for reconciliation, such as user-ID and a list of transaction ID. The reconciliation instruction will contain a specific number of shares and/or cash that need to be transferred between each broker/dealer. All transaction data will be aggregated in order to reconcile broker/dealer accounts with the least number of transactions necessary.
In other preferred embodiments, involving multiple broker dealers bringing customers to trade on the platform 100, an example is as follows: User 1, invited by broker dealer 1, brings 1000 shares of stock A and $1000 of cash to trade on the digital trading platform 100. User 1 is assigned a unique user ID that is known to broker dealer 1. Contemporaneously, User 2, invited by broker dealer 2, also brings 1000 shares of Stock A and $1000 of cash to trade on the digital trading platform 100. During the trading day, User 1 places an order to sell 100 shares of Stock A at $3 per share, which is recorded on the immutable blockchain 124. Subsequently, User 2 places an order to buy 100 shares of Stock A at market price, which is also recorded on the immutable blockchain 124. The trade is then executed, where at the end of the day User 1 owns 900 shares of Stock A and $1300 in cash, and User 2 owns 1100 shares of Stock A and $700 in cash. The transaction 132 is recorded on the immutable blockchain 124. At the end of the day, the list of transactions 132 involving User 1 are sent to broker dealer 1 for verification and the list of transactions 132 involving User 2 are sent to broker dealer 2 for verification. After verification, instructions are sent to broker dealer 1 to send 100 shares of Stock A to broker dealer 2 and instructions are sent to broker dealer 2 to send $300 to broker dealer 1. The transaction 132 is then finalized outside of the digital trading platform 100 and within the traditional broker dealer ecosystem 138.
In some preferred embodiments, all exchange activity (i.e. transactions 132) will be visible to the public, with the exception of information that can identify an individual across transactions 132. In these embodiments, any such information (account Id, for example) is stored encrypted, using a broadcast encryption algorithm, and thus, for example, only visible to the customer's broker dealer 108 and regulatory bodies 134. In these embodiments, other users, while being able to see all transactions 132, will not be able to distinguish exactly who an individual transaction belongs to. In some preferred embodiments, the encryption algorithm allows for multiple encryption keys to operate simultaneously and independently of each other. In preferred embodiments, an uninterested third party is the only party to (1) have access to all transaction information and (2) hold authority to revoke the plurality of encryption keys. In other preferred embodiments, the broker dealer holds sole access to the transaction information and access to employment and revocation of the encryption keys.
In preferred embodiments, it is the intent of the digital trading platform 100 not to replace the market-makers but to work in parallel with them in the brokerage ecosystem 138 representing a cash spot market 114. In these preferred embodiments, once the transaction 132 has been completed between buyer 144 and seller, the broker dealer 108 integrates with a traditional clearing house 148, depository trust and clearing corporation 150 and transfer agency 152 to finalize the transaction 132.
The present invention also discloses a method 300 of trading equities on an immutable blockchain. In some preferred embodiments, at least one customer is invited by at least one broker dealer to participate as a user on a digital trading platform to take at least one action 302. In some preferred embodiments, the at least one action is cash immutable, and the cash immutable action comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer 304. In these embodiments, the at least one of an order, bid or offer is entered into the digital trading platform, and the at least one of the order, bid or offer comprises at least one digital price 306. The at least one digital price is then stored on the digital trading platform and a quote of the at least one digital price is provided in order to facilitate at least one transaction 308. In these embodiments, the at least one transaction is regulated by providing at least some access of the at least one transaction on the digital trading platform to at least one governing entity, such as, for example the SEC or FINRA 310. In these embodiments, the at least one transaction is completed on the digital trading platform by integrating with an existing brokerage ecosystem 312, and the at least one broker dealer is charged a fee for facilitating the invitation of the at least one customer to use the digital trading platform 314.
In other preferred embodiments, the invention discloses a method 400 of trading registered equities on an immutable blockchain whereas at least two customers are invited by at least one broker dealer to participate as users on a digital trading platform to take at least two actions 402. In these embodiments, the at least two actions comprise of an order, bid or offer 404. In these preferred embodiments, the at least two actions are entered into the digital trading platform and the at least two actions comprise at least two digital prices 406. In these embodiments, an order flow is created, which incorporates the at least two digital prices, by prioritizing the at least two actions by the time that each action was entered into the digital trading platform, where the first action entered into the digital trading platform has priority over the second action entered into the digital trading platform 408. In these embodiments, the at least two digital prices are stored on the digital trading platform 410, a quote of the at least two digital prices is provided in order to facilitate at least one transaction 412, and the at least one transaction is completed on the digital trading platform 414.
In some embodiments, the method also includes adhering to least one order entry process when the digital trading platform is integrating the existing brokerage ecosystem. Some preferred embodiments also include adhering to the priority rules and execution procedures when integrating with the existing brokerage ecosystem. To facilitate efficiency, some preferred embodiments also include providing at least one governing entity (i.e. SEC and/or FINRA) with a single data interface and consolidated history of the at least one transaction on the digital trading platform. In some of these preferred embodiments, the governing bodies are provided complete access to the transaction history of the digital trading platform in order to ensure that the broker dealer is in compliance with the applicable exchange and reporting rules and regulations. In some preferred embodiments, the immutable blockchain technology used in or associated with the digital trading platform prevents order manipulation, such as, for example, front running orders. In most preferred embodiments, the digital trading platform operates on a cash spot market. In these embodiments, the spot market is designed to be decentralized, shielding it from short selling that is present in other parallel markets. As part of the spot market, order flow is only transparent to regulators and the issuer of the securities in real time on the blockchain. In these embodiments, the spot market of the digital trading platform does not replace the market-makers, but rather works in parallel with them in the brokerage ecosystem. The price differential in the parallel markets creates the opportunity for arbitrage, which creates extra liquidity for a buyer and/or seller to get in and out of the market.
At the end of a transaction, some preferred embodiments also include charging the broker dealer a fee, and in some cases a fixed fee, for facilitating the at least one transaction on the digital trading platform. In other preferred embodiment, no fee may be charged to the broker dealer, or the broker dealer may be compensated in other ways.
In some preferred embodiments, the digital trading platform 100 of the current invention is engineered to host indications of interest for potential, initial or secondary future offerings proposed by a public company or soon to be public company using the distributive ledger technology on a blockchain. In the U.S., there are over 27,000 public companies and less than 1000 broker dealers that have the client capacity and time to fund only a few deals per year. Thus, the embodiments of the present invention engineered to host indications of interest facilitate all public companies on the platform to reach out to current and old shareholders and, through a public announcement, distribute a preliminary prospectus, and take indications of interest for the offering from the public on a first come first serve basis. Current systems and methods involving initial and secondary offerings are replete with manipulation related to investor access. Embodiments of the current invention prevent such manipulation because the disclosed systems and methods facilitate a public offering on an immutable blockchain that prioritizes interested investors on a first-come, first serve basis. That is, an investor who shows timely interest in an offering will have access, which is verifiable on the blockchain, to a fair distribution of the requested securities. In some preferred embodiments, once the company has sufficient interest in the offering, it can choose to engage a broker dealer to underwrite and then qualify all customers on the list. In some preferred embodiments, regulatory rules, i.e. SEC and FINRA, apply to the process whether the broker dealer or the company does a self-underwriting. The platform 100 can then facilitate a fair distribution to the public.
Some preferred embodiments also include a method 500 of facilitating a public offering for a company on an immutable blockchain comprising drafting a preliminary prospectus by the company interested in raising capital 502, collecting a list of company shareholders 504, and collecting a list of non-company shareholders who have met at least a minimum threshold for potential interest in investing in the company 506. In some embodiments, the list of the company shareholders will include both holders of common and preferred shares in the company. Some embodiments identify shareholders in book entry form, while other embodiments identify shareholders in certificated form. In some embodiments, a former investor in the company qualifies as meeting the minimum threshold for showing potential interest in the company and is eligible to receive the preliminary prospectus. A former investor could include a former owner of company stock or equity, or a day/swing trader who may enter in and out of company stock on a daily or weekly basis.
