sleeping with one eye opened
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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
GSM - still holding it after few ins and outs since $0.48.
currently holding over 24,000 shares...and from current price $8.77 I do expect another 100% return
Silicon metal and its alloys rock and so will Ferroglobe
McDermott receives offers to sell tech unit Lummus for OVER (means OVER) $2.5B
Read here
and OFFERS..not one...but OFFERS...does not look very good for by BK obssessed shorties...Monday could be the day of massive buying...combined with massive short covering.
Waiting in the beginning will turn at cca 11:00 into hysterical reaction..but this time the opposite way. Debt due 2025, approximately $2.7 B for Lummus and another cca $0.8B for tank and pipe unit. + backlog of $20B in the pocket...
We may call Dickson CEO of the year in 2020
The prices of silicon are down...
and this is the message we were waiting for:
Time to load the boat. Nervours traders and companies will start to bid to get advantage of those low prices .. and silicon metal and all other commodities will jump..
I bet on that 18000 shares
yes..very scary... they should clarify, if the expected loss for Q4 of $81 million is included to these $168 million or if it is extra $168 million..
But much more scary is - they declared, there will be no other material changes...and here wego...these projects should run through the whole 4 quarters of 2019 and be finnished in 2020... so we can be almost sure...there might be a bad surprise in earnings call... and sometimes maybe also in between of them... :-/
That is not huge...they do not generate money even from consulting, like they did in the past. Now their only source of money are..shareholders.
After all those years they still deliver only..promises
That is not huge...they do not generate money even from consulting, like they did in the past. Now their only source of money are..shareholders.
After all those years they still deliver only..promises
Earnings are the question mark, respectively material changes......therefore we will stay between $8.00-$9.50 till 24th February.... Deep pocket shorts were covering on up days with volume over 6million... they can always come back after earnings.
$8.00-$9.50 is the range where insiders were heavily buying.... Retail shorts who are shorting now will get very probably they are betting against CEO David Dickson...they are betting that he has changed... While I bet he is still the same guy who can really well calculate bids and who turned around McDermott and now will do the same with CBI... After earnings we jump 20%..not sure from what basis, but far above $10...and then slowly but steadily up... cash flow positive latest in the second half 2019 legacy projects inclusive...
Up to $18 !
The MBA Purchase Index, a leading indicator of home sales, climbed to the highest level since 2010.
MTG is the biggest mortgage insurance company on the market
very interesting....these money have no other option than go back to stocks. Economy is running, employers are hiring and stocks are cheap...I have sold MTG for years ago for $9, I was running it from $2.10 to $9..I remember you very well.
I was shocked to see MTG under $ I was buying it again... their P/E is at 6, their PPS/Book value is almost 1...and was used to be 6-7...before housing crisis. Market is stupid. Searching for market mistakes is however the only way how to make big money...
submission date 31st October
Game has chnaged...since the last week I guess it is you who is now totally let us see, based on new bipartsan bill, if they will apply for DOE funding...and if they get any.
DOE is not retail investor. If they give any funding, then it will be not based on "intuition"
If they give nothing, then flush the toilet here and turn off the light.
For the moment the odds are: lose one dollar or gain 15-30.. I have started initial position and I am in waiting mode
LTBR - some more notes
Yes, I believe this drinking man will make it . And I believe just now : JULY - AUGUST - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER , just now is the best timing for purchase the stock of Lightbridge Corp. I am around since their Thorium Power era....and now I am back in....the best way you make money is to follow the stocks, keep the notes...even for a decade... and either erase them from your watch list or keep waiting for your time...of course, on every successfull pick you have, you get at least the same amount of picks of not succes... I did that with MTG, BLDP, NOK, I am doing it with GTXI, OTEL.....but while by not success I mean every stock where I stay equal or lose up to 20%, the success stories I calculate as those where the realized profit is over 100%...much over it...
And my addidtional pick is LTBR. Either quit in January with 10%-20% loss /if no application to DOE is sent)
Or enjoy up to 300% gain in 6 months...eventualy 3000% gain in 5 years...
You make your choice, I have done my first 2 initial buys...10,000 shares +12,000 I am in waiting mode. Usually, if my estimation is confirmed, I am used to add...only money make money. Good luck, mates...
