A couple questions. A few days ago, a phase 2 study showed pediatric patients tolerated Rolvedon without requiring dose reduction. I could not copy link, but can find on Stocktwits ASRT from poster Avedesian. What is the significance? Does this mean Assertio may market to pediatric patients now, or phase 3 required? Also, this poster says that Neulasta and biosimilars required dose reduction for pediatric patients. Does this mean R is safer? How does this differentiate R from Neulasta and biosimilars? Next question: Hanmi recently said in interview with a Korean biopharma news that they expect R to be successful in their same day dosing trial to get a 'competitive edge'. IMO this appears to be a sign that they will continue with another study if the current study is successful. Another poster on X, claiming to be a doctor (this was copied on Stocktwits) said that they expect it to be short study due to requiring only one cycle of treatment. Any ideas of how long to complete another study, including enrollment? Should this be a quicker study? TIA!