Preferred embodiments include defining a class of potential investors, where the class is aggregated from the list of company shareholders or the identified non-company shareholders 508. The preliminary prospectuses are then distributed to at least some members of the identified class of potential investors 510, and a distribution list of the members of the class of potential investors who have received the preliminary prospectus on the immutable blockchain is recorded 512. Some preferred embodiments also include a time stamp of receipt, which is also recorded on the immutable blockchain. Some embodiments also include the name, address and current investment status of the members of the class of potential investors. Preferred embodiments also include receiving an indication of interest from at least two members of the class of potential investors who received the preliminary prospectus 514, which are recorded on the immutable blockchain, and which are prioritized by the time that each was received 516. In these embodiments, the first indication of interest received has priority over the second indication of interest received. Preferred embodiments next include creating a list of prioritized members eligible to invest in the company based upon the recorded time and date of the indication of interest 518, and creating a fair distribution flow of the public offering by providing prioritized members a fair distribution of securities 520.
In preferred embodiments, the described method includes members having to disclose their levels of interest by monetary amount. In some of these embodiments, which comprise a set threshold of capital to raise, interested investors are awarded shares on a first come first serve basis until that threshold is met. For example, if a company wants to raise $10 million in an offering, investor A, who shows interest in the offering for $7 million on Monday, and investor B, who shows interest in the offering for $3 million on Tuesday, would be awarded their respected levels of interest. Under this example, investor C, who shows interest in the offering for $5 million on Wednesday, would not be entitled to any shares. Other embodiments of the present invention would look to discount the available number shares to investors A and B, and would allow investor C to have access to a discounted level of interest.
In other embodiments, the amount of capital (or range) a company intends to raise and the amount a single investor can contribute is included in the preliminary prospectus. For example, a company intending to raise $10 million in an offering could limit a single investors investment amount to $50,000, made available to the first 200 qualified individuals who show interest. In some embodiments, a date/deadline may be included in the opportunity to invest in an offering. In some embodiments, an investment minimum may act as a way to prioritize qualified investors. In other embodiments having no investment minimum, the timing of the expressed indication of interest, in relation to other interested investors, is the only method in which prioritization is measured.
In some preferred embodiments, the platform 100 of the current invention is engineered to host corporate governance information of a publicly traded company in order to prepare for, and comply with, a SEC financial statement audit. By storing specifically relevant information on the immutable blockchain 124, public companies can reduce both the cost and time spent on preparing for an audit. Storing information in this way can also give assurance to the auditor that information is accurate and has not been backdated or manipulated. These preferred embodiments include a method 600 of preparing for, and complying with, a SEC financial statement audit by recording corporate governance information. These preferred embodiments include drafting general corporate matters by a publicly traded company 602 and recording the general corporate matters on the immutable blockchain after creation or after a material change 604. In these embodiments, each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt, and each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed on the blockchain. The general matters include information routinely requested by an SEC auditor, specifically: articles of incorporation, bylaws, board of director minutes, contractual obligations and commitments, lease agreements—operating or capital, purchase agreements, annual corporate filings for state regulatory purposes, employment agreements or contracts, consulting agreements or contracts, litigation matters involving the company, corporate acquisition agreements or valuation reports, debt or equity agreements, and a list of company shareholders. In some embodiments, all of these documents may be required to be stored on the immutable blockchain 124. In other embodiments, only some of these documents/information may be required to be stored on the immutable blockchain 124.
These preferred embodiments also include drafting financial and accounting matters by the publicly traded company 606 and recording the financial and accounting matters on the immutable blockchain at least every 30 days 608. Each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt, and each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed. The financial and accounting matters include information routinely requested by and SEC auditor, specifically: detail trail balance, general ledger, journal entries not system generated, draft financial statements, cash flow and EPS (earnings per share) schedules, internal control and changes, cash accounts—bank statements and reconciliations as of end of period, repaid expenses—documentation of additions and period amortization/write-offs, receivables—documentation for changes from prior period and analysis of collectability, accounts payable aging, accrued expenses detail listing, notes payable, equity transactions, and revenue. In some embodiments, all of these documents may be required to be stored on the immutable blockchain 124. In other embodiments, only some of these documents/information may be required to be stored on the immutable blockchain 124. In some preferred embodiments, the note payable information includes note payable roll forward schedule with BCF calculation, note conversion calculations for all transactions during the period, and/or note agreement for outstanding notes and notes settled. In some preferred embodiments, the equity transactions include equity activity, supporting documents for all shares, options & warrants issued, valuation of any warrants or options, and stock ledger showing number of outstanding shares and listing of shareholders. In some embodiments, the revenue information includes an explanation for significant changes to revenue steam and expenses, new products or sources of revenue, changes in supply chain for inventory, and/or major customers and vendors.
Preferred embodiments also include drafting tax filing maters by the publicly traded company 610 and recording the tax filing matters on the immutable blockchain within the time requirements specified by the tax deadlines or after a material change 612. Each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt and each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed. In these preferred embodiments, the tax filing matters include annual filings for federal and state tax authorities, local tax filings—sales tax; and/or employment tax filings—quarterly and annual.
Preferred embodiments also include drafting SEC filing matters by the publicly traded company 614 and recording the SEC filing matters on the immutable blockchain within the time requirements specified by the SEC deadlines or after a material change 616. Each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt and each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed. In these preferred embodiments, the SEC filing matters include filing form 10K, filing form 10Q, filing form 8K, registration statements, private placement offering memorandums; and/or press releases.
Preferred embodiments also include completing SEC auditor due diligence documents by the publicly traded company 618. Some preferred embodiments also include recording the SEC auditor due diligence documents on the immutable blockchain in preparation of an SEC audit, ether after completed or after signoff by the SEC auditor at the completion of an audit. Each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt, and each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed. Preferred embodiments also include creating a list of certificate holders that have at least some access to the recorded information about the publicly traded company on the immutable blockchain, designating an SEC auditor as a certificate holder 620, and providing at least some of the recorded information on the immutable blockchain to the SEC auditor for completion of a SEC financial statement audit of the public company 622. In these embodiments, the auditor is provided immutably verifiable recorded company information that is time-stamped and that cannot be subject to subsequent data entry manipulation.
Other preferred embodiments include systems and methods for preparing for a merger or acquisition and collecting and storing required and other pertinent information on an immutable blockchain. Like other embodiments, the collected merger and/or acquisition information is stored on an immutable blockchain, which is time-stamped and cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed. These embodiments apply both to public and private companies that are currently undergoing a merger or acquisition, or companies that may undergo one in the future. Information from both companies is stored on the immutable blockchain, and may include, for example, in certain preferred embodiments, certain corporate governance information and/or audit information. In some preferred embodiments, the categories of information collected and stored from both companies involved in the transaction may be the same. In other preferred embodiments, the categories of information collected and stored from both companies may be different. In some preferred embodiments, information from both companies is collected and stored at least every 30 days until close of the transaction, wherein each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt, and wherein each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed. These preferred embodiments may also include drafting tax filing maters by the target companies and recording the tax filing matters on the immutable blockchain within the time requirements specified by the tax deadlines or after a material change, wherein each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt, and wherein each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed.
