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Time has been running for over a decade. Dilution and toxic financing has reduced the original investor’s equity in the company to a mere fraction of what we had.
It’s disgusting how Jim Sims keeps responding with the same canned responses to investor’s concerns.
Hopefully Godzilla will destroy Washington D.C.
Godzilla will team up with King Kong, and Mothra to Make America Great Again!!!!
Ver good? Very positive? It’s literally the same BS that Sims has spewed for years. There’s absolutely nothing new to any of Jim’s responses.
One thing is for certain, Mark and his team are very good and making very bad business deals. If the deal doesn’t consist of a high interest rate with massive dilution, they won’t fool with it. Mark Smith never fails to disappoint.
That company has a market cap greater than 8X ours with institutional ownership greater than 67% compared to Niocorp’s mere 6%. Why are institutional investors avoiding Niocorp? Where is the competitive tension with lenders? Why does Niocorp management continue to use toxic lending that drops the share price to keep the lights on?
It’s going to be well over a billion with the inflation over the past 4 years. There are no other her financing opportunities. The competitive tension between lenders was clearly BS. The company has been surviving on convertible loans that have destroyed the market cap and share price. Mark has made fools of all the long term shareholders that kept this company afloat for the past decade. I’m mad as hell about the incompetence and the smoke and mirrors game they’ve pulled the past decade
There is no connection. They would have been a better investment than Niocorp. It’s hard to take Niocorp management seriously anymore. They have talked shit for a decade and they don’t even have a viable feasibility study at this point. More drilling is needed and no one is coming up with the money. It’s been nearly two years since those assholes held a town hall with investors in Nebraska.
To be fair, Niocorp has not met and of the analysts projections and makes H.C. Wainwright look like fools
So cool, thought you were supposed to be here for the ground breaking years ago. You’re a fraud, just like your friends in Centennial, CO
Seriously, they brought in “new staff” that are incompetent and that why we lost over $300 million (80%) in market cap?!?! Derp! Drrrrrr!
They started a blog several years ago that lasted a minute.
An announcement like this would have created some excitement with investors, but years and years of symposiums and conferences have resulted in nothing.
Investors are numb to all the hype that never comes to fruition. The Stellantis and EXIM that we were told was in the making and we would hear something in months has turned into years. Then we find out we need additional drilling before EXIM will proceed. Niocorp management has not proven themselves to be trustworthy or men of their word.
They can’t miss another opportunity to spend investor money with nothing to show in return. Mark will probably make connections for another SPAC deal that will cost us money to complete the deal and wipe out the pathetic $62.83 million in market cap that is remaining today.
Mark Smith never fails to disappoint, destroy market cap, and devalue shareholder value.
He makes himself look like a bigger fool every day. Mark has made fools of everyone, but the majority of us have come to that realization. No one likes to be taken for a fool. It’s embarrassing and makes a person feel stupid, but Walter seems to be having a difficult time coming to the realization that he has been taken for a fool.
It’s a most like they are intentionally driving the share price into the ground! Hmmmmmm 🤔
Down to a mere 16 cents for us loyal (or is it stupid) long term shareholders!!! Pathetic!
They have gained plenty over the past decade. Millions and millions of dollars in salaries. Mark has no more skin in the game. He got paid handsomely for the short term loan he had in the company and cashed out. The shares he has I. The company cost him pennies.
We have been taken to the cleaners by Mark. He made a very bad deal with some very bad people. He is no longer the majority shareholder.
Do a little DD, they are the scumbags. I thought they would want to redeem themselves with Niocorp, but they have shown themselves to be the scum that they were born to be. They are opportunistic parasites
Was there ever a lender?!?! If Mark wanted to gain any kind of confidence back from investors he would explain what happened. There’s no reason he couldn’t explain this now since that never came to fruition. He looks like a complete fraud now!
Mark and his team of misfits have proven themselves to be very weak. Very sad that these clowns have fleeced so many people of their hard earned money, wealth, and integrity. I do not believe their actions will go unnoticed or unanswered.
There’s only about 5% of the Gen Y and Gen Z that have any integrity. They want six figure salaries for doing nothing and not providing any results.
The Boomers and Gen X had 95% integrity and were paid minimum wage to start their careers and provide for their families. It’s looking like Niocorp manglememt were the 5% remaining amount of that generation that are like the 95% of the current generations.
How’s that working out for you? 🙃
Doom and gloom, that’s the only thing we’ve recieved from management for years now. Disastrous SPAC that cost investors money, one for ten dilution, hundreds of millions in market cap loss, EXIM loan stalled until further drilling is performed. Come on, Mark Smith never fails to disappoint
Shhhhhhhhh, just relax and stay tuned.
Looking like a caravan of investors to Centennial might be coming in the near future. It’s time we see what our millions of dollars is paying for.
Mark never fails to disappoint 😓
Tick, tock…….ten years plus wasted. Many lives lost and millions in the pockets of incompetent people sitting in Centennial, Colorado
You just keep giving investors more and more reasons to despise you. Between your constant boot polishing of management despite their constant failures and praise of the NY governor, it’s clear you’re a complete and total moron.
I would like to know who knew and for how long on EXIM requiring additional drilling.
Based on the past decade, we sucked it up and sucked it up good. It appears that Walter has been a very useful tool for Niocorp management.
It would be redeeming of Mark, Jim, and Scott if they were to have a Q&A with the retail investors who kept them and their families fed for the past decade. Instead, they appear to have contempt for the investors who believed in them and supported them for the past decade.
I want to know WTF Dean Kehler, Michael Maselli and Jay Bloom have accomplished except destroy the market cap and gain majority ownership of the company for doing absolutely nothing. The deal cost retail investors millions and those bastards now control nearly 20% of the company…..WHY?!?!
Walter would disagree with that assessment. It seems they’re only transparent with him and only him…
If Mark and Jim had any shred of integrity left, they would hold a town hall in Nebraska now. Answers to the disastrous merger and subsequent failure to secure financing until additional drilling is completed are needed. It’s pure cowardice to ignore investors concerns while commanding significant salaries and bonuses.
They bought into Mark’s BS like everyone else. Here we are at less than $70 million in market cap and massive equity dilution ahead of they ever get financing. What a fu*king nightmare!
It’s taken us years to and a loss of hundreds of millions in market cap to come to that realization.
You keep saying that over and over for years and years. I personally know of 3 shareholders that have had their own personal groundbreaking and have sadly passed away while waiting for this project.
It’s painfully clear that we have been misled over the years. We have months, if not years of additional drilling and engineering work that needs to be completed…..and that is if they can get funding. In the meantime, we continue to have our shares diluted into oblivion, but management continues to draw hefty salaries and bonuses. Other than you, the majority of shareholders are done with the Niocorp mismanagement team!
Believe me, I’d rather have a tub of KFC.
Unfortunately, we are left with the leftover bones of Dean Kehler’s El Pollo Loco meal from the floorboard his Rolls Royce
Niocorp should send out complimentary tubes of KY Jelly with the Niocorp logo for the continuous ass pounding they keep giving stockholders.
Mark has made a complete fool of Walter. I can not understand his continued obsession with Mark. It’s rather pathetic to see a grown man constantly being taken advantage of. It’s absolutely disgusting to witness this elder abuse.
Of course! Will be a billion outstanding shares, but we’ll get funding.