Well, I gave him a call. He could of just been giving me a story but what he said was, he makes a ton of calls to people that own all sorts of penny stocks and leaves voicemails. Basically he said he wouldn't be the one buying my APYP shares. If I were to say I was interested in selling it he would just send it up the ladder and somebody else would be getting back to me on how much they would buy it for. He said usually the offer is a 30 - 40% discount off of what the market price is. He said to try it myself and try to sell my position at market prices and when a month goes by and i haven't sold any shares because its impossible than to give him a call again and his company would consider buying them. I've owned this stock for over 5 years now. Got into it before SleepX was even in the picture cause a friend was somewhat involved in it. I have 53,000+ shares now. Had 10.5 million or something before the reverse split. I've considered it a loss and just hoping to win the lottery with it now. So I don't plan to sell anything now. Paying attention to SleepX though. Hopefully they come through and start selling an actual product.