In most preferred embodiments, financial statements must be prepared by both companies and stored on the immutable blockchain, which also includes updating these financial statements and saving them on the blockchain until the close of the transaction, before any offering of public or private securities can be made. In most preferred embodiments, these statements and disclosures used in preparation will dictate the offering terms and story into a memorandum or prospectus. In some preferred embodiments dealing with private offerings, SEC reporting information, i.e. SEC filing matters and SEC auditor documents, may not be required. However, in most preferred embodiments, officer, director and company disclosures would still need to be drafted and stored on the blockchain, which could then be made available to auditors upon their request.
Other preferred embodiments may include a private company or SPAC (special purpose acquisition company) collecting information and storing that information on an immutable blockchain when preparing for an IPO. Generally, a private company offering of a private placement of securities or assets to accredited investors is not required to disclose an audit, but current unaudited statements need to be available to investors upon request. Therefore, in some embodiments, the present systems and methods will require an audit to be stored on the immutable blockchain for reference during these transactions. In some preferred embodiments, information from the private company is collected and stored at least every 30 days until close of the transaction, wherein each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt, and wherein each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed.
Other preferred embodiments may also incorporate similar aspects of the disclosed systems and methods, i.e. drafting and storing pertinent information on an immutable blockchain, and may facilitate a wide range of related transactions. For example, all SEC, State or Federal regulated offerings, that require pre-filing, post-filing or are exempted from registration, have some level of offering documentation and financial reporting requirement to the SEC and/or public and private shareholders. In this regard, the present invention of storing information on an immutable blockchain may also include: (1) a public to public-secondary offering; (2) public to private offering-private placement of discounted restricted securities, made available to accredited investors only; (3) private to public offering, i.e. IPO-SPAC; and (4) private to private offering, i.e. pre-IPO, gen/limited partnership, private placement of securities, assets or income producing assets, made available to accredited investors only. These embodiments may function similarly to previously disclosed systems and methods of the present inventions, for example, by drafting the required documentation necessary to complete the transaction by all parties involved, adhering to any timeliness requirements, and storing the pertinent information on an immutable blockchain for verification and review by any third parties.
Other embodiments include systems and methods of recording a certified track record for trading stock and commodities on an immutable blockchain. These embodiments disclose storing pertinent trading information on an immutable blockchain for preparing for, and complying with, a third party certified accounting method for recording stock or commodity executed trades. The recorded information, which cannot be subsequently backdated or manipulated, provides third party auditable compliant and accurate information, which certifies the track record. These systems and methods are useful to traders who need an objective way to prove their trading track record, which when stored on an immutable blockchain, is not subject to manipulation. For example, these embodiments include recording the trading and execution on the immutable blockchain immediately and at least every day a trade is executed with cumulative totals daily at market close, wherein each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt. In some preferred embodiments, the recordings include the type of stock or commodity bought or sold, the price, number of shares, profits or losses, holding period, etc. By recording this information on the blockchain, a trader can track and provide information related to successful trading patterns, history, overall performance, sector performance, etc., which may be necessary to attract new and/or additional investment.
All directional references (e.g. top, bottom, front, back) are only used for identification purposes to aid the reader's understanding of the embodiments of the present invention, and do not create limitations, particularly as to the position, orientation, or use of the invention unless specifically set forth in the claims. Joinder references (e.g. attached, coupled, connected, and the like) are to be construed broadly and may include intermediate members between a connection of elements and relative movement between elements. As such, joinder references do not necessarily infer that two elements are directly connected and in fixed relation to each other.
The above-described benefits, embodiments, and/or characterizations are not necessarily complete or exhaustive, and in particular, as to the patentable subject matter disclosed herein. Other benefits, embodiments, and/or characterizations of the present invention are possible utilizing, alone or in combination, as set forth above and/or described in the accompanying figures and/or in the description herein below.
The phrases “at least one,” “one or more,” and “and/or,” as used herein, are open-ended expressions that are both conjunctive and disjunctive in operation. For example, each of the expressions “at least one of A, B and C,” “at least one of A, B, or C,” “one or more of A, B, and C,” “one or more of A, B, or C,” and “A, B, and/or C” means A alone, B alone, C alone, A and B together, A and C together, B and C together, or A, B and C together.
Unless otherwise indicated, all numbers expressing quantities, dimensions, conditions, and so forth used in the specification and drawing figures are to be understood as being approximations which may be modified in all instances as required for a particular application of the novel assembly and method described herein.
The term “a” or “an” entity, as used herein, refers to one or more of that entity. As such, the terms “a” (or “an”), “one or more” and “at least one” can be used interchangeably herein.
The use of “including,” “comprising,” or “having” and variations thereof herein is meant to encompass the items listed thereafter and equivalents thereof as well as additional items. Accordingly, the terms “including,” “comprising,” or “having” and variations thereof can be used interchangeably herein.
It shall be understood that the term “means” as used herein shall be given its broadest possible interpretation in accordance with 35 U.S.C., Section 112(f). Accordingly, a claim incorporating the term “means” shall cover all structures, materials, or acts set forth herein, and all of the equivalents thereof. Further, the structures, materials, or acts and the equivalents thereof shall include all those described in the Summary, Brief Description of the Drawings, Detailed Description and in the appended drawing figures.
In methodologies directly or indirectly set forth herein, various steps and operations are described in one possible order of operation, but those skilled in the art will recognize that steps and operations may be rearranged, replaced, or eliminated without necessarily departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. It is intended that all matter contained in the above description or shown in the accompanying drawings shall be interpreted as illustrative only and not limiting. Changes in detail or structure may be made without departing from the spirit of the invention as defined in the appended claims.
The above-described benefits, embodiments, and/or characterizations are not necessarily complete or exhaustive, and in particular, as to the patentable subject matter disclosed herein. Other benefits, embodiments, and/or characterizations of the present invention are possible.
1. A computer-implemented method for trading registered equities with the Securities and Exchange Commission on an immutable blockchain, the method comprising:
in real time, with trading software executing on a digital trading platform: inviting at least one customer of at least one broker dealer to: participate as a user on the digital trading platform; and to take at least one action, wherein the at least one action comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer; receiving the at least one of an order, bid or offer, wherein the at least one of the order, bid or offer comprises at least one digital price; encrypting the at least one of an order, bid or offer as encrypted data; storing the encrypted data and the at least one digital price on a blockchain, such that the at least one of an order, bid or offer is cash immutable and creates an immutably verifiable record that is time-stamped and that cannot be subject to subsequent data entry manipulation; providing a quote of the at least one digital price in order to facilitate at least one transaction; regulating the at least one transaction by providing at least some access of the at least one transaction on the digital trading platform to at least one regulatory entity; and completing the at least one transaction by integrating with an existing brokerage ecosystem.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one regulatory entity is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
3. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one regulatory entity is the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
4. The method of claim 1, further comprising encrypting personally identifiable information regarding the at least one customer such that only an approved certificate holder can access the personally identifiable information.
5. The method of claim 1, further comprising encrypting trading information regarding the at least one customer such that only an approved certificate holder can access the trading information.
6. The method of claim 4, wherein the Securities and Exchange Commission is an approved certificate holder that can access the personally identifiable information.
7. The method of claim 5, wherein the Securities and Exchange Commission is an approved certificate holder that can access the trading information.
8. The method of claim 4, wherein the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority is an approved certificate holder that can access the personally identifiable information.
9. The method of claim 5, wherein the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority is an approved certificate holder that can access the trading information.
10. The method of claim 6, wherein the Securities and Exchange Commission can provide a third-party non-certificate holder with access to the personally identifiable information upon request and approval.
11. The method of claim 7, wherein the Securities and Exchange Commission can provide a third-party non-certificate holder with access to the trading information upon request and approval.
12. The method of claim 8, wherein the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority can provide a third-party non-certificate holder with access to the personally identifiable information upon request and approval.
13. The method of claim 9, wherein the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority can provide a third-party non-certificate holder with access to the trading information upon request and approval.