FOX NEWS video
9 months chart
5 monhts chart
it can help in many areas....problem is that for EVERY area to cure, it must be tested and get FDA approval.
I believe that is why they have chosen at the end this most lucrative field of incontinence.
I believe, as soon as they get approval from FDA, they will start the test trials on various different areas.
This stock will most probably be a phenomenal example like from penny stock one can get to stock worth of hundreds.
Unless they will be acquired first...
What is very likely will happen, would be not the first time, when my expected stream of future gains has been cut by immediate short term smaller gain - because of buyout...
LTBR - Bringing a new twist to nuclear fuel
GTXI -some more notes
Hey, this! That desperacy in those requests for help... FDA should approve GTX-024 asap. It is hard to read... no help around. But you must read it, just to get the idea what a bomb we keep here hidden under four capital letters G T X I
LTBR - some more notes
Insider Activity (SEC Form 4)
Plans For New Reactors Worldwide
(Updated August 2018)
US dignitaries endorse nuclear's importance
27 June 2018
you have missed "...and opportunities in company´s segment of economy" which is most important in case of BLDP
That was an advise from somebody who was running BLDP from November 2016 till November 2017...
was buying from $1.90 to $3.00...and was selling at $4.85, $5.50 and $5.55 as the market cap got highly overpriced...
Let me remind you this is BLDP board. I am not doing analysis to any stock I am not interested in, because I am not interested in stocks which are already on their run. So, sorry, I will not even search for the name of that other company...
After selling BLDP I have increased my position in GTXI.
I was buying this stock from $5.70 to $12.12 (now still own 14,500 shares, sold only 1,100 shares for tax reasons at $22 in March). This stock is example of run on opportunity...still more than 100% space to go
OTEL is my other holding, almost 7,000 shares. That is just the opposite company, where segment is not that sexy and opportunities are not that high, but company is very profitable.
So basicaly I am searching for turnarounds. And I hold for long and I am adding if turnaround is proved. If not I quit as soon as noticed.
My current golden pot seems to be LTBR, where I have started initial position with 10,000 shares based on latest conference call and yesterday have added 12,000 shares after the news about bipartisan bill 3422...I see here potential of $3-$5 till end of February 2019
Note : I follow the stock I choose for decade or more...and when I finally see the opportunity, I am buying that company.
That is the same I did with Ballard. I follow it for 8 years now...and if I see opportunity, I will not hesitate to buy it again...But I search the stocks with +100% opportunity in one year...and currently Ballard seems to be not the hottest candidate. That does not mean it cannot break $4.00 to Christmas time...
My note to you was on that chart. Chart is for daytraders which I am not. That is why I do not play forex, commodities, bitcoin. I do not understand these things. But I do understand companies, because I am the director of one. And we have sister or daughter companies worldwide. Currently I am busy with our new joint venture in India. And because we are international company, I do understand also developments in economy of different markets we supply to...
I have come back to market with my new philosophy of patience and no love to stocks in 2012. Since then I have turned $10,000 into almost $500,000...this money I have now only in 3 stocks.
And with my curent pace I plan to reach $1,000,000 at the end of 2020. Important thing is..I do not depend on this money, so I take it more as a game. But truth is that I am more miserable on red days
BLDP was one of the companies which did attract me on my way...and I keep it on my watch list.
Have a nice day and good luck with stocks. And some fun too
think about revenues, cash flow, book value, debt and income...and opportunities in company´s segment of economy.
We talk about companies. That is the only way how to make long term money in stocks. Trying to find in charts some magic, which disqualifies above like making the gold out of the wood
Update on current holdings:
GTXI because if Phase 2 confirms Phase 1, 50dollars is not a limit
100-400% still to go (14,541 shares, average $8.143) current pps $22.16
OTEL because of high profitability and undervalued price
up to 80-100% still to go (6,770 shares, average $13.658) current pps $16.60
SNFCA sold to get more LTBR
LTBR on expectation of DOE funding and first testing contract
Up to over 1000% eventualy (22,000 shares, average $1.0115) current pps 1.00
Portolio value : $456,000
this is exactly the boost needed for all nuclear energy stocks...but for LTBR especialy. Sold SNFCA to get more shares of Lightbridge Corp.
I have bought another 12000 shares based on this... now 22000
I am Thomas too... well, Tomas to be exact
I was active on ihub long time ago... then I quit and finaly make money. Hunting for pennie stocks runs to the moon is no more for me..