14. The method of claim 11, wherein the immutable blockchain technology prevents order manipulation.
15. The method of claim 1, further comprising cryptographically verifying the at least one of an order, bid or offer on the blockchain.
16. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one of an order, bid or offer comprises a bid, ask, trade, cancellation, or modification.
17. A computer-implemented method for trading registered equities with the Securities and Exchange Commission on an immutable blockchain, the method comprising:
in real time, with trading software executing on a digital trading platform: inviting at least one customer of at least one broker dealer to: participate as a user on the digital trading platform; and to take at least one action, wherein the at least one action comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer; receiving the at least one of an order, bid or offer, wherein the at least one of the order, bid or offer comprises at least one digital price; encrypting the at least one of an order, bid or offer as encrypted data; storing the encrypted data and the at least one digital price on a blockchain, such that the at least one of an order, bid or offer is cash immutable and creates an immutably verifiable record that is time-stamped and that cannot be subject to subsequent data entry manipulation; providing a quote of the at least one digital price in order to facilitate at least one transaction; regulating the at least one transaction by providing at least some access of the at least one transaction on the digital trading platform to at least one regulatory entity; completing the at least one transaction by integrating with an existing brokerage ecosystem; and charging the at least one broker dealer for facilitating the invitation of the at least one customer to use the digital trading platform.
18. The method of claim 17, further comprising encrypting personally identifiable information regarding the at least one customer such that only an approved certificate holder can access the personally identifiable information.
19. The method of claim 17, further comprising encrypting trading information regarding the at least one customer such that only an approved certificate holder can access the trading information.
20. A computer-implemented method for trading registered equities with the Securities and Exchange Commission on an immutable blockchain, the method comprising:
in real time, with trading software executing on a digital trading platform: inviting at least two customers of at least one broker dealer to: participate as users on the digital trading platform; and to take at least one action by each of the two users, wherein the at least one action by each of the two users comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer; receiving the at least one of an order, bid or offer by each of the two users, wherein the at least one of the order, bid or offer by each of the two users comprises at least two digital prices; encrypting the at least one of an order, bid or offer by each of the two users as encrypted data; storing the encrypted data and the at least two digital prices on a blockchain, such that each order, bid or offer is cash immutable and creates an immutably verifiable record that is time-stamped and that cannot be subject to subsequent data entry manipulation; providing a quote of the at least two digital prices in order to facilitate at least one transaction; regulating the at least one transaction by providing at least some access of the at least one transaction on the digital trading platform to at least one regulatory entity; and completing the at least one transaction by integrating with an existing brokerage ecosystem.
Thanks for clarifying him.
With that said, you really need to follow your own advice on this.
Provide the whole context with either direct copy and paste from the patent or link to the patent.
Taking out snippets from the filings really doesn't help, it is just a starting point for DD.
You can include the snippets from the filing with the additional full patent description, as there is a reason why the patent # is available, so people actually potentially interested in them can read it in entirety.
Management has carried out an evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of our company’s disclosure controls and procedures. Due to the lack of personnel and outside directors, management acknowledges that there may be deficiencies in these controls and procedures, but Management believes that the current procedures are not effective in disclosing all information required to be disclosed. The Company anticipates that with further resources, the Company will expand both management and the board of directors with additional officers and independent directors in order to provide sufficient disclosure controls and procedures.
Systems and methods for the trading of registered equities on an immutable blockchain with settlement into the broker dealer ecosystem
Patent number: 12131383
Abstract: The present invention discloses a system and method of trading registered equities with the Securities and Exchange Commission on an immutable blockchain, while also integrating with the rules and regulations of the existing brokerage ecosystem. In these systems and methods, customers are invited by at least one broker dealer to participate as a user on the digital trading platform to take a cash immutable action that comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer. The action, containing a digital price, is then entered into the digital trading platform, stored on the platform and used to facilitate a spot market transaction between a buyer and a seller.
Type: Grant
Filed: October 30, 2023
Date of Patent: October 29, 2024
Assignee: Blackstar Enterprise Group, Inc.
Inventors: Joe Kurczodyna, Matthew Baldwin
Systems and methods for the regulated trading of registered equities with the securities and exchange commission on an immutable blockchain with settlement into the broker dealer ecosystem
Patent number: 12112380
Abstract: The present invention discloses a system and method of trading registered equities with the Securities and Exchange Commission on an immutable blockchain on an immutable blockchain, while also integrating with the rules and regulations of the existing brokerage ecosystem. In these systems and methods, customers are invited by at least one broker dealer to participate as a user on the digital trading platform to take a cash immutable action that comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer. The action, containing a digital price, is then entered into the digital trading platform, stored on the platform and used to facilitate a spot market transaction between a buyer and a seller.
Type: Grant
Filed: October 30, 2023
Date of Patent: October 8, 2024
Assignee: Blackstar Enterprises Group, Inc
Inventors: Joe Kurczodyna, Matthew Baldwin
System and method for facilitating a public offering on an immutable blockchain provided to eligible qualified investors based upon priority of interest
Patent number: 12086880
Abstract: The present invention discloses systems and methods for facilitating a public offering for a company on an immutable blockchain. The disclosed systems and methods provide hosting indications of interest on a blockchain for potential, initial or secondary future offerings proposed by a company and provided to interested investors on a first-come, first-serve basis. After qualified investors establish their interest in a public offering by returning their indications of interest, a list of prioritized members eligible to invest in the company based upon the recorded time and date of the indication of interest is established, and a fair distribution flow of the public offering is created by providing prioritized members a fair distribution of securities.
Type: Grant
Filed: December 1, 2021
Date of Patent: September 10, 2024
Assignee: Blackstar Enterprises Group, Inc.
Inventor: Joe Kurczodyna
Systems and methods for using a digital trading platform to trade securities on a blockchain
Patent number: 12079872
Abstract: The present invention discloses a system and method of trading securities on a blockchain. In these systems and methods, users participate on the digital trading platform to take an action that comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer, which is encrypted as encrypted data. The action, containing a digital price, is then entered into the digital trading platform, stored on the platform and used to facilitate a spot market transaction between a buyer and a seller.
Type: Grant
Filed: January 18, 2024
Date of Patent: September 3, 2024
Assignee: Blackstar Enterprises Group, Inc.
Inventor: Joe Kurczodyna
System and method for preparing for a SEC financial statement audit by recording corporate governance information on an immutable blockchain
Patent number: 11966974
Abstract: The present disclosure describes systems and methods for storing pertinent company information on an immutable blockchain. Preferred embodiments disclose systems and methods of preparing for, and complying with, a SEC financial statement audit by recording corporate governance information on an immutable blockchain. The recorded information, which cannot be subsequently backdated or manipulated, provides SEC auditors compliant and accurate information, which streamlines the audit and reduces costs.
Type: Grant
Filed: December 1, 2021
Date of Patent: April 23, 2024
Assignee: Blackstar Enterprises Group, Inc.
Inventor: Joe Kurczodyna
In some preferred embodiments, the disclosed digital trading platform 100 uses Amazon Quantum Ledger Database, a blockchain framework from Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) and uses the AWS Cloud for transaction data storage. In these preferred embodiments, the digital trading platform offers a web-based interface for trading transactions as well as an Application Programming Interface (API) that directly accesses all immutable transactions stored on the digital trading platform. The cash trading market concept found on the digital trading platform 100 is similar to the spot market in commodities trading wherein the last trade represents a cash buyer and a willing seller delivering registered shares. This model, i.e. spot market 114, promotes shareholder confidence, produces liquidity from price movement or arbitrage, and offers low cost of entry and easy access to bid and offer prices for both shareholders and speculators. An additional benefit to the spot market 114 is that it is designed to be decentralized, shielding it from malicious short selling that is present in other parallel markets. As part of the spot market 114, order flow is only transparent to regulators and the Company (the issuer of the securities) in real time on the blockchain 104. Some preferred embodiments implement a private blockchain with privately appointed Certificate Holders that can access the blockchain (e.g. regulatory agencies). In these embodiments, the system records all activity using an immutable blockchain ledger. Thus, because of these built-in characteristics, these systems will help renew confidence in trading shares of publicly traded companies, and more specifically of OTC companies, over time.
FIG. 1 illustrates how the disclosed digital trading platform 100, (in this embodiment referred to as the Blackstar Digital Trading Platform “BDTP”), is integrated with the existing FINRA and SEC regulated brokerage ecosystem to trade registered equities 102 in some preferred embodiments. In this preferred embodiment, the digital trading platform 100 is also integrated with a quotation system 142 (in this embodiment OTC Market Group, however in other embodiments it could also include different broker dealer quoting systems), in order to quote the current bid, current ask, last trade and volume. In this preferred embodiment, a buying and selling broker dealer 108 invites its customers 106 to participate as users on the digital trading platform 100 as buyers producing buying orders 144 and/or sellers producing selling orders 146 to buy and/or sell registered equities 102. The broker dealers 108 comply with all governing entity 134 regulations, such as, for example, FinCen and Exchange regulations, KYC and FinCen rules, IRS tax reporting. In some preferred embodiments, orders 116, bids 118, and offers 120 are entered in the digital trading platform 100 (like, for example, a specialist's order book) either directly by the broker dealer 108 or by the users through trading software supplied by the broker dealer 108. The digital trading platform 100 records all transactions 132, which are immutably stored 124. In these preferred embodiments, the broker dealer 108, quotation system 142 and the governing bodies 134, i.e. SEC and FINRA, have complete and transparent access to the data stored in the digital trading platform 100. In some preferred embodiments, the digital trading platform offers the regulatory bodies, like FINRA, a single data interface and consolidated history of the transactions 132.
As described in more detail in FIG. 2, some preferred embodiments describe a system in which certain information is publicly available, while other information is only accessible by predetermined parties. For example, when broker dealer 108 registers a new account for a customer to trade on the digital trading platform 100, the platform 100 will generate a user-ID with a random value that only the broker dealer 108 can link to a customer. Other customer specific information, such as cash or shares brought by that customer to trade on the platform 100 may later become publicly available, depending upon how/if the cash and/or shares brought by the customer to the platform 100 are traded on the on the platform and recorded on the immutable blockchain 124. When the broker/dealer registers a customer account, an asymmetric public key is provided to encrypt the personally identifiable information (userId) on the blockchain. Only the broker/dealer will possess the corresponding private key necessary to decrypt this information and determine which transactions are associated with their customer's accounts. A single broker dealer can only decrypt userIds for its own accounts, not accounts that belong to a different broker/dealer. Additionally, a random salt value will be appended to the data prior to encryption to prevent a third party knowing which transactions are associated with a given user. The publicly available information 212, which is recorded on immutable blockchain 124, may include a publicly visible, randomly generated, transaction-ID, an encrypted Maker User ID, an encrypted Taker User ID, the activity type, such as, for example, an order, trade, modify, etc., a trade size, for example the number of shares bought or sold, and the price(s) associated with a transaction 132. At the end of the trading day, information from the digital trading platform 100 is transferred back to the broker dealer 108 for reconciliation, such as user-ID and a list of transaction ID. The reconciliation instruction will contain a specific number of shares and/or cash that need to be transferred between each broker/dealer. All transaction data will be aggregated in order to reconcile broker/dealer accounts with the least number of transactions necessary.
In other preferred embodiments, involving multiple broker dealers bringing customers to trade on the platform 100, an example is as follows: User 1, invited by broker dealer 1, brings 1000 shares of stock A and $1000 of cash to trade on the digital trading platform 100. User 1 is assigned a unique user ID that is known to broker dealer 1. Contemporaneously, User 2, invited by broker dealer 2, also brings 1000 shares of Stock A and $1000 of cash to trade on the digital trading platform 100. During the trading day, User 1 places an order to sell 100 shares of Stock A at $3 per share, which is recorded on the immutable blockchain 124. Subsequently, User 2 places an order to buy 100 shares of Stock A at market price, which is also recorded on the immutable blockchain 124. The trade is then executed, where at the end of the day User 1 owns 900 shares of Stock A and $1300 in cash, and User 2 owns 1100 shares of Stock A and $700 in cash. The transaction 132 is recorded on the immutable blockchain 124. At the end of the day, the list of transactions 132 involving User 1 are sent to broker dealer 1 for verification and the list of transactions 132 involving User 2 are sent to broker dealer 2 for verification. After verification, instructions are sent to broker dealer 1 to send 100 shares of Stock A to broker dealer 2 and instructions are sent to broker dealer 2 to send $300 to broker dealer 1. The transaction 132 is then finalized outside of the digital trading platform 100 and within the traditional broker dealer ecosystem 138.
In some preferred embodiments, all exchange activity (i.e. transactions 132) will be visible to the public, with the exception of information that can identify an individual across transactions 132. In these embodiments, any such information (account Id, for example) is stored encrypted, using a broadcast encryption algorithm, and thus, for example, only visible to the customer's broker dealer 108 and regulatory bodies 134. In these embodiments, other users, while being able to see all transactions 132, will not be able to distinguish exactly who an individual transaction belongs to. In some preferred embodiments, the encryption algorithm allows for multiple encryption keys to operate simultaneously and independently of each other. In preferred embodiments, an uninterested third party is the only party to (1) have access to all transaction information and (2) hold authority to revoke the plurality of encryption keys. In other preferred embodiments, the broker dealer holds sole access to the transaction information and access to employment and revocation of the encryption keys.
In preferred embodiments, it is the intent of the digital trading platform 100 not to replace the market-makers but to work in parallel with them in the brokerage ecosystem 138 representing a cash spot market 114. In these preferred embodiments, once the transaction 132 has been completed between buyer 144 and seller, the broker dealer 108 integrates with a traditional clearing house 148, depository trust and clearing corporation 150 and transfer agency 152 to finalize the transaction 132.
The present invention also discloses a method 300 of trading equities on an immutable blockchain. In some preferred embodiments, at least one customer is invited by at least one broker dealer to participate as a user on a digital trading platform to take at least one action 302. In some preferred embodiments, the at least one action is cash immutable, and the cash immutable action comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer 304. In these embodiments, the at least one of an order, bid or offer is entered into the digital trading platform, and the at least one of the order, bid or offer comprises at least one digital price 306. The at least one digital price is then stored on the digital trading platform and a quote of the at least one digital price is provided in order to facilitate at least one transaction 308. In these embodiments, the at least one transaction is regulated by providing at least some access of the at least one transaction on the digital trading platform to at least one governing entity, such as, for example the SEC or FINRA 310. In these embodiments, the at least one transaction is completed on the digital trading platform by integrating with an existing brokerage ecosystem 312, and the at least one broker dealer is charged a fee for facilitating the invitation of the at least one customer to use the digital trading platform 314.
In other preferred embodiments, the invention discloses a method 400 of trading registered equities on an immutable blockchain whereas at least two customers are invited by at least one broker dealer to participate as users on a digital trading platform to take at least two actions 402. In these embodiments, the at least two actions comprise of an order, bid or offer 404. In these preferred embodiments, the at least two actions are entered into the digital trading platform and the at least two actions comprise at least two digital prices 406. In these embodiments, an order flow is created, which incorporates the at least two digital prices, by prioritizing the at least two actions by the time that each action was entered into the digital trading platform, where the first action entered into the digital trading platform has priority over the second action entered into the digital trading platform 408. In these embodiments, the at least two digital prices are stored on the digital trading platform 410, a quote of the at least two digital prices is provided in order to facilitate at least one transaction 412, and the at least one transaction is completed on the digital trading platform 414.