But I am searching for some platform and some people to share the ideas, to share the leads...discuss pluses and minuses and enjoying the winners.
So I am back here...
from conference call Q2 2018
-Lightbridge is applying for DoE funding this year. If awarded to us, we expect the grants could be quite significant
- spent fuel from our fuel designs cannot be used for the production of nuclear weapons
-in June, we were awarded a key patent filing to our metallic nuclear fuel assembly design.
-patent portfolio to cover an entire metallic fuel assembly of two-thirds water reactors worldwide.
-balance sheet remains strong, and we ended the quarter with approximately $25.7 million of cash,
- DoE tries to make announcements and decisions just over three months after applications are made. We will be applying this year.
- the lead test rod agreement that we intend to announce later this year or early next year, we’re pretty confident, not just which utility, but which specific reactors those would go into. And then the lead test assembly, which is really the final commercial product that bundle a few rods for the agreement in 2019 could be with the same utility and or with others.
-We expect the nuclear utility customers to provide cash and/or in-kind contributions for our project as it moves forward. That first contract could be this year.
-We expect to begin testing thermal conductivity fuel samples in a research reactor in 2020. In 2021, we anticipate the start of initial commercial demonstration by introducing a lead test rod assembly into a U.S. nuclear power plant.
-Final commercial demonstration comprising operation of multiple lead test assemblies in the U.S. nuclear power plant is expected to begin in 2023, 2024.
-does the company anticipate a reverse split in order to maintain the NASDAQ listing?
Seth Grae:
No, we do not expect that. We expect the milestones, which we announced, will be reflected in an increasing stock price.
Market Cap $29.771M PPS $1.01
if they get DOE funding, LTBR will be immediately $3-5 (end 2018/beginning 2019)
if they start commercial demonstration, they will be $500M to $1B company ...that equalts to pps of $15 to $30 (2023/2024)
These guys were never buying this much. I was owning this funkies when they were called Thorium Power... Then time to time I did the check. Yestaerday I was reading their last conference call, and I have bought today 10,000 shares. It is worth to try...
GRAE SETH Officer 08/29/2018 Buy direct 11,000 1.0000 83,815
MUSHAKOV ANDREY Officer 08/29/2018 Buy direct 11,000 0.9900 46,484
GOLDMAN LARRY Officer 08/29/2018 Buy direct 5,000 1.0000 15,000
GRAHAM THOMAS JR Officer 08/29/2018 Buy direct 1,000 1.0000 27,728
GRAHAM THOMAS JR Officer 08/14/2018 Buy direct 2,000 0.8799 26,728
I am sorry mate, nothing personal. That is pretty normal the stock do not move when we want or the way we want. I was just searching for the board I would enjoy to discuss opportunities...and did not find any active of my interest.
I care only about NASDAQ and NYSE stocks, turnaround stories. No interest in pinks and OTC..
Only exception is FNMAE in conservatorship, which I am following from sideways with one small trade in last day.
But normally I buy and wait. For Long.. I mean even for year or years if it makes sense...
My path to money was mainly via MTG, MDR, BLDP, GTXI (this one I still hold).
Good luck, tdeck
Update on current holdings:
GTXI because if Phase 2 confirms Phase 1, 50dollars is not a limit
100-400% still to go (14,100 shares, average $8.143) current pps $22.90
OTEL because of high profitability and undervalued price
up to 80-100% still to go (6,770 shares, average $13.658) current pps $17.15
SNFCA because of profitability and undervalued price, 50% discount on book value
up to 50-70% eventualy (2,300 shares, average $5.10) current pps $5.25
LTBR on expectation of DOE funding and first testing contract
Up to over 1000% eventualy (10,000 shares, average $1.0152) current pps 1.00
Portolio value : $471,000
from conference call Q2 2018
-Lightbridge is applying for DoE funding this year. If awarded to us, we expect the grants could be quite significant
- spent fuel from our fuel designs cannot be used for the production of nuclear weapons
-in June, we were awarded a key patent filing to our metallic nuclear fuel assembly design.
-patent portfolio to cover an entire metallic fuel assembly of two-thirds water reactors worldwide.
-balance sheet remains strong, and we ended the quarter with approximately $25.7 million of cash,
- DoE tries to make announcements and decisions just over three months after applications are made. We will be applying this year.