In some embodiments, the method also includes adhering to least one order entry process when the digital trading platform is integrating the existing brokerage ecosystem. Some preferred embodiments also include adhering to the priority rules and execution procedures when integrating with the existing brokerage ecosystem. To facilitate efficiency, some preferred embodiments also include providing at least one governing entity (i.e. SEC and/or FINRA) with a single data interface and consolidated history of the at least one transaction on the digital trading platform. In some of these preferred embodiments, the governing bodies are provided complete access to the transaction history of the digital trading platform in order to ensure that the broker dealer is in compliance with the applicable exchange and reporting rules and regulations. In some preferred embodiments, the immutable blockchain technology used in or associated with the digital trading platform prevents order manipulation, such as, for example, front running orders. In most preferred embodiments, the digital trading platform operates on a cash spot market. In these embodiments, the spot market is designed to be decentralized, shielding it from short selling that is present in other parallel markets. As part of the spot market, order flow is only transparent to regulators and the issuer of the securities in real time on the blockchain. In these embodiments, the spot market of the digital trading platform does not replace the market-makers, but rather works in parallel with them in the brokerage ecosystem. The price differential in the parallel markets creates the opportunity for arbitrage, which creates extra liquidity for a buyer and/or seller to get in and out of the market.
At the end of a transaction, some preferred embodiments also include charging the broker dealer a fee, and in some cases a fixed fee, for facilitating the at least one transaction on the digital trading platform. In other preferred embodiment, no fee may be charged to the broker dealer, or the broker dealer may be compensated in other ways.
In some preferred embodiments, the digital trading platform 100 of the current invention is engineered to host indications of interest for potential, initial or secondary future offerings proposed by a public company or soon to be public company using the distributive ledger technology on a blockchain. In the U.S., there are over 27,000 public companies and less than 1000 broker dealers that have the client capacity and time to fund only a few deals per year. Thus, the embodiments of the present invention engineered to host indications of interest facilitate all public companies on the platform to reach out to current and old shareholders and, through a public announcement, distribute a preliminary prospectus, and take indications of interest for the offering from the public on a first come first serve basis. Current systems and methods involving initial and secondary offerings are replete with manipulation related to investor access. Embodiments of the current invention prevent such manipulation because the disclosed systems and methods facilitate a public offering on an immutable blockchain that prioritizes interested investors on a first-come, first serve basis. That is, an investor who shows timely interest in an offering will have access, which is verifiable on the blockchain, to a fair distribution of the requested securities. In some preferred embodiments, once the company has sufficient interest in the offering, it can choose to engage a broker dealer to underwrite and then qualify all customers on the list. In some preferred embodiments, regulatory rules, i.e. SEC and FINRA, apply to the process whether the broker dealer or the company does a self-underwriting. The platform 100 can then facilitate a fair distribution to the public.
Some preferred embodiments also include a method 500 of facilitating a public offering for a company on an immutable blockchain comprising drafting a preliminary prospectus by the company interested in raising capital 502, collecting a list of company shareholders 504, and collecting a list of non-company shareholders who have met at least a minimum threshold for potential interest in investing in the company 506. In some embodiments, the list of the company shareholders will include both holders of common and preferred shares in the company. Some embodiments identify shareholders in book entry form, while other embodiments identify shareholders in certificated form. In some embodiments, a former investor in the company qualifies as meeting the minimum threshold for showing potential interest in the company and is eligible to receive the preliminary prospectus. A former investor could include a former owner of company stock or equity, or a day/swing trader who may enter in and out of company stock on a daily or weekly basis.
Preferred embodiments include defining a class of potential investors, where the class is aggregated from the list of company shareholders or the identified non-company shareholders 508. The preliminary prospectuses are then distributed to at least some members of the identified class of potential investors 510, and a distribution list of the members of the class of potential investors who have received the preliminary prospectus on the immutable blockchain is recorded 512. Some preferred embodiments also include a time stamp of receipt, which is also recorded on the immutable blockchain. Some embodiments also include the name, address and current investment status of the members of the class of potential investors. Preferred embodiments also include receiving an indication of interest from at least two members of the class of potential investors who received the preliminary prospectus 514, which are recorded on the immutable blockchain, and which are prioritized by the time that each was received 516. In these embodiments, the first indication of interest received has priority over the second indication of interest received. Preferred embodiments next include creating a list of prioritized members eligible to invest in the company based upon the recorded time and date of the indication of interest 518, and creating a fair distribution flow of the public offering by providing prioritized members a fair distribution of securities 520.
In preferred embodiments, the described method includes members having to disclose their levels of interest by monetary amount. In some of these embodiments, which comprise a set threshold of capital to raise, interested investors are awarded shares on a first come first serve basis until that threshold is met. For example, if a company wants to raise $10 million in an offering, investor A, who shows interest in the offering for $7 million on Monday, and investor B, who shows interest in the offering for $3 million on Tuesday, would be awarded their respected levels of interest. Under this example, investor C, who shows interest in the offering for $5 million on Wednesday, would not be entitled to any shares. Other embodiments of the present invention would look to discount the available number shares to investors A and B, and would allow investor C to have access to a discounted level of interest.
In other embodiments, the amount of capital (or range) a company intends to raise and the amount a single investor can contribute is included in the preliminary prospectus. For example, a company intending to raise $10 million in an offering could limit a single investors investment amount to $50,000, made available to the first 200 qualified individuals who show interest. In some embodiments, a date/deadline may be included in the opportunity to invest in an offering. In some embodiments, an investment minimum may act as a way to prioritize qualified investors. In other embodiments having no investment minimum, the timing of the expressed indication of interest, in relation to other interested investors, is the only method in which prioritization is measured.
In some preferred embodiments, the platform 100 of the current invention is engineered to host corporate governance information of a publicly traded company in order to prepare for, and comply with, a SEC financial statement audit. By storing specifically relevant information on the immutable blockchain 124, public companies can reduce both the cost and time spent on preparing for an audit. Storing information in this way can also give assurance to the auditor that information is accurate and has not been backdated or manipulated. These preferred embodiments include a method 600 of preparing for, and complying with, a SEC financial statement audit by recording corporate governance information. These preferred embodiments include drafting general corporate matters by a publicly traded company 602 and recording the general corporate matters on the immutable blockchain after creation or after a material change 604. In these embodiments, each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt, and each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed on the blockchain. The general matters include information routinely requested by an SEC auditor, specifically: articles of incorporation, bylaws, board of director minutes, contractual obligations and commitments, lease agreements—operating or capital, purchase agreements, annual corporate filings for state regulatory purposes, employment agreements or contracts, consulting agreements or contracts, litigation matters involving the company, corporate acquisition agreements or valuation reports, debt or equity agreements, and a list of company shareholders. In some embodiments, all of these documents may be required to be stored on the immutable blockchain 124. In other embodiments, only some of these documents/information may be required to be stored on the immutable blockchain 124.
These preferred embodiments also include drafting financial and accounting matters by the publicly traded company 606 and recording the financial and accounting matters on the immutable blockchain at least every 30 days 608. Each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt, and each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed. The financial and accounting matters include information routinely requested by and SEC auditor, specifically: detail trail balance, general ledger, journal entries not system generated, draft financial statements, cash flow and EPS (earnings per share) schedules, internal control and changes, cash accounts—bank statements and reconciliations as of end of period, repaid expenses—documentation of additions and period amortization/write-offs, receivables—documentation for changes from prior period and analysis of collectability, accounts payable aging, accrued expenses detail listing, notes payable, equity transactions, and revenue. In some embodiments, all of these documents may be required to be stored on the immutable blockchain 124. In other embodiments, only some of these documents/information may be required to be stored on the immutable blockchain 124. In some preferred embodiments, the note payable information includes note payable roll forward schedule with BCF calculation, note conversion calculations for all transactions during the period, and/or note agreement for outstanding notes and notes settled. In some preferred embodiments, the equity transactions include equity activity, supporting documents for all shares, options & warrants issued, valuation of any warrants or options, and stock ledger showing number of outstanding shares and listing of shareholders. In some embodiments, the revenue information includes an explanation for significant changes to revenue steam and expenses, new products or sources of revenue, changes in supply chain for inventory, and/or major customers and vendors.
Preferred embodiments also include drafting tax filing maters by the publicly traded company 610 and recording the tax filing matters on the immutable blockchain within the time requirements specified by the tax deadlines or after a material change 612. Each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt and each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed. In these preferred embodiments, the tax filing matters include annual filings for federal and state tax authorities, local tax filings—sales tax; and/or employment tax filings—quarterly and annual.
Preferred embodiments also include drafting SEC filing matters by the publicly traded company 614 and recording the SEC filing matters on the immutable blockchain within the time requirements specified by the SEC deadlines or after a material change 616. Each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt and each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed. In these preferred embodiments, the SEC filing matters include filing form 10K, filing form 10Q, filing form 8K, registration statements, private placement offering memorandums; and/or press releases.
Preferred embodiments also include completing SEC auditor due diligence documents by the publicly traded company 618. Some preferred embodiments also include recording the SEC auditor due diligence documents on the immutable blockchain in preparation of an SEC audit, ether after completed or after signoff by the SEC auditor at the completion of an audit. Each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt, and each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed. Preferred embodiments also include creating a list of certificate holders that have at least some access to the recorded information about the publicly traded company on the immutable blockchain, designating an SEC auditor as a certificate holder 620, and providing at least some of the recorded information on the immutable blockchain to the SEC auditor for completion of a SEC financial statement audit of the public company 622. In these embodiments, the auditor is provided immutably verifiable recorded company information that is time-stamped and that cannot be subject to subsequent data entry manipulation.
Other preferred embodiments include systems and methods for preparing for a merger or acquisition and collecting and storing required and other pertinent information on an immutable blockchain. Like other embodiments, the collected merger and/or acquisition information is stored on an immutable blockchain, which is time-stamped and cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed. These embodiments apply both to public and private companies that are currently undergoing a merger or acquisition, or companies that may undergo one in the future. Information from both companies is stored on the immutable blockchain, and may include, for example, in certain preferred embodiments, certain corporate governance information and/or audit information. In some preferred embodiments, the categories of information collected and stored from both companies involved in the transaction may be the same. In other preferred embodiments, the categories of information collected and stored from both companies may be different. In some preferred embodiments, information from both companies is collected and stored at least every 30 days until close of the transaction, wherein each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt, and wherein each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed. These preferred embodiments may also include drafting tax filing maters by the target companies and recording the tax filing matters on the immutable blockchain within the time requirements specified by the tax deadlines or after a material change, wherein each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt, and wherein each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed.
In most preferred embodiments, financial statements must be prepared by both companies and stored on the immutable blockchain, which also includes updating these financial statements and saving them on the blockchain until the close of the transaction, before any offering of public or private securities can be made. In most preferred embodiments, these statements and disclosures used in preparation will dictate the offering terms and story into a memorandum or prospectus. In some preferred embodiments dealing with private offerings, SEC reporting information, i.e. SEC filing matters and SEC auditor documents, may not be required. However, in most preferred embodiments, officer, director and company disclosures would still need to be drafted and stored on the blockchain, which could then be made available to auditors upon their request.
Other preferred embodiments may include a private company or SPAC (special purpose acquisition company) collecting information and storing that information on an immutable blockchain when preparing for an IPO. Generally, a private company offering of a private placement of securities or assets to accredited investors is not required to disclose an audit, but current unaudited statements need to be available to investors upon request. Therefore, in some embodiments, the present systems and methods will require an audit to be stored on the immutable blockchain for reference during these transactions. In some preferred embodiments, information from the private company is collected and stored at least every 30 days until close of the transaction, wherein each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt, and wherein each recording cannot be subsequently manipulated or changed.
Other preferred embodiments may also incorporate similar aspects of the disclosed systems and methods, i.e. drafting and storing pertinent information on an immutable blockchain, and may facilitate a wide range of related transactions. For example, all SEC, State or Federal regulated offerings, that require pre-filing, post-filing or are exempted from registration, have some level of offering documentation and financial reporting requirement to the SEC and/or public and private shareholders. In this regard, the present invention of storing information on an immutable blockchain may also include: (1) a public to public-secondary offering; (2) public to private offering-private placement of discounted restricted securities, made available to accredited investors only; (3) private to public offering, i.e. IPO-SPAC; and (4) private to private offering, i.e. pre-IPO, gen/limited partnership, private placement of securities, assets or income producing assets, made available to accredited investors only. These embodiments may function similarly to previously disclosed systems and methods of the present inventions, for example, by drafting the required documentation necessary to complete the transaction by all parties involved, adhering to any timeliness requirements, and storing the pertinent information on an immutable blockchain for verification and review by any third parties.
Other embodiments include systems and methods of recording a certified track record for trading stock and commodities on an immutable blockchain. These embodiments disclose storing pertinent trading information on an immutable blockchain for preparing for, and complying with, a third party certified accounting method for recording stock or commodity executed trades. The recorded information, which cannot be subsequently backdated or manipulated, provides third party auditable compliant and accurate information, which certifies the track record. These systems and methods are useful to traders who need an objective way to prove their trading track record, which when stored on an immutable blockchain, is not subject to manipulation. For example, these embodiments include recording the trading and execution on the immutable blockchain immediately and at least every day a trade is executed with cumulative totals daily at market close, wherein each recording comprises a time stamp of receipt. In some preferred embodiments, the recordings include the type of stock or commodity bought or sold, the price, number of shares, profits or losses, holding period, etc. By recording this information on the blockchain, a trader can track and provide information related to successful trading patterns, history, overall performance, sector performance, etc., which may be necessary to attract new and/or additional investment.
All directional references (e.g. top, bottom, front, back) are only used for identification purposes to aid the reader's understanding of the embodiments of the present invention, and do not create limitations, particularly as to the position, orientation, or use of the invention unless specifically set forth in the claims. Joinder references (e.g. attached, coupled, connected, and the like) are to be construed broadly and may include intermediate members between a connection of elements and relative movement between elements. As such, joinder references do not necessarily infer that two elements are directly connected and in fixed relation to each other.
The above-described benefits, embodiments, and/or characterizations are not necessarily complete or exhaustive, and in particular, as to the patentable subject matter disclosed herein. Other benefits, embodiments, and/or characterizations of the present invention are possible utilizing, alone or in combination, as set forth above and/or described in the accompanying figures and/or in the description herein below.
The phrases “at least one,” “one or more,” and “and/or,” as used herein, are open-ended expressions that are both conjunctive and disjunctive in operation. For example, each of the expressions “at least one of A, B and C,” “at least one of A, B, or C,” “one or more of A, B, and C,” “one or more of A, B, or C,” and “A, B, and/or C” means A alone, B alone, C alone, A and B together, A and C together, B and C together, or A, B and C together.
Unless otherwise indicated, all numbers expressing quantities, dimensions, conditions, and so forth used in the specification and drawing figures are to be understood as being approximations which may be modified in all instances as required for a particular application of the novel assembly and method described herein.
The term “a” or “an” entity, as used herein, refers to one or more of that entity. As such, the terms “a” (or “an”), “one or more” and “at least one” can be used interchangeably herein.