- the lead test rod agreement that we intend to announce later this year or early next year, we’re pretty confident, not just which utility, but which specific reactors those would go into. And then the lead test assembly, which is really the final commercial product that bundle a few rods for the agreement in 2019 could be with the same utility and or with others.
-We expect the nuclear utility customers to provide cash and/or in-kind contributions for our project as it moves forward. That first contract could be this year.
-We expect to begin testing thermal conductivity fuel samples in a research reactor in 2020. In 2021, we anticipate the start of initial commercial demonstration by introducing a lead test rod assembly into a U.S. nuclear power plant.
-Final commercial demonstration comprising operation of multiple lead test assemblies in the U.S. nuclear power plant is expected to begin in 2023, 2024.
-does the company anticipate a reverse split in order to maintain the NASDAQ listing?
Seth Grae:
No, we do not expect that. We expect the milestones, which we announced, will be reflected in an increasing stock price.
Market Cap $29.771M PPS $1.01
if they get DOE funding, LTBR will be immediately $3-5 (end 2018/beginning 2019)
if they start commercial demonstration, they will be $500M to $1B company ...that equalts to pps of $15 to $30 (2023/2024)
Congress Has now only 2 possibilities:
1) Declare communist like Nationalization of Fannie Mae
2) Declare it is still only Conservatorship and in such case it must decalre under which conditions Conservatorship ends. Otherwise go back to point 1
Temptation is simply too high if you compare the odds what you can lose/get :
1)Bill Ackman, who owns more of Fannie Mae's common stock than any other investor, made the case that even including the nearly 80% of the stock that the government would be entitled to, shares could be worth between $23 and $47 -- and the government could end up making more than $600 billion.
2)treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in a TV interview in April said he would focus on the issue after the November elections..
Turning to investments we know more about, Ackman talked Fannie Mae (OTCQB:FNMA) and Freddie Mac (OTCQB:FMCC). He says housing finance reform progress should pick up after the midterm elections. "At the end of the day, you have two of the greatest businesses ever created, in very strong, dominate positions, performing really well ... They’re in suspended animation until such time is there is a resolution here.”
FNMA - just considering. Made one small trade with gain $1,700
Bill Ackman's Pershing Square Portfolio - Q2 2018 Update
115.57M shares of FNMA at a cost-basis of $2.29 and 63.5M shares of FMCC at a cost-basis of $2.14. The combined investment outlay was ~$400M. FNMA & FMCC currently trade at $1.55 and $1.56 per share respectively. In March, Pershing Square said their Fannie/Freddie pfds now amounts to 21% of its total investment in the two GSEs. They said it is a hedge in case the resolution favors pfds more than the common.
So it seems commons still are considered as the shares with value also by Ackman.
And I agree with that. What is then the difference between conservatorship and receivership?
Why the stock is still possible to trade?
Conservatorship is by law not permanent but preliminary.
It will be 10 years ..There is definitely something boiling now.
drain the swamp
well you see I was right with MDR. Are there any stocks you follow now?
horrible call
Muddiole, we are slowly getting up there...I was expecting we will touch 20 in September againg...but new highs is a bonus.
Now to those $50....and over.
I mean, if the results are as expected, my calculation is defensive. So $50 is guaranteed if the results are good.
But the limit is the sky...really no idea... it can go over $100...maybe much more over...depends what margin they decide to have, how much women will be willing to pay for dry pants
give me some examples of chinese winners...I am sceptic on China. Lost quite a money on chinese scammers few years ago.
Currently biggest holding
GTXI because if Phase 2 confirms Phase 1, 50dollars is not a limit
100-400% still to go (average 8.50)
OTEL because of high profitability and undervalued price
up to 100% still to go (average 13.70)
SNFCA because of profitability and undervalued price, 50% discount on book value
up to 70% eventualy (average 5.10)
NM speculation on current rates of BDI Index
Up to 100% eventualy (average 0.84)
"Enobosarm's overall treatment effect was consistent with previously announced results, and importantly, these new results demonstrate that enobosarm may address a broader treatment need since many women suffer from symptoms of both stress and urge incontinence, also known as mixed incontinence," said Kenneth Peters, M.D., Chairman of Urology, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
results should be out in the second half of 2018
Currently biggest holding