The use of “including,” “comprising,” or “having” and variations thereof herein is meant to encompass the items listed thereafter and equivalents thereof as well as additional items. Accordingly, the terms “including,” “comprising,” or “having” and variations thereof can be used interchangeably herein.
It shall be understood that the term “means” as used herein shall be given its broadest possible interpretation in accordance with 35 U.S.C., Section 112(f). Accordingly, a claim incorporating the term “means” shall cover all structures, materials, or acts set forth herein, and all of the equivalents thereof. Further, the structures, materials, or acts and the equivalents thereof shall include all those described in the Summary, Brief Description of the Drawings, Detailed Description and in the appended drawing figures.
In methodologies directly or indirectly set forth herein, various steps and operations are described in one possible order of operation, but those skilled in the art will recognize that steps and operations may be rearranged, replaced, or eliminated without necessarily departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. It is intended that all matter contained in the above description or shown in the accompanying drawings shall be interpreted as illustrative only and not limiting. Changes in detail or structure may be made without departing from the spirit of the invention as defined in the appended claims.
The above-described benefits, embodiments, and/or characterizations are not necessarily complete or exhaustive, and in particular, as to the patentable subject matter disclosed herein. Other benefits, embodiments, and/or characterizations of the present invention are possible.
1. A computer-implemented method for trading registered equities with the Securities and Exchange Commission on an immutable blockchain, the method comprising:
in real time, with trading software executing on a digital trading platform: inviting at least one customer of at least one broker dealer to: participate as a user on the digital trading platform; and to take at least one action, wherein the at least one action comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer; receiving the at least one of an order, bid or offer, wherein the at least one of the order, bid or offer comprises at least one digital price; encrypting the at least one of an order, bid or offer as encrypted data; storing the encrypted data and the at least one digital price on a blockchain, such that the at least one of an order, bid or offer is cash immutable and creates an immutably verifiable record that is time-stamped and that cannot be subject to subsequent data entry manipulation; providing a quote of the at least one digital price in order to facilitate at least one transaction; regulating the at least one transaction by providing at least some access of the at least one transaction on the digital trading platform to at least one regulatory entity; and completing the at least one transaction by integrating with an existing brokerage ecosystem.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one regulatory entity is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
3. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one regulatory entity is the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
4. The method of claim 1, further comprising encrypting personally identifiable information regarding the at least one customer such that only an approved certificate holder can access the personally identifiable information.
5. The method of claim 1, further comprising encrypting trading information regarding the at least one customer such that only an approved certificate holder can access the trading information.
6. The method of claim 4, wherein the Securities and Exchange Commission is an approved certificate holder that can access the personally identifiable information.
7. The method of claim 5, wherein the Securities and Exchange Commission is an approved certificate holder that can access the trading information.
8. The method of claim 4, wherein the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority is an approved certificate holder that can access the personally identifiable information.
9. The method of claim 5, wherein the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority is an approved certificate holder that can access the trading information.
10. The method of claim 6, wherein the Securities and Exchange Commission can provide a third-party non-certificate holder with access to the personally identifiable information upon request and approval.
11. The method of claim 7, wherein the Securities and Exchange Commission can provide a third-party non-certificate holder with access to the trading information upon request and approval.
12. The method of claim 8, wherein the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority can provide a third-party non-certificate holder with access to the personally identifiable information upon request and approval.
13. The method of claim 9, wherein the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority can provide a third-party non-certificate holder with access to the trading information upon request and approval.
14. The method of claim 11, wherein the immutable blockchain technology prevents order manipulation.
15. The method of claim 1, further comprising cryptographically verifying the at least one of an order, bid or offer on the blockchain.
16. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one of an order, bid or offer comprises a bid, ask, trade, cancellation, or modification.
17. A computer-implemented method for trading registered equities with the Securities and Exchange Commission on an immutable blockchain, the method comprising:
in real time, with trading software executing on a digital trading platform: inviting at least one customer of at least one broker dealer to: participate as a user on the digital trading platform; and to take at least one action, wherein the at least one action comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer; receiving the at least one of an order, bid or offer, wherein the at least one of the order, bid or offer comprises at least one digital price; encrypting the at least one of an order, bid or offer as encrypted data; storing the encrypted data and the at least one digital price on a blockchain, such that the at least one of an order, bid or offer is cash immutable and creates an immutably verifiable record that is time-stamped and that cannot be subject to subsequent data entry manipulation; providing a quote of the at least one digital price in order to facilitate at least one transaction; regulating the at least one transaction by providing at least some access of the at least one transaction on the digital trading platform to at least one regulatory entity; completing the at least one transaction by integrating with an existing brokerage ecosystem; and charging the at least one broker dealer for facilitating the invitation of the at least one customer to use the digital trading platform.
18. The method of claim 17, further comprising encrypting personally identifiable information regarding the at least one customer such that only an approved certificate holder can access the personally identifiable information.
19. The method of claim 17, further comprising encrypting trading information regarding the at least one customer such that only an approved certificate holder can access the trading information.
20. A computer-implemented method for trading registered equities with the Securities and Exchange Commission on an immutable blockchain, the method comprising:
in real time, with trading software executing on a digital trading platform: inviting at least two customers of at least one broker dealer to: participate as users on the digital trading platform; and to take at least one action by each of the two users, wherein the at least one action by each of the two users comprises the placement of at least one of an order, bid or offer; receiving the at least one of an order, bid or offer by each of the two users, wherein the at least one of the order, bid or offer by each of the two users comprises at least two digital prices; encrypting the at least one of an order, bid or offer by each of the two users as encrypted data; storing the encrypted data and the at least two digital prices on a blockchain, such that each order, bid or offer is cash immutable and creates an immutably verifiable record that is time-stamped and that cannot be subject to subsequent data entry manipulation; providing a quote of the at least two digital prices in order to facilitate at least one transaction; regulating the at least one transaction by providing at least some access of the at least one transaction on the digital trading platform to at least one regulatory entity; and completing the at least one transaction by integrating with an existing brokerage ecosystem.
Tell me you are challenged without telling me you are challenged.
A lot of questions and not a lot of answers to shareholders. We are seeing this in spades now - delayed answering brief due to joint extension (why is BEGI signing off on more time when there is federal assertions? More than enough time for settlement, nothing has happened. SH want answers now). Dec 20 .....⏳️ "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
Also - BEGI is now late with 10Q by quite a stretch and have some interesting 8k filing timing relative to volume.
Hey, if you are right on your liability stuff, I can just write this off on my taxes potentially!
As for you, I don't spend time thinking about what the flip you do with this stock. You have demonstrated that you have an interest in trading cycles and went as so far to get blocked by Fidelity for the purchase volume. I would pay to facilitate a merger between this company and the health company you post about, so we can see morph into a whole new spectacle. Health beds on blockchain or something. 🤣
Flip those blockchain beds.
Don't forget to leave a mint on my pillow.
You don't understand the humor at all.
Refer back to the linked evidence.
You think I care to pontificate to dilution dumpers, scoring 'points' on Ihub? 🤣
more humor though. 😆
Double flush.
First of all, this is what I have been telling you for months now. Playing dilution trading games with this stock and your cycle strategy is VOID, a gigantic waste of time.
Nobody cares what you flippers do. There are probably no flippers to begin with, as you even speculate with your 'painting the tape' assertion.
The only way BEGI moves this paper is if they have tangible news or something external which has been speculated about. Flippers like you buying 1,000,000 shares does nada.
Every time I see Goldman in an article, I just think of them pimping out toxic notes in Nevada to OTC companies. At least this board provided entertainment in perpetuity.
Speaking of which, has anyone found registered dealer information or FINRA, SEC, sources that would point to some kind of documentation of identification.
Still waiting.